Why are millennial women not having any children?
Will mass immigration be the final solution?
Why are millennial women not having any children?
Will mass immigration be the final solution?
We live in a time line where the Jews have won.
Comfort from the first world. Used to be one of the few things that brought happiness were your children. Now we have plenty of things to replace it and its only going to destroy us.
is this one person making all these goddamn millennial threads with this bitch? I think I saw this on other boards as well.
A. They don't want to have children because they believe that since it's their body they don't have to do reproducing like everyone else does. Honestly a dumb fucking reason.
B. I don't think so, we just have to make the next generation not so stupid, we could try to redpill generation z.
this is why
I'd have her children, if you know what I mean...
I work at a middle school in central texas were its half whites half minority, the whites stick together and are pretty fucking racist. I know its only one school but it fills me with hope.
>cafeteria fills with Sup Forums memes and jew jokes
>APs have no idea how to control this and are terrified
Why are millennial men not having any children?
Except white countries in Eastern Europe have even lower birth rates than the West. The rich country that doesn't breed/poor country that breeds a lot dichotomy applies only to Asia and Latin America
Gen Z is twice as small as millennials and minority white in the US. It's to millennials what the Gen X is to boomers
Good, but that's in Texas, Texas is good, but we need to get most of Gen Z redpilled. Possibly spread our memetics on Snapchat, even known that sounds cringy it could work.
Because millenual men won't. Money will be a reaso I guess
*sigh* and that is due to the millennials not wanting to reproduce, we could make abortion illegal, that's one step.
well they won over the whites, muzzies and near everything else, but they didnt beat asia yet. east asia still has a fighting chance, why do you think whites are having yellow fever, they subconciously are allying themselves with the last stand.
what is the point of having children, when you're only putting them as sacrifice on the altar to the machine god. your children will grow up to be nothing more than cattle, while the elite wolves feed on them.
Talking about her butt children. That she drops off at the pool.
As she gets older and uglier she gets more and more degenerate tattoos. Wonder (((why))).
Do you really want an entitled brat who can’t even cook and most likely will divorce you anyway raise your kids?
I can't be the only one.
Except that this argument doesn't hold very well, considering the data that indicates most abortions are black.
Morality aside ofc.
It wouldn't help the white population.
The point in having in children is to make our civilization not look like a fucking joke. We don't want to be the generation that died out because millennials thought that reproducing was sexist.
Also the benefit of children is self benefit, you can make yourself feel a purpose, you can teach the child your ideologies, it gives you a warm feeling.
Because people think they are smart. They think smart people think the world is over populated. So they don't breed. Combine with female biased courts and insane divorce rates make marriage a questionable activity for some men.
What's wrong with blacks? Honestly yes most of their culture sucks, but that's because Obama put them in poverty and made them pick up that culture. We could have a Free Market society and blacks would stop being dumb.
Importing niggers and spics is not the answer to white piypol not having kids.
White piypol not having kids is cause they were convinced world is horribly overcrowded, their race has massive guilt, and they are just bad people for being whitey. Who would bring up a kid in that situation? The anti-population explosion propaganda in schools worked... There is no hope, no drive.
I also think it's cause of the pro-peace anti-war movement. Without war, there's no spice to create life.
>blizzard girl
>thought you meant the 10year old in the dva costume
The actual, non-retarded answer is basically how shitty Trump's generation fucked over our economy
>Grew up in a terrible economy
>Generation before us had abysmal divorce rates
>Many are leaving college and can't find jobs because of the economy, the job market, the devaluing of their degrees, etc.
>Many want to grow their careers first
>Many women aren't moving out of their parents' homes fast enough (again the economy)
>Grew up having to witness the financial burden they placed on their parents (again, you guessed it, the economy) and avoid having children to they feel financially secure
So basically the economy created a very "work first, kids later" mindset in millennials. However, work is hard to find for many, so you get what we have now. I'm sure it's tempting to blame it on feminism or whatever, but this is the actual reason
But the millennials ain't working!
I'm proud to inform I know of a white (male) baby birthed by millennials recently.
Every holiday they get professional portraits done. Happiest fucking kid.
Hey dumb fuck, it's clintons, bush and obama's generation also. Now fuck off back to redshit faggot
Very happy to hear that, wish them luck!
