At this point, what reason do i have as an African-American to vote Republican ever in the future? It's quite clear this party doesn't respect me or care about our concerns. At the very least we have a seat at the table with Democrats. Republicans are unironically defending Trump's shithole comments so why would i support them? You guys hated Obama for much less (i.e. Trayvon could have been my son) which isn't even racist.
If you're a white nationalist, fuck off. I'm taking to right-wingers on this board who insist the Republican party isn't racist.
At this point, what reason do i have as an African-American to vote Republican ever in the future...
Other urls found in this thread:
Haiti is a shithole and you’re a dumb nigger. Fuck off.
The Dems are the real racists.
Because you live off white peoples wealth like a tick and you're killing the host body your disgusting mongrel abominations of people are feeding off
I have a full time job and have committed any crimes. In fact contrary to the propganda on this board, this is true for most black people.
how have those democrat policies worked out for black america since the Civil rights era
read what Malcolm X had to say about white liberals. Most republicans aren't racist (unfortunately) but they are individualists; meaning they judge people as individuals. If you act like a dumb nigger, they're not going to cut you slack just because you're black; they're going to hold you to the same standards as white people. But if you do prove yourself to be intelligent and well-spoken they will accept you with open arms. I can't stand most niggers, but even I am impressed with people like Thomas Sowell and Clarence Thomas.
How does that justify using that kind of language? Would you be ok with Obama calling the Midwest a shithole?
Please explain how the Republican party has implemented better policies for blacks. The war on drugs and mass incarceration started under Republican presidents and continued under Clinton. I'm not ignorant of this. But don't pretend Republicans give a shit about blacks without any specific examples.
because it's the truth. and by the way, this answers your question. you should vote republican so the white man stays in charge so America doesn't turn into Haiti
>shithole comments
Haiti is a shithole and Haitian niggers are even dumber and more violent than African Americans. why would you, as a black person who's community is most at risk, want more people competing for gibs? You know unchecked immigration hurts you the most, right? or do you just hate white people so much you're willing to cut off your nose to spite the face? this is what I hate about niggers. you're so fucking stupid.
You need to stop believing everything that Dick Durbin says.
how fucking stupid are you to think liberals are doing anything other than using you? you vote Democrat as LBJ predicted, because of gibs. liberals think you're a super predator lmao
fucking moron
I don’t see midwesterners clamoring to immigrate to haiti
>Implying US foreign policy has no influence on the state of Haiti
>I know de wei
Seriously though join my discord for American(black) chambers
>Please explain how the Republican party has implemented better policies for blacks
The Great Society, however well-intentioned it may have been, destroyed the black family. No Republican policy has been as remotely destructive to blacks as the welfare state.
Democrats have been "helping" black people for the better part of a century and you're at the bottom of virtually every metric for success. At what point do you ask yourself if you're getting a raw deal?
I don't see Haitians clamouring to immigrate to the Midwest. Are there even Haitian in non-coastal States?
I'm not going to defend the "war on drugs", which was a disaster, but black unemployment is at its lowest point in years under Trump - and black home ownership is at its highest ever. Also, if you're so concerned about drugs, why not support Trump in his efforts to build the wall and curb illegal immigration. Where do you think all the drugs are coming from? and by the way, how's the black on black crime rate doing now that BLM - who Obama supported - effectively neutered the inner city police forces?
You're existence comes from the enslaving and forced through rape mongrelization of the Irish with africans, at the hands of a predominantly Jewish run slave trade
If you aren't extolling the truth of that situation I don't care what you do you are complicit through complacency
You have the job you have because of what whites invented meaning almost everything including reasoning and argument structure
It doesn't matter how "good" you are, yopu're not us and you now are questioning why you shouldn't vote to steal our resources through gun point taxation.
You are my enemy, you ask a government to subsidize you low IQ non-inventive in any area of worth people.
You're a parasite, I can get a white man to do your job probably better
Also multiculturalism promotes social discohesion, meaning you don't give a damn about children's of any race childhoods
You're a cowardly a-moralistic animal playing at false saint
And a kike puppet
Democrats turned you into slaves over gibs.
