Do you care if Donald Trump is racist?

What if he was racist towards white people?


If he is not, not /ourprez/

Every time I see a Garisson cartoon I lose about 1 million neurons

Slide bullshit kike thread, remember to sage.

Fuck off and die

I would care if he wasn’t racist...

What I care about is that he governs like a hyperactive toddler turned loose in an antiques shop.

Where's the original?

Wake up …..
Wake up user…..
You are not alone…..
Minerva has you…..
Follow the white owl …..

What f? What if? What if horses could sing? What if a muppet cause the Amtrak derailment? Deal with reality.

I honestly wish he was racist, but he's not. he just believes in meritocracy, which means he's going to naturally favor whites and asians because they are objectively superior.


eh no

You can't be "racist" to white people. Nothing "sticks". Imagine whites rioting a clothing store for an uncomplimentary ad or the hardest-core biker being bothered to fight for to do anything other than laugh at being called a honky. Ain't gonna happen.

He's not a racist and he never has been you utter fucking moron. Please consider incinerating yourself.
Liberals are traitors to America.

He might be but how would that make him different from any other politician? In the last half century every single politician has promoted an anti-white agenda.

>can't be racist to whites
>lives at invasion zone sweden
>still can't imagine race war
This is why you're going to be Somalia.

>what if he was Obama

Answer these questions
How is he racist, give examples.
Name two policies of Donald trump that you hate.


he's not racist enough

he wants to let asians in

Well he is a boomer their brainwashing from television is irreversible. I can't blame them, they were the first humans in history to experience a device that could sway mass opinion so completely.

Say something about 1970s Sweden that would deeply hurt a 1970s Swede (protip: you can't). Racial nsults don't affect white people because there is nothing fundamentally wrong with them generally. Insults affect people from "shithole countries" not merely because of a tendency to chimp out but because they also ring true at some level.

Make sure to SAGE.