Huh, well he's got a point....
Huh, well he's got a point
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well yes and no.
in essence you want to bring in good people, regardless of where they are from, but you are more likely to get good people (with skills and education that allow them to be self-sufficient and net-contributors to your country) from good countries.
now, it's possible to get good people from bad countries, but then you are, in effect, draining the best and brightest from these shitholes, ensuring that they remain shitholes forevermore.
if you truly care about improving your own country as well as others, you would only take in immigrants based on their merit, and you would reconsider draining all the brains from the 3rd world.
Romney is retarded.
How much did being the "good Republican" accomplish for Mitt Romney? They hate him and can call him a nazi fascist anyway.
Its pretty funny when Mitt 'Binders full of women' Romney is the voice of reason
My memory of king was a habitual plagiarist who was buddy with Marxists. Loved drugs and prostitutes.
>dr kang made a point once
Mittens is such a fucking faggot. He’ll ruin utah.
Remember when being a American and having American values meant only whites could be a citizen you know the America the founders lived and died under..... Remember when that changed..... Remember when that ment it can change again at anytime and is a meaningless sentiment.
Exactly, what a fucking homo. I didnt vote in 2012 because I hated obama and saw mittens as his mirror image, and sort of laughed in confused astonishment as he was labeled a nazi by the media.
How big of a chance does he have to win Utah with these positions? Are Mormons weary of outsiders or are they run of the mill religitards who see foreigners as fresh meat for proselytizing?
Look at this Mittens virtue signaling.....hey Mittens I've got a book for sale about limited liability, are you interested? It's $4,000...any takers? Mittens?
Good post leaf.
They're the latter
>multi millionaire who lives in an all-white gated community tells us why poor people need to accept more nigger neighbors
Hey MIttens since you're a poor excuse for rich man I'll cut you a deal and give you the best part about it away to you for free....maybe you can twitter on about this...please do in reference to Haiti and how to make money off charity money with interest...please tell the world of this amazing discovery, I know we can count on you of all so called "conservatives" to give the world the scoop on this story, right Mittens?
Yea no. We brought in the good hardworking pakis and niggers 40 years ago, now their grandchildren are having gang wars over postcodes and planting nail bombs. Shitskins will revert to type in a few generations.
A country is a direct reflection of the people who live in it. It’s not irrelevant at all. If their country is a shithole it’s because they are shit.
Wow, sounds like Mitt Romney supports a merit based immigration system where the race or poverty of the immigrant's nation has no factor....
It's going to be hilarious when this faggot gets blown out by whoever Trump endorses in the primary.
The absolute state of fucking boomers. This is exactly how they ruined our country. Is the culture of the place these people coming from just as irrelevant? They do not hold the same values that we do, we should be bringing in people that respect and want to be part of our culture.
Conservatives are so fucking pathetic
Wake up …..
Wake up user…..
You are not alone…..
Minerva has you….. ..
Follow the white owl…..
Dr. King wasn't a found father or really someone who had anything to do with our founding values
Also there is no magic soil Mitt
How about zero immigrants
i hate niggers and Mitt Romney.
Romney isn't Christian. Which is the only reason he wasn't elected.
>Charity for all
Even Republicans are now proposing world wide welfare off the few productive Americans left.
This all comes down to the false notion that we are all biologically equal and that it is the environment that determines intelligence, aggression and propensity to build civilisation and not destroy it. There's no stopping the west from committing suicide now. It's too easy to virtue signal against the Nazis.
You depress me Nigel.
>bob around aimlessly in a never ending sea of nothingness
The line keeps getting blurrier. Every day, I must go further right to escape it.
USA had a 0% immigration rate from Africa before 1965 (Jewish slave trade not withstanding).
Wonderful language, but what action?
IF he held office, the Dems would chew him up and spit him out. Just ONE attack and he will step down.
Romney is everything wrong with Republicants
I thought they were supposed to be the better ones, believed niggers were tainted etc
I could give you a quick rundown on many spanish regions and you'd be right to expect that description in 80% of the people you find.
Everything counts. The more aware you are of people's tendencies the better for your country's health.