If you are unable to see this, perhaps you should continue voting dem.
You'll always be a nigger
>Republican policy has been as remotely destructive to blacks
That's nonsense. Why exactly do you think blacks needed welfare to begin with?
With mentioning Democrats, what is the Republican party's solution to these issues?
First off calling a shithole country a shithole isn’t racist secondly what other istances do you have to support the fact that he’s racist/doesn’t care about you? I meant really give me a fucking break all the black hate on this board is obviously a joke
>I have a full time job and have committed any crimes
You misspelled MANY
Why would republicans cater to niggers when niggers vote 98% democrat
Trump presidency is a continuation of a trend that was already happening. I'm not impressed. If black home ownership remains high after the best 2-6 years, i will give Trump credit.
BLM is generally against obama's neoliberal policies. Radical blacks know Democrats also contribute to the problem.
What do you want Op ?
Sweet lies or hard truths ? Look how these lies served blacks. Is Trump wrong about these countries ? No. Thats why their people come in the West. On white man lands. It is how it is. The wealth, security and education you have access to is the product of the white man efforts. So the choices are simple : either you support your interest, and therefore everything that empower the western world where you live, either you go in africa and try to build something.
Try to understand a white man position. You conquer the world. Ruthless, yes, but unlike any other civilisation, you do not genocide everything. American indians are an exception. Rest of colonies/occupied places saw their populations multiplied many times. You bring with you everything you learned. Build schoons, hospitals, roads, factories.Treat non whites as second class citizens, but citizens nonetheless, while chinese would kill you and africans may even eat you. Then you decolonize after abolishing slavery. Become even richer because of your work since. Go in space. Then, suddently, you are told that everything is owed not to your children, but to other people. People coming from primitive pkaces and who ask you, wypipo, to pay a tribute and give lands, jobs and women. How would chinese react ? How would african react ? Whites can be racists. Look at what migrants bring : unfair competition and low wages, crimes, lower iq, backwarded religions. So choose your side, and choose wisely.
With whites in white lands, or anything else, anywhere else.
Reminder that dems control and have controlled most "black crime" hotspots for a solid decade now. If you want to blame someone blame yourselves for falling for the same bullshit again and again even while its evident to you they just want your vote and if they fix your neigberhoods they would lose your vote since you dont have shit to complain anymore. Think dude.
Stupid nigger to even believe that conservatives care about niggers.
lmao, blacks were doing better by every metric before the welfare state. Listen to Larry Elder on this subject. Did you know, prior to the welfare state, black were MORE likely to be born into two parent homes than whites? just think about that.
Scott Adams on
Trump, Republicans and Black Lives Matter—future allies?
Because niggers have an average IQ of 85
Get a life.
You're not going to change anything on this message board, and you are only going to succumb to our values.
For instance, you are pretending to be an African American in order to stir up the pot.
You are the true racist.
Ur asking this because of the new pragerU video?
>>The Great Society, however well-intentioned it may have been
It wasn't well-intentioned, LBJ knew it was going to enslave blacks for 200 years.
I agree that Trump is reckless and idiotic in his verbal spew. But you have to add to that that he's from Queens, NY. They all shit talk and expect people to work around their hyperbole. I recommend you focus on what he does, not what he says. It's tough, but you gotta let some of this stuff just roll. I doubt you prefer the Democratic Solution where rich white liberals pat you on the head and tell you that God and Family are dead and here's your free birth control. Keep the big issues in mind and keep the faith.
Blacks didn't need welfare. Democrats just wanted to make you dependent on the government so you'd mindlessly give them your votes, which is precisely what has happened. Pic related is a real quote, by the way.
What's the Republican solution? To create job opportunities so you're not reliant on government handouts.
He isn't and you need to stop being brainwashed by the Mainstream Media. President Trump is trying to get African Americans working again and you have the gall to call him racist. Very disrespectful, but he loves you no less and wants whats best for you and that is good safe communities, less crime, with good paying jobs.
Do you like money? Do you like being employed? Do you like private property? Do you like low taxes? Do you like security both domestic and abroad?
Sorry, forgot pic.
You misspelled democrat.
