The left is worried that the alt right are using facts

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Another episode of shitskins getting salty over White people not wanting them

where is nordbot when he is needed

You could change that to the alt-left and have the same result, they are both as bad as each other.

The only difference between them is the target of their hatred.

Everyone is a racist, because race matters. Anyone that tells you they aren't is a liar or a retard.

He's taking a sick day.


Stupid towelhead, he should have written, "appear respectable". The headline reads like propaganda in favour of our position.

>they're using facts and science!

>He [Taylor] also promulgates long-discredited theories that race and IQ are the best predictors of human capacity.

>Being pro-white and anti-white is le le same xD
>Being race realist and biology denialist is also the same.

Except race realism is based on reality.

Except one side is using reality and the other is using appeals to emotion. Muh horseshoe is a retarded coward's way of avoiding truth and reality.

what's that


>The only difference between them is the target of their hatred.
They want to turn everyone into a giant cluster of brown morons covered in rainbow paint, butt fucking each other. Only then can True Equality (TM) be achieved. Of course, this is unrealistic and I refuse to sit by as genocide is committed against my people. I wish to preserve my race, and so I spread awareness of this through online and offline activism. I also wish that other races would take similar steps in preserving their own kind.

Libshits will burn pits full of money to save the fucking polar bears or some shit but won't recognize that humans can just as easily be categorized by subspecies, and won't do a damn thing to preserve this natural beauty, but instead seek to pervert it through race mixing, with the product being a bastardized version each parent, without a true cultural identity.

This is why I hate leftists and I want to douse them in gasoline and light them on fire.


Being pro third world pro destruction of gender, family and natural functioning systems

Is the same

As being in support of saving western civilization

tl;dr contained in one sentence at the end:
>These new white supremacists are coming not with tiki torches but with reasoned arguments, buttressed by facts and figures, to make palatable racist ideas that many people, deep down, have always felt were true.
"Facts are racist" is a meme but that is literally the beginning and end of his "argument", buttressed by typical liberal carpet bombing of social pressure "only [losers / crazies / idiots] believe this!" arguments. Expect research in the upcoming years which will "demonstrate" the remarkable disappearance of racial IQ gaps, Sweden-tier racial crime statistic suppression, etc.




What's your point?


how's that
> alt
they never went away, faggot
you must be american

Alllllt-riiiiighty then.

Maybe people feel they are true because they are?

So how long until insane liberals dress up as the Klan and harass minorities to false flag white people?

Don't give them ideas.

B-but the narrative!?

They are already doing this though, minorities faking hate crimes against themselves. I bet half the clan is jewish nowadays.

How is it genocide when no one is being forcibly killed? If you want your race to continue have white kids. No one's stopping you

Checked, it's been a while since I've seen him. He used to pop up 10 times a day or more.

>I bet half the clan is jewish nowadays.

>lots and lots of race mixing propaganda everywhere
>unfair hiring practices that discriminate against me based on my race
Yeah, gee, I don't know.

>have white kids
I did.

It was all over the place. The science is settled.

>having a point

Jews did this

If anything, it's demographic/cultural replacement. Not necessarily genocide in any sense.

global warming fags also get the bullet

Nope faggot.

>The protocol eschews violence, demands upstanding behavior, and insists that everyone “maintain a high tone” in their “public presentations.”

Yeah, we need people who are presentable, employed and with social lives. If you are a loser, first fix yourself.


A process which, as it turns out, the UN defines and condemns:

>Article 7 of a 1994 draft of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples uses both the word "ethnocide" and the phrase "cultural genocide" but does not define what they mean. The complete article reads as follows:

>Indigenous peoples have the collective and individual right not to be subjected to ethnocide and cultural genocide, including prevention of and redress for:

>(a) Any action which has the aim or effect of depriving them of their integrity as distinct peoples, or of their cultural values or ethnic identities;

>(b) Any action which has the aim or effect of dispossessing them of their lands, territories or resources;

>(c) Any form of population transfer which has the aim or effect of violating or undermining any of their rights;

>(d) Any form of assimilation or integration by other cultures or ways of life imposed on them by legislative, administrative or other measures;

>(e) Any form of propaganda directed against them.

>a strategy long in the making
and its working

>social science is a legitimate fact-based study type
>social science is fake news
Pick one, media.

Wow, I think we're hitting all marks!

Yes it's settled. Niggers are genetically inferior and dumb. rt

>tfw he wasn't a bot, but an under appreciated autist

Turn off your computer and go to bed.

Social science is not a breeding ground for racism.
There's a shitload of people here using pseudo-science such as eugenism and coming up with data gathered on the marginalized people of their countries. The data is irrelevant because marginalized people are more prone to a life of drug and crimes, regardless of their races, and this is what social science preach. It doesnt justify racism. My country being a huge example of this.

Settled by whom? All the evidence points towards Jared Taylor being correct. IQ is the largest predictor of success (compare how well off a country is and their average IQ) and race has been undeniably proven to be connected to IQ.

Everyone was bitching about the alt-right at that rally where a car drove through a crowd.
Trump then said that the alt-left had a part in it too and the media shat itself.
Of course as non-Americans we understand that in the same way as calling liberalism socialist, the alt-left is just more language rape. They're commies, no more.

hate facts are not facts


These people think white nationalism is some huge threat to society. There's a Klansman behind every tree, looking for a nigger to lynch. Where do they think these hoards of Neo-Nazis coming from all of a sudden?