So what's this? McCain's days are numbered so the dems have to line up a new buttboy?
Fuck this latter day faggot.
You can’t shut me up. You can’t dumb me down because I’m tireless and I’m wireless, I’m an alpha male on beta-blockers.
this.tribalism is real.
1790 Immigration Act:
White men only of good character
eat a dick.
Mitt Romney, a hoity toity mormon business man from the super white conservative states of Utah and Massachusetts, whose religion believes in magical underwear that defends against 'red skinned devils' totally isn't racist.
but Donald Trump, an international businessman from the mega-center of multi-culti, New Yorker City, who has hired thousands of minorities, totally is.
These faggots quote mlk, I have a dream that nobody is judged for their color etc, but whirl around and blame white men for their problems and are the same group of niggers who are trying to "deconstruct whiteness", want white genocide, and are trying to tear down historical statues by calling all white history Nazism and are the same group of utter fucktards who think Nazis, neonazis, skinheads, white supremacists, nationalists and identitarians are the same exact thing. These people are retarded mouthbreathers who don't believe a single thing which they are saying, saying and doing anything they can in order to rob their way into power over people!e.
I wonder if he's faking his diagnosis of cancer. Seems like he's doing okay, no?
how stupid are u people.. MLK went to the border to protest illegal immigration with Ceasar Chavez.
He's just lashing out like a little bitch because Trump completely shat on him.
We don't want to bring people from impoverished nations because they often don't have any valuable skill to offer beyond the ability to extend a hand and scream "gibs me dat!"
We don't want to bring in more shitskins because there's a correlation between shitskins and increased crime rate.
So I guess Mittens will be flying all these Haitians out to UTAH as his campaign slogan?
Mormons vote like blacks -- for mirrors of themselves. Blacks won't vote for a white if that white is running against a black: Mormons won't vote for a Protestant/Catholic/Jew if that person is running against a Mormon.
The tribalism in Mormon-land is just that thick.
Mormons have a long history of being cucks, top level early mormon leaders had to share their wives with Joseph Smith on demand.
Isn't this faggot supposed to be a conservative? Sounds just like a libshit
fuck off Utah is full
Fuck off back to the donald you dipshit. See once more for good measure.
Not true. Romney was a doofus, and people saw his gawky, self-righteous positioning ...
Republicans mostly liked him. Mormons LOVED him (2.5 percent of the population, at best). Still, it wasn't enough to push his candidacy into winning territory.
He was, and is, a flawed politician. Deep inside he's liberal. His Mormon faith, with it's missionary mindset, created in him a tenuous identification with Americans ... and a strong identification with foreigners. After all, foreigners are ripe for conversion.
So then we are all in agreement, then, that immigration should be strictly merit based, and we should not be accepting more or fewer people based on their country of origin?
shitholes often don't produce good people, Mitt. The mentality required to survive is usually a self-serving, criminal, or at least willing to break rules to get along.
Move to Haiti, Mitt. And tell me how great the people and place is before you're attacked.
We don't need immigrants in the first place
I say we end immigration to the united states or make it to where just like the top 10,000 can come in or something. They have to be voted on by the citizens of the community they will be entering.
No good knife was ever made from bad steel
Sort of. Immigration should be merit based with a strong preference given to individuals from countries with cultures similar to our existing culture. So, immigrants from Europe, South Africa, some Asian countries, and a handful of South American countries.
>An aspiring immigrants nation of origin is as irrelevant as their race
...So not at all then? Because they'revrace is extremely important.
Yes! No immigrants, just incentives to have more children. That will take care of the problem of a labor shortage, if that problem really exists.
Mit Romney never had a point. Completely pointless cog in the establishment wheel. He brings nothing to the table. He is still mad that he was rejected when he begged to work in the Trump admin.
>Yes! No immigrants, just incentives to have more children. That will take care of the problem of a labor shortage, if that problem really exists.
There is no frickin labor shortage. Do you want to know why wages have stagnated since the 70's and nobody has gotten a raise? It's because they keep bringing more immigrants in. Make labor a little bit scarce and wages will go way up.
