Sexual Harrasment

How come there is so much sexual harrasment in the United States? Seriously.

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Giv Elsa gf

This giv Elsa gf.

Because spics and niggers

It says white in the profile.....


>Race: White

How significantly does this affect crime statistics?

I've seen stats where whites and Hispanics are purportedly separated, but I'm even skeptical about those.

Porn, macho male culture.

Also, no swedes allowed ITT.


Because our chicks are like, hot and stuff.

Uhh huh huh, uh huh huhuh

Because men are too stupid to be able to control themselves around us

Very. I remember reading a study that if you aggregate for actual whites in the US, the crime stats would be equal with countries in Northern Europe.

>Be feminist country
>Care about it enough to keep the statistics
>Be a not feminist country
>Do not give a shit about it, never keep tracks of it.

I really wonder.
With feminism you lose, from A to Z.

All these damn white folks are the problem with crime.

She's like a pretty Anna-Sophia Robb.

Because our junk food and nigger blood makes us horny degenerates

Man I'd like to get me a piece of that!

HEY!... HEY!!!


Ouch. Anna-Sophia Robb is pretty.

Because women in America think that everything constitutes sexual harassment.

>I was topless at a bar pouring Hennessy on my tits and some guy touched my boob

>James from accounting asked me if I wanted to go to dinner sometime and he's ugly


You tell me? (Hint: the following 81 (((people))) have something in common)

Joel Achenbach, Woody Allen, Tom Ashbrook, Stephen Bittel, David Blaine, Louis C.K., David Corn, James Deen, Michael Douglas, Richard Dreyfuss, Lena Dunham, Jeffrey Epstein, Corey Feldman, Bob Filner, Jared Fogle, James Franco, Al Franken, Ken Friedman, Joel Getz, Gary Goddard, Jeremy Goldberg, Neil Goldschmidt, Tyler Grasham, Jon Grissom, David Guillod, Howard Gutman, Mark Halperin, Bryon Hefner, John Hockenberry, Alphy Hoffman, Dustin Hoffman, Israel Horovitz, Ron Jeremy, Larry King, Alex Kozinski, Joel Kramer, Andrew Kreisberg, Knight Landesman, Matt Lauer, Stan Lee, James Levine, Murray Miller, T.J. Miller, David Neuman, Michael Oreskes, Norman Pattiz, Lou Pearlman, Jeremy Piven, Roman Polanski, Brett Ratner, Geraldo Rivera, James Rosen, Paul Rosenthal, Howard Rubin, Dan Schneider, Jacob Schwartz, Jonathan Schwartz, Steven Seagal, Sam Seder, Ira Silverstein, Gene Simmons, Bryan Singer, Eliot Spitzer, Lorin Stein, Oliver Stone, Daniel Switzen, Jeffrey Tambor, Glenn Thrush, James Toback, Adam Venit, Eric Weinberger, Anthony Weiner, Matthew Weiner, Bob Weinstein, Harvey Weinstein, Martin Weiss, Jann Wenner, Elie Wiesel, Leon Wieseltier, Peter Yarrow, Matt Zimmerman

Hyper sexualization

Humans struggle to resist because they are weak

because there are so many white males there

One thing I don't get about this debate is how touching someone on the arm or shoulder is sexual. Why do you have to sexualize everything.

>Wayne Groe in top right corner

Because American men aren't taught how to empathize with other humans

Because some dumbass decided that the offended party is the one who gets to decide what constitutes sexual harassment for them.

>Eduardo de los Reyes

>How come there is so much sexual harrasment in the United States?
Because feminists want to have their cake and eat it too. That means it can only happen at someone else's expense. Feminists want sexual freedom, lack of responsibility and total control over sexual relationships. That means men have to get the short end of the stick in that deal. Equality was never the goal of feminism

The funniest thing about SJW's is they fucking REFUSE to acknowledge that. Even in their trumped up BS propaganda videos(where the define 'sexual harassment' as someone saying "have a nice day beautiful") its still 95% black and brown people doing it. But that at that point its a "toxic male issue"... Try to hedge it down to being an ethnic problem and you're called a racist... but they are constantly harping on evil "WHITE" men. Its literally like arguing with a retarded child.

This. Also, I'm sorry, but sexual harassment isn't the life ruining thing women make it out to be. Women in America overreact to everything. I've had my crotch grabbed in a bar by some beligerant old woman, once. You don't see my taking to social media and trying to ruin that bitches life.

If I had an American around me I would probably sexually harass them too. It seems like the fun thing to do, especially if you're broke and can't get sued.

wardrobe malfunctions.

Feminism has made victimhood a currency. That's why women are perpetual victims and men are perpetual abusers. Just another way women can leverage sex as a weapon against men is to claim any interaction they don't like is sexual and boom: they're a victim


fucking hell.

Man, I really need to get a gf...

pretty much this



is this lady 'white'? then what the fuck laurence fishbourne?

Because Amerimuttinas dress up for 9/10 Chad in a country full of spics, niggers and cucks.
Plus, they seem to view every effort from a man to help them (or more importantly stop the business from going bankrupt as a result of women's incompetence) as an attempt to woo them, which blends well when it's a 9/10 Chad but doesn't blend well when it's a normal guy, spic or nigger.

If by ethnic you mean race, that would indeed be racist.

So you know what I'm saying then.

She's (((white)))

>> Race: white

yeah like tara 'fucking poo in the loo' mccarthy, just needs a ton of colgate whitening

Because in the west checking out a woman on the street counts as sexual harrasment.

tara mccarthy? who? the bone bag?