You dumb nig. Haitians would kill their mother to have a chance to live in Kansas.
the democrats are not for you, they are for foreign negroes and sandnegroes
they will flood the ghettos with more and more trash, terrorists and Islam!
the less foreign negroes there are the better it will be for American negroes (less competition ,safer neighbourhoods)
first of all you are most likely slaveblue
however i believe in many business friendly policy
like no taxes for new businesses for 1-2 years nationally. this way people with low capital can start businesses and not be immediately fucked
as long you have a job you really have nothing to fear
discord is horrible garbage
>Trump presidency is a continuation of a trend that was already happening
wrong. Obama doubled the national debt and the economy remained stagnate despite the media falsifying his jobs numbers. tens of millions of people dropped out of the work force and most of the "jobs" he created were part time service jobs. Trump is generating real wealth by bringing back manufacturing jobs and cutting taxes. Walmart, of all places, just announced they were going to raise the minimum wage, which is huge. the Dems have been bitching at them for years to raise the minimum wage to no success, because it wasn't economically feasible. well it is now.
If Haiti isn’t a shithole, how else would you describe the poorest country is the Western Hemisphere?
Forming the KKK
Forming Jim Crow Laws
Supporting nations that are Racist
Black Supremacy
White Hating.
it really isnt africa tier though
>African-American to vote Republican
Stop crying every time Trump "says mean things".
Black unemployment is at an ALL TIME low, the Republican party LOVES minorities that ACTUALLY WORK.. no free gibs. Republicans WILL vote for a minority person who believes in conservative views.
black americans are literally a different race than africans because rape.
you are likely 25% white
Now you know how white men feel about democrats.
You have a duty to support right wing ideals within a black African ethnostate. Have fun in Rhodesia buddy
Obama did call the midwest a shithole that "clung to guns and religion" in a derogatory manner. So no, many people were not cool with it. Beta nu-males were, though, so he wasn't called out on it.
Left and right are cucked by the same people don't choose either
Haiti is the face of a geographical paradise run by blacks.
They were completely independant from French colonial rule.
They had all the infrastructures built and left by whites for themselves.
But they screwed up nonetheless and proved that blacks cannot succesfully govern themselves. Yet, some deluded dindus such as yourself still have the audacity to claim that white people are to blame for this.
How dare you
Because user. The democratic party is not your friend. They just say they are because they want your vote.
Fun facts.
The democrats started the kkk.
Abraham Lincoln, THE GUY WHO FREED YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE, was a republican.
Democrats would have you believe there was a great switch between parties. That all the bad racists just stopped being democrat and just went republican for reasons and that all the good anti racist people. just decided to be democrat.
That's very convieniant for democrats don't you think? How does this not scream "con" to you?
I'm a beaner and I vote for conservatives.Why? Because I work and don't need gibs. Also I don't care if someone is a racist or not because I'm self-reliant. Blacks on whole need to grow the fuck up and stop worrying about what others think of them and do for themselves. By playing victim you are only confirming your own stupidity.
People blame Obama for making race relations worse when he was in the best position possible to make them better. All he had to do was tell a certain percentage of blacks a few things they ought to hear. Hearing them from a black president would have amplified it and then some. Instead he resorted to pandering like every other gutless short sighted coward in power.
>what reason do i have as an African-American to vote Republican ...
Because you woke up and realized Democrats treat you like their own personal retards? Convince you that you are not competent enough to play on a level field of equality?
>An island it's a geographical paradise.
Are you an escaped briton by any chance?
Your candidate calls niggers for super predators, dont believe me? Google it. Also there are picture of hillary and bill dressed as blackface, i havent checked if real but wouldnt be suprised if it was
Look at Zimbabwe.
When whites ran it it was the "breadbasket" of Africa, more than enough food to feed itself and many other. Under Black rule the nation needs to import food. The blacks LITERALLY just had to run the farms the dame way they were run, but being dumb niggers they could not even do that.
The only thing literally blacks care about political is racism. Instead of having actual policy preferences that would improve their lives, they’re actually more concerned about people saying “nigger”. That’s fucking pathetic. Good luck finding a policy that would actually get rid of racism.
