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There really was one en-route, but the defense screens or some other tech we don't know worked and they defeated it.
Statement went out it was a false message, in reality they want to avoid a panic.
Shouldn't there have been retaliation by now?
Disgruntled employee
I have a cousin who lives in Hawaii. Trust me, it happened.
of course the message happened
probably someone hit the wrong button on accident - or they wanted to test the system and forgot to turn of the part where they actually send out the messages to everyone
Ayy lmaos shot it down. Nuclear war is impossible now.
>can retaliate more than twitter response
Are you deeply concerned?
retaliation over a false alarm? if they already told everyone it was fake they can't invade someone over it.
No, going off the assumption that there was actually a missile. Read the post it's responding to.
Chinese hackers did this.
Hawaiians are lazy and bad at their jobs.
I wonder why something so important like a nuke warning system has only a one-way activation like a button. Maybe it would be better if it has to be confirmed for at least 2 persons before triggering the alarm.
How embarresing.
Daily Reminder that this is the exact sort of thing that would happen if there was an actual attack on American soil. The government doesn’t want people to panic
>I wonder why something so important like a nuke warning system has only a one-way activation like a button.
It doesn't. They lied
Fat Amerimutt accidentally slipped on his greased elbow and hit a single point of failure on the emergency alert system.
Kimmy stopped begging for food and Olympics participation long enough to develop a real response to USA.
Yea I'm all in on the Amerimutt slipup.
all i know is that some user fucked his sister and i need MOARR
probably a drill gone wrong. Whether it went wrong organically or was an (((intentional))) failure orchestrated by some remaining and desperate bad actors within the deep state is the most difficult question to answer.
tfw no big sister to have as a fuckbuddt
no. We're trying to avoid war
they prbly had to intercept a missile, but couldn't be sure it'd work with foreign tech attack
they let the automated warning trigger, but as they catched the 3r-worlder rocket even easier than ever anticipated, they played the event down
>better built in something to our nuke system that could potentially lead to the message not being delivered in a real emergency, so that if there is none people dont get scared for 30 mins
if there is an incoming missle attack you have a few minutes before it arirves to get into cover
there is no time for double checking
Intentional false alert, most likely to give ammunition to use against Trump.
Think about the official narrative for one moment:
A single guy "mistakenly" gave out a ballistic missile warning that was received by almost every cell phone owner on the island. The government agency responsible realised this mistake only 38 minutes later and sent a message to cancel the alarm. Within these 38 minutes not a single cell phone owner in the building that the government houses the system for this alert received the message and immediately checked on the guy who sent out the false alarm, including the guy himself? 38 minutes? In a state that is incredibly democrat heavy?
Idk my husbear is deployed so no contact.
We were conditioned for this
Watch the movie lilo and stitch
What is most likely?
>someone messed up and it was sent out by accident
>there really was a ballistic missiles only targeting hawaii and it was shot down with no witnesses or leaked information
Hoping for an epilogue of the conversation about it.
>drill gone wrong
drill gone right is the more likely explanation. it was a false flag alarm to test the public's response to what they didn't know was a drill. gubmint wanted to see whether people would start looting and killing because the world wasn't about to end.
an accident of this magnitude would result in a court marshal, but alarm guy got off scot free. really makes you think
False flag to hide deep state shit.
Deep state attempted to bait trump into firing nukes.
Any geologyfags here? Would a nuclear strike on Hawaii trigger volcanic eruptions?
Imagine you just ripped a fat bong or dabs and saw that message. How fucking crazy would that be
NK did make a ballistic missile test that flew over Hawai, but the deep state don't want the public to know that because it proves NK can strike american soil.
there was way better ones but this is all i could find
Fuck that. Imagine the several tens of thousands of meth addicts on that island still high after a 3 day binge seeing that.
One of your planes got shot down trying to chase a UFO before, literally btfo by an ayyy
EAS was FAKED from a very high level. What were they covering up? Who were they baiting?
Check the news for that day and filter out the EAS alert. Look for emerging documents and proofs re: CF, Jack Dorsey, and Las Vegas. It was a huge day, the shills were out in force, they launched the largest slide thread in history.
There's never just one angle, however, this was bait. The (((Dirty Dems))) genuinely believe that GEOTUS is quick to over-reaction, in their minds an EAS was enough of a false flag to provoke retaliation against NK, thus amplifying the slide effect and taking nearly all the focus off them, they know DOTR looms on the horizion. Dirty Dems, thankfully, don't have the intelligence to formulate functional plans, so it turned out to be a nothingburger.
False flag. The thing is, for a nuke warning, there are four (five?) stages that are carefully monitored by military boards to make sure that a nuke is indeed inbound. There was no record of said stages or protocol being followed that led up to the Hawaii warning. It's a scare tactic.
sorry, we didnt know it was invisible
larping is so fun
They tested waters to see people's reaction, obviously.
I don't know much about this, but we are all hugely underestimating that whole situation with false alarm. Something big happened behind curtain, I'm 100% sure about it.
Forum sliding on a global scale
Not really a /x/fag but but this is an interesting documentary to give a watch
It's funny that it mentioned shelter, if a ballistic missile is inbound, you're better off lying in a field and hoping for the best. Why get inside a structure that will just topple and crush you...
My God that is kinda hilarious
White hat ruse to accomplish something (plug a security leak, keep a bad actor from acting, get some otherwise unavailable info or ?)
>you're better off lying in a field and hoping for the best.
Kek, there was some post about this guy that pulled out a lawn chair at a resort he was in and cracked a beer while everybody panicked inside
podesta pedo gang covering their Hawaii tracks
Needed a big distraktion to get all the cops and customs out the way
But all they learned was that Yanks will spend their final moments committing incest.