>colgate whitening

so saying:
>The video you just showed demonstrated it was primarily people of colour(gotta use their lingo) doing the harassment.
is racist. But them saying:
>Kill all white men!!!
Is totes coolio?

the fucking monkey, no idea why but race realists like JF satill try to court/fuck her, he's just fucking desperate which explains fucking retarded women

Jews like Mulsims have a desire for Goy women and since their religions do not recognize goy women as human they can do what ever they want to them.
Jews unlike muslims aren't 100% savages and use power,pressure, and money to lure goy women into sex while muslims are more akin to the north american rape ape and just savage a goy woman when ever they can

Because USA has no culture, or it is so dispersed, it becomes irrelevant. FYI, culture includes the set of rules embedded in the society, by which its individual constituents interact with each other. The absence of such rules creates moral chaos and the only boundaries in social behaviour becomes the law and the contemporary narrative.

Nah pointing out that it's primarily people of color (if you exclude Asians) is just pointing out a stat but saying the reason for this stat is race is indeed racism.

When will you put women back in their place which is the home?
They have been running rampant for far too long.

she has the most kike nose ever

Because (((they))) redefined the term to mean anything some psycho cunt wants it to. Even her DREAMING a guy hit on her is enough to have had dudes removed from college campuses because the slag felt "unsafe".

Also, Norway gets the rope.

yeah and JF still is like: ah nah, youh got a Uesay bohfrihernd, wthf i want to fuckk all rhetarhds

fucking monkey rapist

>Race: White
He's classified as white/hispanic by US law. There are only 5 racial classifications:
Black or African American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

If you disagree with this classification scheme, contact your local congressman and make it known that it disenfranchises beaners and that they should have their own separate but equal classification, just like niggers.

Also Sup Forums why do you trust women at all?
They're clearly subhuman. No one operating on feelings instead of logic and reason should be considered human btw.

Race - kinda white, manlet french quebecois
fucks whatever monkey is around, but is educated so the monkey spawn will be very good in comparison to monkeys
manlet - monkeys are smaller, so uber height mensch

We don't.
That's why we're Sup Forums.

never trust women, just impregnate every one you can get hands on, solid white race realism bros

a beaner that's 6ft? there's no such thing.

Ok cool. I thought I was going crazy for a sec.

Its not just the US.

I lost faith. Isiah 4 verse 1 states.

In that day seven women
will take hold of one man
and say, “We will eat our own food
and provide our own clothes;
only let us be called by your name.
Take away our disgrace!”

>touching someone on the arm or shoulder is sexual.
There are men on the sexual offender registry for urinating outside.
"For example, in many states, people who urinate in public, teenagers who have consensual sex with each other, adults who sell sex to other adults, and kids who expose themselves as a prank are required to register as sex offenders."

not even here

Norwegians are bunch of feminist shitheads. Their women are known for putting up false rape accusations when they feel like it. Most of the males there are a bunch of dicklet cucks and find this okay. The PC judges almost always favours the female. Women are actually worth more than males in Norway. What a sick feminist shithole of a country. I agree 100 % with your statement too

It's not clearly defined.

what the flying fuck?

>she will never violently itch your scrotum

Well... what is it they have in common?

True. Can others outside the US speak as to their laws? In the US, the offended's feelings really are lifted up as fact. The laws often are written to says if victims feels the gesture is sexual.

Is this suppose to be Ben Shapiro's sister?

Despite the idea of why we classify if race is not suppose to matter... How in the world can there only be 5. Black or African American is not the same as African; most Africans would point this out.

omg I love that dress!

this looks like the chick who throws the knee in that fight video vs the niglet.

Bitches be crazy.

Minorities and women are at fault. Harassment is literally defined as "anything a woman doesn't want a man to do" and includes horrible attrocities like being tapped on the shoulder or having a man stand too close while explaining how a computer works.

Because of the patriarchy.

All men are scum and should apologize.

women wanting power and attention + higher number of shitskins.

there isn't
in other countries it doesn't make news

In America everyone is white and free.

This girl reminds me of Elsa a lot

SHe used to make cooking videos and then started to make social critique, she even talked with styx a couple of times.

>Geraldo Rivera
Fucking mutants.

Sexual harrasment is a myth, except when Niggers and lefties are behind it. Any time woman acuses a non leftie or a non Nigger of sexual harrasment she should have her tongue removed.

The ever expanding definition of sexual harassment.


If you know a little history then you’d know that before the 60’s there was no way of registering as Hispanic it was only White, Black, and Asian.

Grandparents and parents were registered as white on their birth certificates even though we are Latin american


Because women choose shit men. Get pregnant by shithead. Raise children with shithead she lets assault her, and the cycle continues. Too many men were raised with no male role model at all so they adopt tv personas as their role models. See %us population in jail. Mostly males. Fathers.


>Benjamin Dominguez
>José Carl
>Larry Valdez
>Anthony Gonzales
>Juan Carlos Marizcal

These are White People ? WTF

so your not 53% you are less

Show bob and vageen with a timestamp or GTFO!

The worst thing about this shit is that literally none of these niggers actually consider themselves white if you ask them. They do this shit to inflate the White crime rate. Imagine the disparity between the Black and White crime rates if the DoJ wasn't pulling this nonsense.

it's because women and faggots usurped the power of the heterosexual patriarchy who wouldn't entertain women's whining they way we do today.