I dont vote for either party because they both dont serve my interests.
1. Party is TOTALLY anti Male, Anti traditional marriage and family, is pushing pure degenerate lgbt filth in our schools, you cant even hit on a woman without being accused of harassment.
2. The other is totally anti Immigrant, Anti African Immigrant, anti Muslim immigrant.
I don't know why niggers even bother voting. Republicans don't care about you, and Democrats only use you.
Yea, because it would be true. Still in no way comparable to the shithole that is Haiti. Truth hurts sometimes
most American blacks hate Haitians as much as white people hate Haitians for the same reasons.
Kill yourself nigger
Simple game theory. Republicans want your votes. You have eternally pledged your votes to the Dems.
The Dems don't give a shit about you. Why? Because they can shit on your head with someone like Hot Sauce Hillary and you'll pull that fucking lever anyways because Muh Trump. You're their slaves again, only now, instead of living in a shithole and picking cotton, you're living in a shithole and picking votes.
Republicans would actually have to DO SOMETHING to keep you voting for them. Dems are terrified as shit by the "Mexicans are natural conservatives" shit, because that means they have to WORK for the votes. (Joke's on them, Mexicans don't vote.)
Blacks? Fuck them, we'll get some race pimp to shout about some black kid who acted stupid and got shot by the cops, and they'll cry MUH RACISM and vote for us.
Blacks are the democrats side-side bitch.
>care about our concerns.
You probably have retarded concerns then, good sir.
>Would you be ok with Obama calling the Midwest a shithole?
I wouldn’t care and I certainly wouldn’t have a meltdown or cry to Sup Forums about it, and that’s in my own country. What’s your reason for getting upset over mean comments towards countries you’re not from/never visited?
>Being treated like a retard by the democrats.
Sucks but I don't get insulted and taking out of wellfare.
>Being treated like a republican voter.
this board wonders why normal people don't want to associate with it. Sarcasm and humor aside so many of you just seem like ass hats in real life that throw tantrums at the slightest thing.
Republicans will never respect you as long as you keep pretending those shithole countries aren’t shitholes.
Don’t you have some standards? Quit trying to make the world a worse place by promoting lowest-common-denominator shit.
I'm afraid that if you gave blacks their own state, it would turn into Haiti. I grew up in LA and the blacks lost their own community because they'd rather smoke rock and pimp out their women.
You talk like a fag and your shit’s all retarded.
If you think your current situation is better than an African hellscape (btw it is by any metric), then vote R. Voting D just leads us all closer to failed state shithole status.
Don't ever seek to reach a mutual point of understanding on politics with any white person. It's not worth your time and effort.
Just another example as to why blacks shouldn’t be taken seriously- you demonstrated you don’t even believe in what you’re talking about.
Only the very very good looking here get some kind of social interaction, the rest just hates humanity.
You need to understand that people don’t care that you’re black. No body gives a fuck. It doesn’t make you special. It doesn’t make you entitled to shit. The welfare state keeps you guys down. Black culture embraces being degenerate. You’re targeted by police because it’s natural to assume you’re up to trouble since your culture embraces trouble. I work with a black dude and I don’t see him for his skin. I see him for what he brings to the table. However, if I see a group of chimps in public, I avoid them because what they’re bringing to the table is trouble.
We don't care what you think since you shouldn't be allowed to vote. End of the thread
Wake up and realize that DACA is anti Black policy. The outlandish proposal by the Dems was to legalize all 21 million illegal, and Tps in the US and allow their families to gain citizenship by 2024. That is 76 million hispanic voters. currently there are 44 million black voters.
It's true.
I get a chuckle out of the fact that a people are upset at a politician for speaking the truth. During Trump's campaign he more or less said that political correctness has got to go. Now he called a shithole a shithole. Fuckin' Ray Charles could have seen that one coming. So, you're willing to go back to the den plantation because you assume that since the shithole in question is full of blacks that he must mean all blacks? How ya figure? Are you a Haitian citizen? No? Then he's not talking about YOU dummy.
If the midwest was a shithole - Chicago would be the actual anus
>Haiti is a shithole
kek - what a fucking lier