Do we spare them or are they shipped to Madagascar along with the wogs and gooks?
Personally I can't accept southern Italians and Sicilians, they to me aren't white. Not sure about the rest.
Do we spare them or are they shipped to Madagascar along with the wogs and gooks?
Personally I can't accept southern Italians and Sicilians, they to me aren't white. Not sure about the rest.
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You britcucks are not white either. Just like the mutts.
We don't want any white ethnostate. Just live us alone in our country and we'll be happy
I know you are there.
yeah sure
stop considering us white
see most of the white achievements go over to non-whites
Italians not being white is a meme from when we didn't have to deal with actual nonwhites.
>implying I have to care about hypothetical white ethnostate
We already have an ethnostate for us Italians and it's called Italy. I'll focus on defending that rather than worrying about an hypotetical "white" one
Northern Italians are ok. They have germanic, italic and etruscan blood.
The southern italians have been polluted.
>creates the civilization and the alphabet that you are typing shit with it
>not white
Your people were literally raping sheeps and eating shit before we arrive there you fucking barbarian mongrel.
There won't be a white ethnostate sadly. Honestly the best we can hope for is a well governed country that doesn't let sub humans in. Most Italians aren't subhumans, just like most Japs and Koreans aren't subhumans. Latinos, niggers, sandniggers etc are subhumans and shouldn't be let in. If they have a very high education level and can come and be doctors and shit I don't count them as subhumans either, but 99% are just genetic trash.
They get their own ethnostate you fucktard, but so do the nogs, the chincs and the sandnigs
Italy - ethnostate. You are delusional. Italy as a nation emerged not sooner then in the 19. century. Before that it was always separated into different regions with rivalries.
Israel is an ethnostate. Italy is certainly not as migrations of different ethnicities and their mixing resulted in the creation of your country.
Whiter than you, Arab rape baby.
>Le Italians are Romans meme
If it wasn't for Shitaly, we would have won the war and the white race would be saved. But you just had to drag us down. Great going, terroni faggots.
that's not an Italian, that's a nigger.
This, I saw so many niggers and gypsies in Italy that is not what I'd call an ethnostate. Still loved northern Italy though. beautiful women /architecture / fashion sense / food , it's nice to actually see this coming from a city in the states full of trashy Latinos, niggers, jungle gooks and fattties.
They would flourish under a Italian ethnostate
Fair enough. It's still the place where we are supposed to live. And honestly I prefer terroni over shitskins and niggers we are getting now
Are they Italians or Pakis?!
Yeah right Sadiq. Tell me about London and it's shitskin culture.
How will Shitalians even recover
We agree on that.
Italians are white and this guy is retarded.
but besides recent immigrants Brits are a completely white race
>it's another WHO IZ WYTE AND WHO IZ NOT thread
-recent immigrants
Fuck off fake Germany. London is a shithole, the majority of Brits have given up on the dump. We just let the Poos, Muslims and Jamaicans stab each other to death.
Go outside London, the majority of towns and cities are 99% white.
Italians are scientifically and genetically "white" and/or European. Their genetic composition has hardly changed at all for the past 2000 years.
- 99% white
wait, why would Italians want to be part of a white ethnostate in the first place? we already have our troubles, better stay away from gutter trash like whites
>frog posting
non white immigration only took off post WW2
>Burger Arsenal
Show me your flag mohamed
Threads like these are why I'm certain that kikes are going to win in the end.
If we're honest, they already won. WW2 was the killshot, and we've just been bleeding out and waiting for the inevitable collapse since then.
When the race war starts, many Shitalians will be killed by mistake, due to looking identical to the invaders. How does this make you feel?
you should worry about how you will accomplish an outlandish idea like an ethnostate first and then you can worry about who gets in.
i dont care about this racial bullshit, just came by to say what a good looking girl that is
When race war starts, Italians, Easternchads and Sovternchads will kick the invaders out, nordicucks and snowniggers will be extinct
Isn't the entire point of ethnostates that each ethnia has it's own states and possibly that they're friends, as long as they each stay in their own land?
>nordicucks and snowniggers will be extinct
RIP white race
that's not a nigger that's a south indian
t. nordicuck
yup that is exactly the point. and for some reason everyone wants to be in the "white" one, or should i say the right one ;)
It actually is a romanian gypsy.
Italians are wogs though? If they're not called wogs in Britain what are they called
This thread is about a presumed non-Italian asking whether Italians should be in said state, no? It's not Italian asked to be in it.
>white ethnostate
These shit threads need their own board. All they do is slide the blacked threads we all love so much
Italians are not and have never been white. The Roman Empire was mostly led by Germans and Nords. Italians are shitskins and so are the Spaniards and Greeks
pic related- Is that white to you? Thought not. We cannot have a white ethnostate with southern europeans. You must be blonde and have blue eyes and pale skin to qualify.
How was the Roman empire led by Germans and Nords. Germans and Nords were considered barbaric subhumans by Romans. Romans had mediterranean appearance.