I would have to imagine has something to do with how the Boomers ruined our society by letting him Mass amounts of foreigners creating low-skill jobs ruining the economy. Everything is got more expensive you'll spend almost $100,000 going to college now people got to pay that back after they finish and even when they do you know what kind of job they get a job that makes less than $12 an hour good job Boomers you really fucked up your children's lives we hates you
even for those of us who work, we end up slaving away for chad to swoop in. i make 85 a year but where i live that is nothing. even 5s dont find me attractive so now i see less and less point on working hard and more about just living for myself instead of living for someone else's expectation or working hard to find a gf/wife, nobody cares anymore.
I'd eat her poo.
Millennials are not having children because they know on an instinctual level that they have weak genes that should not be passed on, or else they would weaken the species.
they wait for the perfect man then accidentally get impregnated by some idiot faggot in the meantime then they are single mothers then they sloot it up with soy boys who pay for their wive's son
I want to make her a children!
and soe is cute too!
>The point in having in children is to make our civilization not look like a fucking joke.
Irrelevant. Most of us will not live long enough to see the end of this civilization (this civilization is older than 30000 years). everything is a cycle. during the middle ages, things looked like a joke, but it was temporary. many golden ages of enlightenment have come and gone. this timeline is not different.
>you can make yourself feel a purpose
your feelings are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. besides, not all of us have a "warm feeling" when we think about breeding more lambs to be used and slaughtered by this machine-like system, which crushes all dreams and humanity out of people to "prepare them to be good workers" (slaves).
Meanwhile, the elites laugh and drink champagne (and sometimes innocent blood), never having to worry about struggles, work, judgement. They will own your children, sooner or later. I prefer the more human choice: starve the beast system.
Too many keks, how?
>most of their culture sucks because of obama
Really? I thought their culture's been shit since 1968.
>we could have free market society and blacks would stop being dumb
IQ statistics indicate that there is a racial, ethnic difference that explains why blacks are stupid.
Africa reinforces that by showing what you get when you give blacks the best that humanity has to offer and them let them go about their business for a few decades.
show IQ statistics, I would like to see them.
Birth rates are high than in the 80s. Mass immigrant has nothing to do with it and if it did nations like Japan and S. Korea would have similar policies, they don't.
Even if this were the case, it is simply the choice the man. It is up to you to increase birth rates. Make the choice to further your lineage and usher in a new time.
As a millennial, we avoid marriage because the women are not worth marrying.
And family court will rape your wallet and soul over irreconcilable differences.
So until your archaic system of marriage falters, with its mafia style family courts, expect less marriage.
Birth rates are the highest in decades.
Praise god, digits of truth.
Holy shit that was awesome.
>Irrelevant. Most of us will not live long enough to see the end of this civilization (this civilization is older than 30000 years). everything is a cycle. during the middle ages, things looked like a joke, but it was temporary. many golden ages of enlightenment have come and gone. this timeline is not different.
But we aren't in the middle ages, we have huge technology now that could wipe out our race of humans completely, made by the democrats to make the millennials think that there is no point in reproducing.
>your feelings are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. besides, not all of us have a "warm feeling" when we think about breeding more lambs
Ok, but what about teaching a child your idealogies, isn't that something to get into?
i would sell my left nut to marry soe
I think there's something going on on a higher level, some way of nature taking care of overpopulation.
>human populations in the West are living very comfortably overall, population is higher than ever, everything is provided to the majority of us
>time for the population to drop a bit
>we've been able to counter most disease that would normally have killed a bunch of us off in the past, we don't face the threat of war on our home turf killing off large portions of our population anymore
>suddenly homosexuality sees an upswing, as well as couples opting out of having children
>bingo, there's that mechanism for the population drop that we've been needing to bring things down a bit
Only problem is we've decided to actually fight it by importing third-world shitskins to feed our ever-growing economy. Japan's doing the right thing by riding it out. Their population on that massively overcrowded island will drop for a while until it becomes sustainable for people to have a bunch of kids again.
Who that tatted slut?
Women don't want to build anything together anymore. or if they ever did, my parents did at least. They want to swoop in when things are gravy and enjoy the good times. vulture gender. Then if things go south they run at the drop of a hat.
