what are Sup Forumss thoughts on Aydin Paladin?
What are Sup Forumss thoughts on Aydin Paladin?
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Is she really a coal burner?
id love to see her kill herself. her death would make my cock move. you faggots love these ecelebs and id love to piss down their throats after ripping their heads off. also this cunt is ugly as fuck she should have kept her face hidden. and have you seen her pancake tits user they are nasty and her body is shaped like some monster from a star wars movie. also women have nothing of value to offer except making babies and her kids. So my thoughts on this ugly retarded cunt is she needs a good muslim rape gang to kill her off
that gave me a good kek, thx user.
Oh hey Kraut
I like her. She’s has a soothing voice and charming laugh.
>and have you seen her pancake tits
no, post pics
There was a picture not a long time ago here on Sup Forums with her post about having black boyfriend that she later edited
post pics of pancake tits!
but the question is shall you keep posting these threads looking for retards that like this ol pancaked titted heffer. she posted a pic of twitter with cleavage her tits are so nasty a dying baby would look for milk in them
Jewish whore. A diseased slut and a demoness incarnate.
Goddammit, just when you think they there is nothing wrong with her. You find out this shit.
I love her so much Sup Forumsros
the slut i went to high school with
>Hello fellow white people
>Poland is based
>Donate to my patreon
you love a nigger lover who turned to women for sex with nasty tits that rides the coat tails of a movement for shekels?
my answer is, i'll keep doing what iv'e been doing. . . whatever the hell I please.
Fuck off
Except... that's not Aydin.
post pic
so that is a yes. im going to start the old get this cunt fired campaign now that her wretched face is in public KF will have a thread with her name soon enough and i will have even more fun. this cunt needs to catch a muslim rape gang
Traditional women belong in the kitchen.
"Alt-right women" are basically glorified cam whores.
they are moldielocks for the right and i will do everything i can to tell these cunts to fuck off back to the kitchen or kill yourself
If this is her please be my waifu. I promise we'll work out the baby thing. We're smart!
Stop bullying my wife
prove it
Absolutely dropped. When will they learn? Once you go black, your life is over.
coal burner
throw yourself off a bridge you eternal faggot this cunt is stupid and ugly and now your making it sound like she cant make babies, is she absolutely useless she cant even reproduce?
>also women have nothing of value to offer except making babies
But that's pretty valuable, I'd say. Is there anything more valuable?
NEET faggot be gone. slit your wrists in a bathtub dildo
she no de wei
prove it
She cant make babies and if she did they would be spergy as fuck and need to be shot at birth like she needed
cloning tech or artificial wombs, maybe indefinite life extensions and anime
She is the Holy Empress of Sup Forums
Some user posted a link to a 4 hour stream where somewhere in the middle she admits it. Sorry I don't have the link but I heard it with my own ears out of her mouth
she needs a cinder block to the head. she fucks niggers has nasty tits stupid opinions and is a sperg kill it yesterday you kek flag fag.
>NEET faggot be gone. slit your wrists in a bathtub dildo
That's retarded. If she's white, she's free to have children. No matter how spergy. White spergs are still white, and we should have the solidarity to stand together for all whites, not just for the best of us.
many of us have i didnt save it either i never thought people would give this ugly roastie any traction i have no faith in Sup Forums after Lauren but what the fuck you guys just cant stop letting in the roasties on this board and in to your movements. ROASTIES BE GONE
yes, it's always a friend of your cousin's hairdresser
I want to hear myself but so far no one was able provide a link and I've asked in many threads.
You speak lies. She is pure and immaculate.
NO the need to be culled at birthed modern medicine has allowed for defects to continue to be passed on where as in the old days the died or the father was a man and kill the retarded thing. Aydin needs a good gunny sack and a deep river just like all the spergs we are fucking up the gene pool letting people like this make babies user.
she fucks niggers and has admitted to such on stream but keep telling yourself that
I could go through 2 weeks of my youtube history just to prove that your kike waifu is a nigger fucker but I don't care enough to. I'm telling you as a man I heard her admit it on stream, let some other autist give you the link.
