Why do white, Republican retards vote against their interests?
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Democrats haven't been able to get their shit together in the Deep South. Meanwhile religion here has been hollowed out and become a wing of the Republican Party called "evangelicalism" that tells voter God only cares about one issue, and that's abortion. Ergo Dems are literally Satan.
sage, the same shit bait thread has been posted for the last year constantly. If you want an answer look through the previous 300+ archives on this typical bait thread.
Low IQs. But generally because they live in a echo chamber where their only rltalkibg points come from Fox News, or radio talkshow faggots like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck
"Why don't you vote to give yourself free stuff?"
Slide thread.
Voting Republican actually has worked out for me.
How is paying for niggers welfare in my economic interest?
How does paying for the welfare of poor whites in the Deep South help blue states? When will red states start giving back?
Are demfags all collectively retarded lazy faggots or just most of you?
If you look at who pays all the taxes in this country it's the wealthiest 20%, who overwhelmingly vote Republicans\
The American serf is truly one of the most disgusting creatures ever to grace this planet.
Low IQ, loud, promiscuous, pugnacious inbreds that somehow come pre-programmed with a smug superiority complex.
Welp, I guess I'm a #ShillForHill now
Mean while black liberal cities are no go zones.
>voting for the fuck whitey party
Nah they’re voting for the people who aren’t openly calling for their displacement.
OP is a faggot
>identity politics any working class person doesn't give a shit about
>the basic necessities of life
does the brainlet or legbeard who made this think voting dem wouldn't be different when it comes to corps and tax breaks?
This, and only this
If the smug style can be reduced to a single sentence, it's, Why are they voting against their own self-interest? But no party these past decades has effectively represented the interests of these dispossessed. Only one has made a point of openly disdaining them too.
Abandoned and without any party willing to champion their interests, people cling to candidates who, at the very least, are willing to represent their moral convictions. The smug style resents them for it, and they resent the smug in turn.
Illusion of choice.
Neither party represents you or your interest.
Don't you dare fucking tell me what is in my interest.
No amount of pleading with these dumbfucks will make them see the light of day. The just need to be killed off.
Wake up …..
Wake up user…..
You are not alone…..
Minerva has you … ..
Follow the white owl… ..
The problem is actually immigrants. That's actually the biggest part of the problem. When you hand out around a million green cards a year in a workforce of around 160M, of which another 10% is working illegally, that's a lot of downward pressure on wages, and these figures don't even include the 50K a year H1-Bs and 50K a year NAFTA unskilled visas for Mexicans.
Also none of those people pictured are Republicans so there's also totally that.