I heard she's a huge bitch in real life.
Some fool told womyn its better to work then have a family.
I work at a high school which is only 4% white. In all of my teaching I try to enlighten them to the truth. I am not a believer of civic nationalism, however, it is the lesser evil than social democratic puppets. It’s a work in progress that affects primarily the top 10% of the negros.
>tattoo sleeve
probably a very boring egocentric whore
>Why are millennial women not having any children?
Terminal degeneracy, the end stage of democracy.
a. The whole generation is stunted. Too many wasted time at college. Coming out with worthless degrees and debt or even worse just debt. They then spent their 20's drifting and never going through the cycle of getting married mid 20s. Maybe got married in their 30's by this time most couples will only have children if they try to. After 30 a womans chances of concieving drop. So only planned kids which are must less than previous generations.
2) I hope not. We are no longer a labor based economy and we can not handle more turd world people.
Yeah...that's what I said?
I mention Trump because, you know, he's kind of the most famous boomer in the world? Nice contribution to the discussion btw.
Hey, I hear you brother. The pussy game is ridiculous.
>Unironically a nihilist.
You are a good goy.
My theory is that Millennials stop reproducing because they feel it's useless, where did this useless feel come from: expectations on how hard life is with jobs. So democrats come in to make the millennial generation feel better, also making them not want to have kids.
So just to simplify I feel the democrats are trying to make millennials stop reproducing because they believe Millennials are dumb, and it's not like Democrats haven't manipulated before, they are still able to make tons of black people think they're still not the party for racism.
Okay at least we can agree.
It'll sort itself out, I think. Japan's will be a slow, natural cycle. Their population will decline to a degree, then they'll have a resurgence once it's viable. In the West, we're fucking it up by importing other people to continue growing our populations indefinitely when it's clearly time to let them drop a bit. Nature will still take care of this in the end- we're likely to see civil war over this, possibly genocide if it gets ugly enough. That'll provide the pressure relief needed.
I just really think there's something on a macro level at play, here, and always has been.
Gen X'r here. I've had plenty of opportunity to marry and reproduce, but honestly, it seems to be a huge sacrifice and gamble. Even more so if you come from a non-traditional background (single parent home, etc.) I spent the first ~30yrs of my life learning life lessons and making a career for myself. Bought a house close to the beach and have a semi-comfy life now. The thought of rolling the dice with a female, then another human, and expecting both to be just like what I want, and me not spending the rest of my life regretting the decision, it seems smarter to just skip the kids all together and remain single...
Let me tell all you fucking whinging amerimutts and leaf cunts and Nigels a little something about the real world; in Northern Ireland, in Norway, in Russia, in the Baltic and in the Balkans, in rural Italy and rural Spain, in Poland, Slovakia, Hungary etc. there are no """millenials""". People still grow up relatively poor, get married in their mid twenties and have children. Most people do manual work. Most people have no interest in e-celebs or muh alt-right or any other bullshit. Most working class, traditional Europeans are simply trying to survive. We don't understand the decadence of the United States, or the south-east of England. We don't want to understand it. Your materialism has destroyed you. You are a hollowed out shell now, a shadow of your former selves. I don't know if you can be salvaged, I doubt it. You're soft cunts and you talk like soft cunts. You use stupid fucking media newspeak like ""millenials"" and cry about shit, like not having a woman, instead of pulling your fucking selves together and doing something about it. You have to much- to much comfort, to much luxury, to much time on your hands, to much middle-class morality. You need to become hard, to become fighters. Are you capable of that? Women aren't having kids? Hmmm, what do? Do I have to draw you soppy bastards a diagram? Fs. You boys are a fucking laugh but I can tell you this- you'd better get your shit together, and soon. If that means the rest of us poor, forgotten about bastards in all the shithole countries of Europe, routinely kicking you in the balls to toughen you up, then so be it
Even known we don't agree on how this millennial shit is happening, I can see where you are coming from. It was really nice to see your point of view, nice talk, but I gotta go now, so see this thread later!
