American(black) anons

Do you want to piss white people off? Stop calling yourself african-americans and start calling yourself simply "Americans". Stop calling white people Americans and start calling them "European-Americans".

Take back the title, to which we have a much stronger claim considering we are ALL colonial era and are of a uniquely american genetic makeup, while European-Americans are genetically identical to Europeans.


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So funny do you think real people will get offended by this? Or are you gonna call any of the soyboys or feminists and sjw like that?

Sounds reasonable.

that wouldn't make sense because Black Americans are not more American then Whites.
Only Native Americans could do that





>Jealous european

If y'all don't want no fucking problem don't go demanding this shit it's 2017 we're all equal black white asian it doesn't matter you are not our fucking owners anymore now seriously tho fuck off if y'all don't want your day to be ruined by blacked porn you fucking basement kids are easy to trigger. Make the message short.

Just call them niggers.

If you really want to piss off white people, pick up and move to Africa, your motherland. That will piss us off more than anything you could comprehend.

Do you niggers want to piss off SJWs? Start calling yourselves obsolete farm equipment.

It's telling that so many Europeans that never see or interact with us are chiming in. How do we take up so much space in your heads? Is it jealousy?


Yeah you're definitely black

I'm an American, nigger.

No you're not, you're. European-American

And you're just a nigger.

You don't have to call yourselves anything, you looking at you and the way you behave pisses normal people off


"There's a Nigger-American by the name of Martin outside, and he smells like semitism."

>Stop calling yourself african-americans and start calling yourself simply "Americans". Stop calling white people Americans and start calling them "European-Americans".

Why don't you all stop being retarded race-baiting chimps and just refer to everyone with American citizenship as American? Fucking niggers.

black americans
whithe americans
yellow americans
sandy americans
simple? no?
unless you're colorblind

the're not even african anymore lol
even africans hate and dispise those black americans lol

I'm going to need some source on that girl

all this hispanic american, afro american bs shouldn't be a thing in the first place, you're either american or you're not. If it isn't on a doctors form or telling stories from your grandpa about the old country, I don't give a damn.

Fucking hell...
Why am I attracted to this thing?

I would seed that nigress wench, another bleached member of the harem.

I really like fucking bitches guys...

native Americans aren't even native tho.

>Stop calling white people Americans and start calling them "European-Americans".
I'm pretty sure anyone not wearing camouflage or owning a confederate flag would take that as a compliment.

Nigger bitch already looks like she has White genes.

3D Chess, Op. Good one.


Right. As I'm sure you have your finger on the pulse of American Culture, nip-bro.

Pretty sure white people are pissed off about the black people that wanna be African first. A lot of black people are offended by the PC African American label because it implies that they are somehow less American.

How is this pasta supposed to anger Americans of European descent, again?


Why do dominicans think they're white. It's cringey. Girl in OP pic looks like the average Dominican.

If nobody likes it, then who keeps pushing it.

who dis? need to fap to bestiality today

>shit it's 2017
Negro perception of time confirmed

stfu captain american sjw warrior, dominican whites are actually fucking white unlike your census that counts actual fucking niggers as white.

America, where niggers are whitr, men are women and boys are girls!

i am Black

That sucks.

Why nigger butthurt 'bout "nigger" word? Here in Russia we call all black african like a "нeгp"(negr), and this word not offensive here.
"Negro" mean "black".
Niger - is a landlocked country in Western Africa.
Niger - river in Africa.
So why blacks so buttmad?

No nigger will dare step up to me look what happend to king.