Why is every "black" person who accomplishes something always mixed race?

Sometimes even less than mixed race. My pic is of Katherine Johnson from Hidden Figures. Also see former Va governor Douglas Wilder. Be honest, if you saw Johnson and Wilder and they claimed to be Italian, would you really have a tough time believing them? (Wilder is a little darker than Johnson is, but I still think he could at least pass for Sicilian.)

And somehow Hidden Figures portrayed Johnson as being a coal black nig nog.

You can't prove that scientifically, whiteboi.

Why is Dominican Republic better than Haiti? Inquiring minds want to know.

The whiter they are the smarter they are. American niggers should be thankful our ancestors raped and bred thier ancestors.


We also have a white population that literally owns and operates every industry.

All the blacks and mulatos work for us.

Most niggers in America have 25% white genes. Those who got the right combination of genes are quite capable and smart
> Daniel Cormier
> Obama

I think it's more like 15-20%, not 25%.

You are probably right.
The ones who do well are usually at most only half nigger anyways.

It's almost as if the cream rises to the top in a free market system... well close enough i guess. A truly developed nation is more complex than that. Haiti murdered all their white people and now live with the consequences.

Thomas Sowell isn't mixed race.
What the connection really is is strong father figures

Dave Chappell is 25%

Thomas Sowell has an admixture but looks pretty black. It's actually shocking to hear him talk and learn genuine things from his own original works.

she wasn't some "sassy stronk black woman who don't need no man," as portrayed in the niggerfilm. she was damn near white, it's the only reason she was hired.

Nobody gets any special favor in the universities here, I have seen the children of famous politicians fail miserably.

You get by or not purely on your own merit.

Whites dominate because we are intellectually superior, and it shows here.

You're reaching. She was black, everyone knew she was black and nobody treated her as "basically-white."

The majority of black people may be less intelligent than the majority of white people but there are still outliers at the far end of the bell curve, and these people should be celebrated and encouraged even if others like them are responsible for disproportionate amounts of crime.

She is not black, she is a quadroon at most.

She without a doubt inherited a white person's brain.

mixing with whites increases their intelligence;

You don't have to be 100% black to be black. Mulattoes, quadroons and even octaroons are black. Even if we are to accept that her intelligence comes from the white side of her heritage, that means you have to think of everyone with the degree of "blackness" as potentially having a "white person's brain" as you put it.

You're definitely a stable genius.

The one drop rule has always been in effect. Black Americans are by definition multi-racial.

Computers are the slaves of the slaves
When will they ask for equal rights

Calling mulatos blacks only serves to inflate the worth of the negro, mulatos can do things no full black could ever dream of achieving, they are not the same.

She is not white, and she is not black, she is a combination of both and a separate race.

Look at the average IQ in Haiti of 67.

That is what a black tier IQ is.

With no white admixture, 99.99% of full blacks will never, ever do what this woman supposedly did.

Actually it's more like 30% when you account for actual african immigrants who get lumped in as "african-american".

This is the leader of the black caucus .

99.99%?? You mean 0.01% of the black population of the world, about 1.3 billion people, are on this level of genius? 130,000 black people right now have that level of genius? Wow, you're a great optimist when it comes to black people.

Because racial purity is a myth.

that's something people never fully conceptualize. That's so few blacks. That's like having ~2000 smart black people only per african nation.

The one drop rule was initially started to block early generations of black Americans out of inheritance. We have to remain consistent. Black Americans are by definition mullatic. I'm black(both parents) in the US, and yet am lighter than most Dominicans who consider themselves "Latino" as a race.

The reason why american mixed with blacks don't identify more with whites is because there is no political advantage to being white in the Jew-run USA.

Here we took a very different path, mulatos and even blacks chose to behave white because that was and is the only way to advance here.

only whites succeed, im only half joking on that. have you noticed even in shitskin countries like south america, its really common for the president or whatever, to white or at least very lite skinned.

No, it's because whiteness is a closely guarded group and one drop laws mean all the mixed folks aren't allowed in. Shit, people on this board will tell you Italians and Irish aren't white, you think they're willing to accept an octoroon into the inner circle?

Half my country's population is of Haitian descent.

Just because they were born here does not mean they are Dominicans.

The USA has been trying to force us to keep them here for decades.

Dominicans regardless of race are united by the Spanish language and old Spanish culture, "latino" is a bullshit term invented by your Semitic government to classify people like cattle.

Since you latinos can't get along just try to genocide them again.

You seem to be failing to understand what I am saying.

Whites are one race.

Blacks are another.

And mulatos of all the varying degrees are also a separate race, which depending on mendelian genetics can inherit characteristics of both races.

You have to look at things from the biological point of view and not from a political point of view.

Your country would invade us again if we did.

lol, that ain't biology.

I understand your nation does not believe in things like chromosomes any more, but bear with me...

Go ahead, waiting for you to classify which genes are white and which are mulatto.

Race and gender a social construct, right?

Keep that shit to yourself.

Gringo pseudoscience is cancer.

Lol, she's like 80% white


Which genes buddy? Set down the goalposts and answer the question.

The blacker your skin, the lower your IQ and the least likely anyone will care about anything you do.

No, you are not educated enough to participate in a conversation about race-related genetic traits.

I am not an american, and I will call you a worthless fucking nigger to your face and tell you to shove your kike psuedoscience up your faggot mulato soyboy ass.

Have a nice day.

nu-males like you are the worse. I hope you kys, seriously.

Yeah, sign off rather than attempt to debate or answer a simple question. Adios amigo.

Or are they the worst?

no you are, kys soyboy piece of shit.

I feel like that one flew a little high. I'll lowball the next one.

Katherine was an above average employee with better attendance and less Kate times than most. Truly a remarkable feat for quadroons everywhere and one of the greatest black heroes of all time.

the truth is mixed kids often inherit the intellect (soul) of their white parent. many half black kids in germany have a european soul. i can see and feel it when i talk to them. black americans would call them oreos.
german mixed kids are good in school, good in sports, speak accent free german. generally pro-white.

Burak husajn makumba mama look like ((pixy)) accomplice Sandy from "Goodfellas" ((1990))...