Those proto Magyars tho......
Turkic peoples.
>Roman Empire was mostly led by Germans and Nords
Lmao you lived in mudhuts like niggers
Retard the germans and nords of yesterday are not the ones of today. They're probably just nomadic peoples that moved south. Germany is the literal center of the world in pretty much everything. Italy and Greece, whether they like it or not, used to be nordic until they got blacked by whatever
first white civilisations were in northern europe so stfu retard
The Romans were all naturally blonde, the meme that they dyed their hair because it was trendy is retarded. Romans weren't fags, they were strong viking men
No they weren't, Muhammad
Greeks created civlisations
This actually does concern me. Where does Sup Forums stand on my (((white card)))
show your flag faggot
First white civilisation to emerge was in Germany so no you retarded non-white commie nigger. Gtfo
Stop pretending Italians are like pic you fucking kike. There won't be any KIKES in the ethnostate, better put that in first.
That is not how a germanic hut looks like.
Why do I need to show my flag to a bulgarian, most of you aren't even truly white. You're all ottoman offspring, i'd slit all your throats if I could, mudchildren
your opinions mean nothing meme flag faggot
it doesn't matter
Nordcucks still lived in mudhuts and have no history, Eastern and Southern Europe is full of ancient citadels, the nordcuck only built a hut
Poor naive ignorant gypsy.
Germans are still thieving niggers, they never where civilized. Did ww1 and 2 to loot their neighborhood
Mostly everything built in southern and eastern europe was made by nordic minorities in those countries. Prove me wrong, show me evidence to tell me i'm wrong. Bet you fucking can't you disgusting commie
- Citation needed
Germanic people inherited the culture of the Romans. Yes they are the center of the world now but it was not so always. The kingdom of Franks, Holy Roman Empire, Britain, all were formed from germanic strength and roman civilization.
Sure, I am not denying that some romans and greeks had white aryan appearance but they looked mostly meditteranean.
>when a med enters the thread
>Generic Nordcuck comeback #1: call him a gypsy
It really was. You're not a true Germaphile, you're probably just wanting to suck their dicks off
prove me Nordcucks built them, faggot
Just confine us in a small little island
I don't need to, you need to prove to me that they didn't. I asked first
>The Roman Empire was mostly led by Germans and Nords
I'm assuming behind that flag is a mutt, for being capable of spewing such horseshit.
Even the terroni gave the world pizza. My white half votes they get to stay.
Show evidence to support your claim. What white minority?
You say some autistic shit and expect people to disprove it. You hand your arguments first.
This is just nazi propaganda. Ancient Greeks and Romans literally converted Germanic people from half-animals to actual civilized humans.
And do not forget christian missionaries.
nice rebuttal faggot
you can't call anyone non-white while hiding your flag, nigger.
We're actually proud of having german ancestry. We actually celebrate things like oktoberfest and more. Germans don't even celebrate their beautiful holidays. I feel bad for them but I know they'll recover and show the world what they're made of. Germany > God
Do you have blue eyes? No. Do you have blonde hair? No. Do you have white skin? No. You're a nigger/gypsy
>many things people are using now are italian inventions
>nordcucks and mutts say they are white
inventions when arguing with a nigger
>b-but italianz aren't white
>by this conclusion nonwhites have accomplished more things than whites
Are you retarded?
inventions don't determine identity or race
we have absolutely nothing to do with the white protestant world, I'm not sure where you guys are getting this whole pan Euro thing
our natural peers are Iberians, Provençals and Greeks
go larp elsewhere, faggot, you are not german and never will be
>assumes what hair and eyes color a Sup Forums user has
lol state of this Nordcuck
No, I am not a germaphile. The future ethnostates will be in eastern Europe and faggots from west will migrate there when shit starts to go down in their countries.
I still need clarification on my status as (((white)))
I agree. My only true friend in Europe is Italy and Portugal. I hold no allegiance to Northern Europeans, Germans or Eastern Europeans. Pan-europeanism is retarded and jewish
I've got green eyes.
You're not and will never be white.
It will be german so stfu you don't know shit.
It's easy to tell from the personality of others.
I'm german in blood and will soon be in soil
The age whites in Europe started after the fall of the Roman empire. Do you understand you larper?
>My only true friend in Europe is Italy and Portugal. I hold no allegiance to Northern Europeans, Germans or Eastern Europeans. Pan-europeanism is retarded and jewish
I thought we had kicked you sepharditic trash to the netherlands and britain. It seems you came back.
italians are fucking cock hungry nob slobbers
they get to stay
but they have to be on a leash
which is great, because they love that shit too, ditty little sluts
Do nords have green eyes? No? You're a nigger.
Why are you hiding behind that meme flag you fucking castelhano de merda?
Piece of shit revealing his flag. A tomar por culo mamón
Sephardic Jews aren't even a nuisance? And why should I be pan-european? We're not the same, we're very distinct and should be kept that way. Also you're just a rogue south korean state, you won't be sovereign for ever