>wears products of capitalism
Recently, commies and feminists have been spawning everywhere in our country. Should I move out where I'm free from this scourge?
>wears products of capitalism
Recently, commies and feminists have been spawning everywhere in our country. Should I move out where I'm free from this scourge?
What else is she gonna wear?
clothing created by communist societies-wait
Umm what sort of primate is that?
You're on tinder. Just pump their guts and get out.
>Should I move out where I'm free from this scourge?
No you stay and fight them
Defend your country
Where would you move to? The entire west is filled with commies and feminists.
Marmoset Amy.
>wearing union flag on shirt
I thought these idiots hated the UK because >muh imperialism
>Where would you move to?
Wherever you think the revolution will be least bloody. The U.S. will be horrific. Soyboys will team up with niggers to exterminate all white Christian men, then nogs will turn on the soyboys and exterminate them.
It's going to be easy removing these commies in the future.
In the future there will be no communists
She turned you down huh?
This literally always translates to Kant, Marx, Foucault, etc.
>internet dating
and wears a flag of the biggest colonialist empire in the history...
Nah, I don't swipe right to commies. Left is where they belong.
>Should I move out
to where? We have plenty of commie subhumans here too. We need to collectively gas them, not run
Isn't Philippines at war against communist insurgents?
Move where? North Korea? China? The shadow of Maoism is all over Asia and if you move to a white country you will become a permabutthurt beta on the lowest rung of the dating food chain.
do people really still think this is a clever argument?
you can live in a society and take part in aspects of it while being critical of it's overall structure.
Spencer is unironically correct in pic related
Like how you live in an Islamic society but can still be critical of it?
When you choose to purchase a product there are alternatives for and then criticize the product's producer for their conduct, it does demonstrate a kind of hypocrisy.
Case in point:
"I hate Apple's behavior towards their third world workers, so rather than buy a competitor's system or pursue some hip avant-garde alternative that doesn't rely on pennies-labor in China I am going to keep buying the hyper overpriced apple iphones"
There is no way an army of niggers would be able to exterminate right wing white men, especially since they tend to be the ones who own guns and take training.
She can also eat commie foo-
This. Stop being a pussy. If you run away, you're no better than the hordes of Muslim child molesters invading Europe.
Recently, commies have been spawning everywhere here too!
>whenever someone uses the word proletariat
Automatically ignore.
"From a Marxist perspective"
he's showing how it's internally consistent with Marxism
Oops, my mistake.
not recently.
I hate brown people, but I eat kebab.
Greeks do kebab
Ruined. I have been giving them money for all these years and still not paying debnts
>uses imported products
the problem is ((deeper))
>nationalism is an economic system
okay faggot
>pays taxes
kek, into the hole they goes
Not if you're criticism is that it should all be torn down because it's white and racist
>no communist in the future
>posts posadist future
really makes you think, huh?
>The U.S. will be horrific.
for you
You can’t buy anything that’s made in America anymore that’s a whol other issue
this is where you went wrong
Spencer is Nazbol, always was
Nudism should be a pillar of communism
Every time the cops kill a nog, all they do is ruin their own shit. Take a look at Migino Island, a dirt pile not even a half mile across on the eastern side of Lake Victoria. It's worthless, but Kenya and Uganda are currently in a territorial dispute over it.
They'll fight themselves over a piece of dirt before they fight anyone else over anything.
>wears ultimate flag of capitalistic imperialism and the largest empire in human history
what did she mean by this?
No, that's just East German autism.
Miningo Island*