No society needs immigrants. The population can rise and fall and rise and fall. This is a natural cycle. Unlimited population growth is unsustainable but it is a democrat/jew dream.
>voice of reason
>binders full of women
kill yourself shill
The irony is that he said that a certain percentage of the public would never vote for him and he was right....but then he says dumb shit like this....yeah you won't ever vote for me, but I want poor white racists to live next door to you while i live on a 200 acre farm out in the middle of nowhere...that's what you get evil white redneck for voting for Drumpf!!!
His butt is still sore after all this time, what a sore loser.
Trump's comments are completely consistent with american history pre-1965
Non-white actually voted more for Trump than they did Romney
didn't know a first post could be a quality post.
I can't believe I actually voted for this guy in 2012. I was naive back then, but he's the embodiment of a goody-two-shoes establishment shill.
I wouldn't feel too bad about it, there was no other choice with even a remote chance of winning, now that we know Obama was spying on Drumpf with his 7th floor doubt they were also doing the same to wonders what was in binder they slipped under his campaign door after the first debate was over.....maybe Mittens had a little Roy More style fun with some of those refugee "children" he's so concerned about?
A fucking leaf. Trudeau why are you on Sup Forums?
no u
Shill thread
Season well and send to hell
Mass immigration should stop. We don't need masses of unfiltered people. Selectively taking the few good ones from shithole countries may be a benefit.
1) they are best they have to offer
2) there wont be many of them and this will prevent ghettos of them forming as they will be forced to assimilate.
Are you talking about twitter the Echo-Chamber. I don't think anyone cares about twitter anymore.
Damn, even Republicans like Romney are starting to turn on Trump. This doesnt look good for him
Romney has always been a globalist cuck who should be hanging from a tree
No he doesn't. You have to first prove that the immigrant is truly "aspiring" and not just coming here to continue their habits in a better, less-shitholey country that iwilling to welcome them with open arms.
Politicians are (whatever they need to be to get the vote). Hence Chillary stating 20yrs ago "I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman", and now she's the opposite. It's all circus show, take none of it serious. Romney is preparing his position NOW to run again when Trumps first term is up.
Trump has a point too. Haiti is a shithole.
Literally who?
The Long March of Romunism strikes again.
That fucking Mexican Mormon cuck.
Haiti is a massive shithole.. Why is it that wherever African Americans congregate, it becomes a soupy cesspool of disease, infection, starvation and murder?
First leaf best leaf
Did you even read his post? You basically agree with him you fucking retard
A friend of mine lives two "houses" down from that traitor and trust and believe there is absolutely zero fucking "diversity" in that town.
Typical "good for thee but not for me" communist.
But it is relevant. About 80% of the Eritrea/Somali immigrants are unable to find any kind of work. Why the fuck would we take more of them? They are beyond useless, even for niggers.
Anyone else notice it is the people who hate the USA the most that run at them mouth about "our values".
Mitt gets the oven.
So where did Hussein shuffle all this charity into his pockets? How did he shuffle it back to himself?
I'll go ahead and answer how where since Mittens is so busy trying to shuffle some refugee/crisis charity funds his way by singing emo punk songs to the left wing media choir.
Here Mittens this is what you sound like to the world....
He also thinks the Jews made wooden submarines and sailed to America where their sins turned them into Native Americans.
Happy Robert E. Lee day!
this fucking loser won't go away
This guy’s an embarrassment to the country.
No he doesn't lol
Fuck those faggots. Take the best from the shitholes and let them rot.
>look who virtuous I am!
what about the American citizen who send there kid to school so they can get a meal?
How about the veteran working two part time jobs that pay 10.50 an hour that will never afford to buy a home?
Fuck MItt romney, Fuck democrats, And fuck dumb ass voter who eat this race baiting shit up.
Literally born in Mexico
Shithole countries remain so due to culture. If you take a large amount of people from that culture and transplant them, their culture comes with it.
The number of the best and brightest are few in such countries and people overestimate the number. They'd rather play the numbers game by taking 100 and hoping that 1 will turn out.