>licks sheboon pussy
>not a degenerate subhuman
Aydin is a filthy whore
this is exactly how i feel about it ive heard it i wouldnt listen to her talk to prove some retard on 4chinz it you go find it and prove my claim wrong but you cant so enjoy your nigger fuckers you idiots
then don't expect to be taken seriously
prove it
After watching this video I wanna cuddle her so much.
Nigger she said it in one of her videos that she had mostly nigger girlfriends because she lives in boston.
I'm in the gym right now so I'm not gonna waste my rest periods with watching videos of a nigger fucker.
haha you faggot you are such a fan of this cunt you should have heard it from her mouth. she has said she loves sheboons too shes a degenerate cunt that fucks women black or white. if i saw her in real life id spit in her face and call her scum she doesnt deserve basic human respect
Horrible feet
Looks like she's wearing diapers I mean I wouldn't be surprised if she actually did wear some tb h
>she said it in one of her videos
That's what I'm hearing froom 3 shils right now yet none of you is able produce a link.
>you should have heard it from her mouth.
That's all what I'm asking for.
Aydin is amazing, get over it loser.
but but my waifu ..... she cant be a sheeboon fucking ugly cunt what offers nothing of value and cant even make babies
Nigger if you like her so much watching through her 50 minute videos to jear it from her fiothy aids infested mouth shouldn't be a problem for you
kek flag fag id smash her head in with a rock and take a bite from am sandwich shes ugly as fuck and fucks niggers. your posts make me want to bullycide her. but then i remember i have better things to do
She likes dem black bois
Let me shed some light on things for you retard, its a common phrase for women in the US to describe their female friends as girlfriends. It isn't a direct carpet muncher thing as it is just women saying dumb shit that got pushed by feminism. For whatever reason women when they say girlfriend it almost always implies friend and not sexual partner.
Just a e-celeb, the only reason people here pay attention to her is because muh dick.
I don't like her but I don't like character assassination shills etiher, that's why I'm calling you out.
Stop whining and accept your rightful leader.
good cosplay tbqh
id love to go to prison the rest of my life for skinning this bitch like a deer. but doing so live
>but then i remember i have better things to do
Like wine on Sup Forums about how she cant have kids, fucks niggers, and want her off your board cause she's a "roastie."
One note, pretty boring after you've seen a few of her videos
>college professor says something stupid or leftist writes crazy article
>she refutes it point by point
It's probably interesting for people who haven't been around the block a time or two, but I really don't need any more detailed breakdowns of why the left is retarded these days, I've seen too much shit to really learn anything new
>infertile niggerfucker
>queen of anything
She's literally useless
no she fucks them user shes a dyke and has talked about it many times she also fucks sheboons
I like her vids but you spamming with a cuckistan flag is doing the opposite
Why do you write and behave like a nigger?
kys shitskin
this is before i take my morning shit then ive got apple trees to prune gotta tune up the edger and edge the lawn you know real life things. still dark out in wasington
You are just talk. She would completely annihilate you in a fight IRL.
Ha faggot I found it. Give me a minute to get the timestamp
meme flag
Sounds comfy
what type of apple trees you growing?
What do you have against kekistanis? Do you even know what KEK means?
She said something to the effect of "I can't tell the numbers, because the winners write history" about the Holocaust on a livestream.
Mostly 14, with a hint of 88. Give her some time!
>and has talked about it many times
then it shouldn't be approblem for you to provide and example
Can you post the video where she says she is a dyke who fucks niggers?
Tell me where in the video I will find it.
Also talked about it's impossible to know how many people died in the Holocaust in her video on Poland
kek flag faggot ive got no problem beating a women to an inch of her life just the same a man. Gender equality was installed into me at a young age last women to slap me i broke her nose so dont tell me what would happen. I slaughter my own hogs that bitch would be sirloin roasts for the dogs in 30 min
i'm all ears
This. She is on our side.
Eat shit and die. Making me spend 10 minutes to prove she fucks niggers.
>Gender equality was installed into me at a young age last women to slap me i broke her nose so dont tell me what would happen.
Are these your relatives?
Admits it at 3:51:15
thanks, that settles it
she is a nigger fucking degenerate cunt that needs to be slaughtered
doing gods work user doing gods work
methere is me and my dad