United Kingdom /general/

>muslims running rampant
>can't get a decent loan for a business
>national dish is curry
>most popular name is Mohammed

Thoughts and prayers to our mates across the pond. The shit they are dealing with on a day to day basis has to be revolting. The good old days of honest work, 5 weeks of holiday, an hour or so at the pub and a hearty fish pie are long gone.

How can we help to fix the U.K.?

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It’s end days my friend and the Muslims are responsible

A merry plaas you may believe
woz Mowsel pon Tom Bawcock's Eve.
To be theer then oo wudn wesh
To sup o sibm soorts o fesh!

Wen morgee brath ad cleard tha path
Comed lances for a fry,
An then us had a bet o scad
an starry gazee py.

Nex cumd fermaads, braa thustee jaads
As maad ar oozles dry,
An ling an haak, enough to maak
a raunen shark to sy!

A aech wed clunk as ealth wer drunk
En bumpers bremmen y,
An wen up caam Tom Bawcock's naam
We praesed un to tha sky.

You'd have to somehow convince every regular that whats going on HAS to be stopped that they they have to FIGHT, but they wont, they dont care, no one cares. Oh sure they'll say "dunt like tha sadiq" but will it go further than that? No.


to be fair fish pie is fucking minging

homemade fish pie is fucking brilliant, you had a shit Gran

so how does it taste?
is it like a regular pie with fish in it?

Nuke London and close your borders is basically the only solution I can see at this point.

they taste like fish

Spoken like a true American that doesn't have a fucking clue about anything beyond the boarders of his own country and believes every single thing he reads online.

You're literally wrong on every single one of your points minus maybe the loan bit.
Muslims aren't running rampant everywhere (can't even remember the last time I saw one, or someone that obviously is one).
The national dish isn't a curry, we just enjoy them frequently.
And the most popular name isn't fucking Mohammed... this meme really needs to end.

I've lived in England my entire life and I can tell you with 100% accuracy that you're talking absolute bullshit.

Stop trying to shit on other countries to make yourself feel better about yours.
America isn't great, or even good.

>they taste like fish
then why the fuck would you put fish in pies in the fucking first place?!

>>most popular name is Mohammed

Its not though.
Its just all muslims all have 8 kids all called mohammed

Hand London over to the Muslims and assylum seekers on the condition they will not go beyond the m25 and build a big dome over it like in the Simpsons.

this is now a british food hate thread

Curry was invented by whites in London from the inbound spice trade, so technically it's white. Though chip shops still outnumber curry restaurants so that's our national dish.

you forgot sharia courts

proper fish pie doesn't even have pastry you bellends

This is a new pill, thanks

>t. who fucking knows what % we're at because of the "refugees"?


OP is an absolute silly arse.

UK is lost.

Please send your navy to pick up the remaining right wing native brits.

to make fish pie

a significantly higher percentage than America

I'll agree it looks pretty unpleasant but it tastes amazing when it's well made

You must live in a big city which is predominantly mud, Brum or Manc?

soon they'll kick the queen out and adopt the saudi royals

New Labour fucked us demographics-wise. The country doesn't feel as English as it did back in the 80s, early 90s. As recent as that.

We're so fucked.


"Cooking in England, when well done, is superior to that of any other country in the world."
Louis Eustache Ude 'Le Cuisinier français'

>"England has no rival in the preparation of seasoned pork, and her famous bacon, the renown of which is enormous, constitutes one of the greatest discoveries in the science of gastronomy" -
Auguste Escoffier 'Le Guide Culinaire'


This is the future for Whites in the cities.


Britain needs a second amendment.

To be fair he never said burgerland wasn't fucked

85, and thats native not "white".

And to think at one point I wanted to emigrate to this United Kaliphate.

its only the cities
more rural areas are almost unaffected
its like that everywhere. theres 2 or 3 nigs within 10 miles of here. theres no hair dying liberal ham planets. theres no anit gun nuts

I live in a area full of degenerates: pink haired women, fat people, muslims, homosexuals, you name it.

Real political forces here are Labour & Green Party.

Conservative party is cucked.

I'm not even a brit.


Never tasted it so I cannot judge it. I simply find fish heads sticking out of a dish pretty funny

Protein, Pierre.

>muslims running rampant

2.7% of the population

>can't get a decent loan for a business

You can if your business plan isn't shit

>national dish is curry

A curry that we invented

>most popular name is Mohammed

Because Asians have a shit pool of names to choose from.

Meanwhile, in America

>Hispanics on course to become the majority
>Biracial breeding on the rise
>Children get shot in schools
>Cucking on the rise
>Only foods it's invented are simple things like Mac n Cheese
>Has cheese in a squirty can
Sup Forums uncivilised oafs edition.

Show your Union Jack Ahmed.

>Leave UN.
>Join Commonwealth.
>Build new Empire.

Bully them for being cucks, they'll either revolt or give up. Either way, the island will drift away.
You sit around as your women are consumed by mongrel hoardes. You deserve precisely what you get.

>Show your Union Jack Ahmed.

Learn to not shit in the street before you try telling other people what to do.


that looks yummy desu.

and as a french (if you not a nafri) you should love to make food out of innards and weird shit.

lol you used a flag we used to say fuck you

>muslims aren't running rampant
You just live in a place where they're not.
>and the most popular bane isn't Mohammed...
No, it's still either John or Edward, I think. That meme stems from a number of articles with headlines that made that statement, but content that didn't align statistically. That was when ejournals were being only subtly antiwhite, in a very tongue-in-cheek manner.
>I've lived in England my whole life... you're talking abaolute bullshit
He is, but at least you're beginning to know that Dixiefag feel. Yankees are the eternal foreigner, thinking they've more of a right to tell you about your country than you've a right to defend.
>America isn't great, or even good
It actually is great, just not for modern Britons I guess. I mean, unless guns, economic diversity, being able to do most anything without government mucking it up, and millions of miles of untamed wilderness are your thing. The modern Briton just doesn't seem to have any interest in those sorts of things.


Oh you poor bastard, the denile must be painful.