>be shitskin
>achieve nothing aside from being conquered by whitey
perhaps if shitskins weren't so fucking useless, we wouldn't be so fucking racist.

Might as well bomb somebody instead of whining like a bitch.

>If you want your race to continue have white kids
Such a bullshit argument. Brown people shouldn't be in our fucking nations in the first place, and whites shouldn't be under threat of fucking replacement everytime there's a dip in the birthrate. Should I move the fuck into your house if you leave town for the weekend, proclaiming that it's mine now because if you wanted it, you should've stuck around? Saying whites have to meet the birthrate of spics, that produce liters, is real shitskin logic, shitskin.

>hate facts
here have several hundred

>believing social science is the same are real science

OK troll

>muh fee fees

yep its a nigger

race realism is not hateful


In case any newfags here are interested in the science behind race realism, here's the best resource I've come across so far

>these new racists aren't coming with tiki torches, but facts
It's the same people

>about to win
>get passed
>"ohh muh legs"
>get helped to finish line
>be sure to cross first
>girl who helped claps with every one else "how heroic"
>no one pays any notice to girl who helped and she loses.


the list is two years out of date or so. we need /our autists/ to bring it back up to date

Who made the list?

Golly, is that website dead. One have to be a paid subscriber to comment. Take a look at the number of comments following each article. Zero, zero, one, zero.

Normies are fucking zombies. I make videos about them.

LOL... article by a "mohammed"... never would have guessed it.

>hate facts
You sure do

huh. If only 10% of these facts were correct (the actual number is much higher...but let's suppose), you can see why these facts are suppressed. It may be just enough to sway white liberal voters from being white liberal voters...

not only that, but those same people are more than willing to use violence to keep the neo-nazis in the same country as them. who the fuck thinks like that? who wants to live with people you hate?

This. Fucking disgusting watching her reach out in desperation for that finish line when she knew she had no right to it.

The only non-racist people on the planet are the dead people. Anyone claiming to be free from racism are the people pretending to be elite.

initially was published to a now defunct wordpress blog that i think was run by a teenager but i forget why. it's been a little while since i researched it.

here was his twitter

The 56% memes are true

Hate facts are facts that you hate.

If anyone wants to bring up to date they can add crime data from pic related (source at - Appendix 1 - MOPAC Quarterly Report.pdf )


Pretty sure the girl who helped tries to pull her back as well.

I'm Dutch heritage dude. My family came to the Midwest and my Mother moved to California in which I was born. There has been no mixing. Thanks for your input though.

Would any of us be surprised if "muh klan" was headed and funded by kikes? In fact I'd be shocked if a few of the top guys on the totem pole aren't jews.

Facts cannot be 'racist'.

>Oy vey the world is overpopulated stop having kids for the planet
>Oy vey there aren't enough workers we need to let third worlders with radically different morals and beliefs in

Quit making videos, you're the stereotypical disgusting piece of shit the left wishes we all were.


The Klan is funded by the CIA. David Duke has ties to them.


How about no? Another so called racial realist and right winger hiding behind a monitor. Naw bro, you are just a coward.

Reminds me of another Long March through the Institutions...

This. He looks like your stereotypical Amerimutt meme. It's pathetic.

[Citation needed]

the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study carried out by Waldman, Scarr, and Weinberg (1994) was designed to show that when black infants are adopted by white parents they would have the same IQs as whites. The authors of this study examined groups of black, white, and interracial babies all adopted by white middle class couples. In the event it turned out that at the age of 17 the IQs were 89 for the blacks, 98 for the interracial, and 106 for the white. Thus, a 17 IQ point difference between blacks and whites remains when they are reared in the same conditions. Being raised by white adoptive parents had no beneficial effects on the intelligence of the black children because their IQ of 89 is thesame as that of blacks in the north central states from which the infants came.

Waldman, D., Weinberg, R. A., and Scarr, S. (1994). Racial-group differences in IQ in the Minnesota Transracial adoption study. Intelligence, 19, 29-44.

Please fucking kys, mutt. You're aren't smart, and are just going to be pointed at later as a weak link we all are SUPPOSED to answer for. You're not helping shit.

Great thread faggot

Blow me. Oh no wait dude, that was yo momma.

See this pic? That is what I stand for and will never surrender to your anti-white hatred.


This could have been written by one of /ourguys/ in deep cover. I burst out laughing when it mentioned they attended the bar mitzva of their neighbor's son

A literal shitskin writing the article

I saw an episode of Beavis & Butthead yesterday in which Diaria does a presentation to prove that intelligence is both environmentally and genetically influenced. It was a simpler time.

There are six major arguments for the presence of some genetic determination of the intelligence difference between Africans and Europeans.
1) First, the two races have evolved independently in different environments over a period of approximately 100,000 years (Mellars and Stringer, 1989; Cavalli-Sforza, 2000). When two populations evolve largely in isolation from each other for this period of time genetic differences between them inevitably evolve for all characteristics for which there is genetic variability. These differences evolve as a result of genetic drift, mutations, founder effects, and most important, adaptation to different environments. The extreme environmentalist position that there is no genetic difference between the two races for intelligence defies this general principle of evolutionary biology and should be ruled out as impossible.
Mellars, P., and Stringer, C. (1989). The Human Revolution. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Univer-sity Press.
Cavalli-Sforza, L. L. (2000). Genes, Peoples and Languages. New York: North Point.