The Ethnostate won't be able to retain use of the dollar because Jews
If the Ethnostate doesn't have the dollar it will be slave to the dollar
World Jewry will have to be overthrown or the central banks will print trillions and conscript countries to attack the Ethnostate
>Where do we start?
How Will The Ethno-State Exist In a World With Rothschild Central Banks & The Dollar?
Are you joking or retarded?
Throw them the fuck out, same as the reich
>be a Rothschild
>wonder what the consequences to himself would be in case of a white ethnostate
>just asks
3/4 of the world, (and all of the advanced countries) are under a Rothschild central bank.
This is how the Reich was defeated. Money printed out of nothing and government war debt owed to the Jews.
You're not understanding history.
>How Will The Ethno-State x?
These shit Ethno-State threads need their own board.
Why do we need 20 of them every day before lunch?
I understand just fine friend, do you think the modern informed population would allow their children to fight in a war that is clearly just for the "rich elite bankers" ?
Like I said, you're not understanding history.
That's pretty much every (((war))) whites have been in since the Rothschilds got into banking.
Did you miss the part about the internet? You are aware that assad in syria is literally national socialist right?
print your own money based on quality of your work and the mutual agreement of how much your ethno florin, reichsmark, exetera will be worth.
use bitcoin to get non ethno state money if you need something you don't produce.
Most millennials want socialism and believe in climate change and they are supposed to be the internet enlightened.
>They can coordinate the rest of the world's economy against a country they don't like
>They can fake attacks like they did on 9/11 (or smaller scale like Sandy Hook, Orlando, Vegas)
>They can get censored apes like Chinese or make another Mexican war,
They have options.
Maybe cryptos will fatally wound their scheme.
>Did you miss the part about the internet?
They're ethnicly cleansing Europe right now just for existing. The internet is censored and people are getting arrested for wrongthink.
Thank god I still have a gun and free speech.
Cryptos are not going to topple the kikes and you know it.
>Most millennials want socialism and believe in climate change
And tell me, why don't we have socialism then? maybe it's because they are worthless and don't have the power to enforce their shitty views
>The internet is censored and people are getting arrested for wrongthink.
I post on many sites about nazism, never had my door kicked in
This it's what really stops your ethnostate.
Its called a family state. Like the king and queens from before the retarded monarch tries to rise again. Witheth an allied monarch the roundeth monarch. Theth will thus consice of pic related.
Nwo is what your lookin at.
The pic
>Cryptos are not going to topple the kikes and you know it.
I agree. There will be a selloff when the short term debt cycle eventually has a recession. The important things are still denominated in dollars.
This problem is bigger than just kicking the Jews out of one country.
All alpha whites around the world need to sync up and act as one with a plan.
The countries in the sub races will need to be convinced to go with our new, more convenient banking system instead of the Jew's.
Maybe a white, world political party can start to denominate housing, food, and energy in a blockchain currency instead of Rothschild dollars.
I think the side with more convenience will win wars these days. People are obsessed with everything being convenient above fighting for some ideal.
It won't be hard to defeat when the people under these banks learn how enslaved they are by debt dollars and they are given an alternative
Dude you have no clue.
>do you think the modern informed population would allow their children to fight in a war that is clearly just for the "rich elite bankers" ?
it's been happening non-stop for 20 years already lmao
>Dude you have no clue.
What's your pic related? Does it require some historical context?
In America we have the Bank of North Dakota.
It essentially loans money outside the rules of the BIS or Federal Reserve but was allowed to exist because of popular support.
The people under this bank get more. Meaning they get their blood sucked less.
If people are given the option they will fight for this.
Trump will be sending them all to Gitmo soon.
The time has come.
After WWI people wanted freedom of movement in order to restore their lives, going to america was an option as it was a white nation not torn apart by war, Argentina was another example, the immigration laws weren't made for africa or pakistan, but for europe.