Opinions on this guy?
So... Raheem is ok?
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He’s fucking awesome, wish he was the leader of UKIP
They didn't like him bringing up the London crime figures evidently :(
What's his position on Israel?
he is a good bloke. I don't think they will want to interview him any more because of how bad he destroys them.
Are you kidding?
Yes, he is our man.
top kek
Oh fuck this is genius. We could flip the racist card around on to the left for once and see how they like it. They'd be absolutely BTFO!
Until he starts shilling for Israeli gibs and tries to soften the alt right, we will use him like we used that other useful gay Mischling Jew.
On his knees.
oh look, the left wing is in.
This is the only way to proceed. This is why stormcucks fail. You need a coalition of people from different backgrounds and races to beat (((Them))) and their leftist armies.
He's an ex- Muslim
That's the best kind.
Based AF OP
Based AF
he's been based af for a long time, but this latest interview was absolute gold. he clearly enjoyed himself
I’ve DM’d the guy on twitter.
Seems fine. His book on ‘Sharia Zones’ is apparently pretty good.
No white man can afford that knowing smile.
>Hard right
So he's very capitalist?
I don't understand.
i like him a lot, he wants to slaughter muslims more than sam hyde
I think that must mean pro law and order
I’ve been following him on twitter since the election.
Apparently he likes white women, booze and retweets this random dude with a cowboy hat a lot.
Fuck him and every other southern Asian "human"
London is a shit hole, I wouldn't go near that place.
>Sadiq Khan is turning london into a shithole
He fucking gave facts from the Mayoral report and he only said shit because the host seemed fine with using that language himself and got BTFO
His face when he cut him off was priceless
>What a crying shame
>we will use him like we used that other useful
For the time give him the spotlight as long as useful, but always remember an ally can turn
>Farnbulleh was born in London. His parents are Liberian immigrants.
Literally from a shithole
and he is a fucking token hire from one of the best schools in the country not some guy whose worked his way up from a shithole london school in an estate
>Fahnbulleh was educated at Taunton School, a boarding independent school in Taunton, Somerset
So tired of all the civic tards on this board
These people are worse than the anti white leftists tbqh
Way worse
Wow, that British Persian was on point.
Need more like that to articulate to “intelligent”, easily brainwashed, retards the state of leftism.
Wtf is the "hard right"
Hilarious. Good for a sound byte every now and then.
He was Nigel Farage's advisor
And who gives a shit?
based wog
I've actually interacted with him years back. He is a huge Zionist.
he lost the leadership campaign and is just editor in chief for breitbart london now
he's not just a typical e-celeb
Are people against Israel? Don't we want every last kike to fuck off to there? I mean I'm against all of their kikery but hearing that Jews have all gone to Pissrael to stay there would be music to my ears.
>Some brown man who ran for leader of UKIP and got his arse destroyed and is now working for the rightwing equivalent of buzzfeed is not a typical e-celeb
i don't know what you're so worked up about what's your point?
That you and your based maga civic friends don't belong here.
Why don't you go shit up another thread then, you silly cunt?
Everyone has flaws
You know England is fucking GONE when a Muslim brown guy is calling London a shithole for being filled with Muslims and having Muslim crime rates. And nobody says it's because of Muslims, it's just crime magically happening. Every British flag here as a 80% chance of being a Muslim guy. I'd say every white British man here should kill himself but there aren't any.
Carry on being impractical all you want nobody is stopping you
[spoiler]you fucking twat[/spoiler]
Hes a good lad. he can stay.
>It's impractical to not want to arselick some paki magapede
Go back to whence you came
>tries to make a point about board quality
>posts this
Well, you just did a great job outing yourself as a retard.
Board quality? You can't change the quality of a board this size, you can only make fun of Civic e-celeb loving retards until other people start doing the same until it's squashed out.
You have no reason to like this brown retard and I don't see why you would want to defend him in any way.
>A literal paki jew calls london a shithole
>Omg so based
He droped the bomb at the end there .
Smug git.
Truth hurts liberals hate the truth
It's really just the Ahmed posters and the Hitler worship larpers who are against the state of Israel. Foreign aid and wars for Israel are another matter however.
think you've had all the (you)s you're getting with this final one, faggot. More fool me for taking your low quality bait.
most of us see the value of a jewish homeland...its a lot better than just killing them all
How so?
do MI6 agents glow in the dark as well?
That rude nigger got knocked down a peg
He gets a certain amount of paki-privilege. If those words came from a white man's mouth they would get the accusation of 'racist' thrown at them.
Most crime in London is by negros (you know all about negros, don’t you) And there are parts of Britain outside of London too. It’s hard for retards who’s only contact with the outside world is a Sudanese cheese churning forum to comprehend, but a fact nonetheless.
Is a mutt really brining up demographic percentages? Go back to your SJW lgbtqwerty diverse safe space college, faggot.
Jews news shoehorning a muslim as a spokesman, I'm not surprised.
>Muslims can be our allies, but not our leaders.
He got bit while trying to bomb a building and later died in a train car.
I'll never understand the mind of a self-hating uncle tom, especially brown and black ones. Like they do all this white worshiping and putting down of their own race as if that somehow will make them white in the eyes of white people, when in reality it won't. White people have no empathy for non-whites no matter how hard they cuck for them, so in the end, all an uncle tom ever amounts to being is a domesticated animal that whites will exploit in the moment as a tool to defend whiteness. But when whites are done with them, they will throw them out with the rest of their race. In some sense, I just feel sad for them, they hate themselves so much that they fell in love with the people that hate and exploit them.
what has the west come to, the most hardcore nationalists are the ones they can't pull the 'ur white' race card on
in Sweden there is that Iranian guy, in NL we have someone of French origins, in Finland you have the black Hitler, in France they have a dude with a rich wife that can't control him, are we going to see a Somali becoming the next fuhrer of Germany or something?
Baste Poo!!!
Uncle Tomming just to Uncle Tom is obnoxious and pathetic. Uncle Tomming to hold blacks to higher standards is fine. Too many niggers are quick to dismiss "that coon ass nigga" saying things they don't like in order to excuse their own shitty, degenerate behavior.
The only reason we haven't rounded up your entire inferior race and exterminated you so that the fat in your corpulant jigaboo bodies can be rendered down into fertilizer to grow far, far superior lifeforms like corn and wheat is that a sector of the White race has convinced itself that you retarded pavement apes can be civilized.
I encourage you HEARTILY to disillusion these people of that notion because the moment the white man finally agrees that niggers are garbage and need to be exterminated, it won't matter if you outnumber us 10-1 or 100-1, you will all die.
Here's a fact: I'd trade your entire race for two dollars. If I could sell every nigger on the planet into cotton-picking chattel slavery for two dollars, I'd do it not because I want the money, and not because I want the cotton, but because it's what you deserve.
So put your white gloves on and start buckdancing, nigger.
He isn't a muslim
he's a jew