I imagine many such things happened on that day there. They could sue military for such shit.
No, but it would trigger other nuclear strikes elsewhere.
Wasn't a mistake. It was a situation to test how the public would handle a real-world scenario and if it was worthwhile warning them if it were to just spread to anarchy and chaos.
Also plausible is that through the chaos, they were using the time to extract someone. That way there'd be no one paying attention while everyone was panicking to get to bomb shelters.
fucking amazing
An accident that passed through at least five layers of control?
Too much attention to Haiti/Chelsea wedding, emails found? Media had to shift focus.
>Ballistic missile launch was real
>Defense shot down missile over Pacific Ocean
>Blame false alarm to cover up story
Thanks man. I was looking for this.
Totally a liberal “I’ll teach you” moment to rev up the blogger feels...
Speaking of Pep how crazy was that match yesterday?
never attribute to malice what can be attributed to lazyness and stupidity.
>"Damn it! I hit the 'Ballistic missile threat inbound (not a drill)' button!"
>"Where's the cancel button!"
>waits 38min
>actual missile flight time from NK to Hawaii would be about 35min
>"Oh, I finally found the cancel button!"
Come the fuck on. This story is worse than the Vegas cover-up. They (Hawaii leadership) were clearly trying to force Trump's hand and get him to act impulsively and blow up some foreign vessel. Then when he did, they'd spin up the following narrative:
>"Trump is unsteady!"
>"Trump is dangerous!"
>"Look how impulsive Trump is! He attacked another country due to a false alarm!"
They obviously failed because they think Trump is an ape who will just launch a ton of nukes at the first perceived threat that comes our way. I really hope we, the public, get the actual truth here at some point. I'm not sure we ever will.
I tend to agree that it was orchestrated but i don't see them doing it to gauge people's reaction. It seems obvious that a text message isn't enough to cause people to riot etc. Perhaps if a missile strike had already occurred elsewhere and they knew what could happen would they become this frantic. For the most part people just stare ahead cow-eyed regardless of what you tell them is coming.
This. The government is hiring more women and POCs than ever. Expect more of these type of mistakes.
Some user claims the alert caused him to lose his virginity. I wonder how many babies will be born 9 months from now.
That's not true. The flight time is over 30min from NoKo to Hawaii. Second, our nuclear response requires at least 3 people present (that we know of). It's why the president's "football" goes with him everywhere and has a briefcase handcuffed to him at all times. This ensures that no one person can accidentally strike a country. I know that in my local city in Michigan, 2 people must be present to send out an Amber alert even. One person crafts the message, the second proofreads it and sends it out. I'd imagine that an emergency response center handling the messages for an incoming missile would have at LEAST this same level of security, if not more.
How does giving Trump an excuse to wage an incredibly easy war help (((them)))?
Srsly, China is not going to war with the US over anything except an invasion of the Chinese mainland. They DEFINITELY aren't going to war with the US over shitty little North Korea
So America would wipe that shithole off the map in 15 minutes. Handing Trump an easy victory to a war that's been going on for over half a century makes him look good. Really good.
For anyone to believe a retarded conspiracy theory it needs to at least make a tiny bit of sense
There actually is no cancel button at present. Adding an alert retraction function is (according to Hawaiian officials) their first to-do item to prevent false alerts from going uncorrected as soon as they are identified.
If there's no cancel button then who turned it off?
i ironically believe that ayys have messed with our nuclear shit multiple time
No one did. That's where the missile landed. Problem solved itself.
This is also why the US Navy keeps crashing into civilian ships in the Pacific. That and constant "diversity training".
There doesn't need to be a cancel button actually. You just send out another alert, just like the previous one, that says "Whoops! JK!"
The fact that they waited 38min is very telling. There's no chance that, despite everyone in the building where the alert was sent out getting the same alert, that nobody went over to that guy and was like "WTF are you doing?".
This was an attempt to make Trump look like shit. The Deep State is getting nervous.
but does it come to one person who gets the command presses the button. I worked for the government and you may have multiple layers but one IT guy presses a button and it goes out.
some diversity hire at Hawaii Emergency Management agency who couldn't understand the word TEST pressed the wrong option in a dropdown menu
Hawaii sent out manually entered text to tell people to ignore the previous alert. A "cancel" button would also prevent the alert system from continuing to resend the false alarm to cell phones and other devices that come online/get turned on/get toggled out of airplane mode after the first alert is sent.
The point is that more than 1 person decided to send the message out. That's the main issue.
You are half right. Defeating it was not part of the plan though. It was supposed to be the same shit FDR pulled 77 years ago just on a grander scale.
Kim said he would fire a missile. It takes 38 minutes to reach Hawaii from North Korea by rocket. 38 minutes in residents received the false-alarm text.
if it was a text why didnt they wrote that "WE'RE TESTING THE SYSTEM". it's all about sending and receiving the alert.
>Hawaii sent out manually entered text to tell people to ignore the previous alert.
That doesn't answer the question
>wake up
>turn phone on
>see two alerts
If this is true, this guy and his accomplices need to go to prison for life. They risked nuclear war because....they don't like Trump? Hang these fuckers in public.
I think a more likely explanation, is that there actually was something detected, possibly a real missile, and it was shot down. The government/military isn't gonna tell us. There are many things that happen we'll likely never know about. Remember those two Navy ships that "crashed" inexplicably? Yeah, those were not accidents, if you think they were you're a fool.
>sirens start
Thats some good goy philosophy right there.
>So America would wipe that shithole off the map in 15 minutes.
hasn't vietnam taught you anything? you chased sand niggers in deserts for 15 years ffs
>Phenjan-Honolulu 7399.08 km
That would have had the missile go something like 16 000 km/h.Unrealistic at best.