My wife and I just had our first kid about a year-and-a-half ago. Been married since we were 18 that was in 2008. Bought the house with one acre partially wooded at 2100 square foot. working on number 2 now. For me personally I think the reason Millennials aren't having kids is because they grew up with parents that really tried to hide how hard it was to be an adult to some extent or another financially and emotionally as far as relationships go. Even when they did fall apart they did their best to mitigate the damage and not show that you could raise the kids and still have tumultuous times. We are so worried about raising kids and falling on Hard Times for both the kids sake and our sake. Not to mention the Fear Factor of bringing up a child in today's political climate. Even liberal millennials are afraid. Conservatives are just is afraid but for different reasons. A lot of our parents don't have retirements so we don't have a safety net if we were to run into hard times. I actually have to worry about what I'm going to do with my mom and dad when they're too old to work and can't afford their house anymore. It's why I bought the house I got it's got plenty of room to build a Cottage if I needed to and it has a mother in-law suite.
Eastern Europe is fucked over from the Soviet era tho. They had a head start on genocide.
Kill yourself you worthless shill no ones interested in your desperate 56 percent threads
Also get a real job u fucking loser
It's a big pdf, source of screencap about halfway through.
>Will mass immigration be the final solution?
No, artificial wombs will be the final solution.
Jewesses aren't having any children either.
Why does this girl always get used for this meme? I've never actually understood.
We need children because we won't be around forever. Don't let the state raise them and they won't be cogs in the machine.
If we don't create a counter balance then we certainly will lose everything. It's a numbers game.
> Pic related
non-trumpcucks are having plenty of kids. i'm sure its hard to reproduce if you're a little bitch who worships at the feet of other men, but "libtards" like me can't relate to being a flaccid little faggot.
Probably because she's a tattooed up spunk receptacle.
I could either have kids or buy shit like pic related and enjoy my free time. Its the only life I will ever have and it isnt loke there is an afterlife so I am gonna live for me
>texas is good
despite a big economy the good fortune of sitting on top of mountains of oil, more than half the state lives in poverty & squalor, educational standards are garbage, and the only true areas of economic opportunity are blue cities like dallas & austin. if/when that oil is no longer as valuable, it will revert to how the rest of the red states look--destitute, poverty riddled, full of dumbass cucks who spend their welfare checks at walmart. keep peddling your Sup Forums memes though, kek
Sounds to me like youre projecting.
Pussyhat wearing soyboy bitch
The immigration policies are not limited to any generation. Propaganda and Marxism has been rampant and unchecked for decades. Germany 10's-40's was probably the first and only resistance to it, maybe right up until now.
They're waiting for the perfect 6'7 ripped and loaded Chad because the media tells them they deserve it no matter what. Then they turn 30 and Chad is nowhere to be seen still.
I want to raise children with Soe.
>I am gonna live for me
OP is probably a boomer and think she represents millennials well or he is being self aware ironic.
So what? Its not like you'd have to listen to her, she's a woman.
We just now need to build a phonewave.
finally some good news.
>we won't be around forever
We could be around for thousands of years though, depending on how advanced life extension research gets.
I wish that was her
>Why are millennials........
Everything step I've taken to be an adult had been taken advantage of by boomers, from opening a bank account to ending a phone contract.
Governments and nations are BROKE so anything to get involved in society will be a scam
>Jews too mutt to reproduce with humans
The thing is when you have kids stuff like this becomes meaningless. If you do get something like that its to do it with them.
Also the joy of them cuddling up to you and saying I love you daddy is one of the best feelings in life.
And if your are a star wars fag you get to retell them the story which is a good time.
The real question is why do you make this same thread every fucking day
this. millelnials are a generation of kids thrown to the wolves. no wonder they think reproducing is a disgrace. boomers will be cursed for all eternity.
Jews actually have an intermarriage rate of over 50% here in Burgerland.
These things are related.
Women are going to have to be subsidized for each pregnancy and resulting childcare, education costs if you want a high fertility rate.
Or preferably, barred from the workforce so men's wages can skyrocket and men can once again return to our biological role.
It's leftists who are not having any children. Right wingers, especially religious ones, are spawning kids like crazy. I'm having my third in few months and I'm white milenial - also Nazi as fuck. All mine leftie friends are childless.
Anyone having some research linking political affiliation and number of children?