Google, yes!

We were all looking forward to #RWDS, but it is #RWEB - right wing employee blacklists.

Wew lads.

Other urls found in this thread:

And source:

Why do whites act so obtuse and yet so angry towards recent events that THEY caused as a result of them murdering and raping all over the world for hundreds of years? You have no one to blame but yourself...shame really.


The jew is gunna jew. If smart engineers just don't work for them they will fade away, you can't run a company on diversity and SJW shit. Woman and niggers are fucking retards along with the pajeets

how much do you get paid to shill?


>that THEY caused as a result of them murdering and raping all over the world for hundreds of years?
Funny way to say "bringing civilization" nigger

We also created this comfy society were you can get obese while talking shit about us, you ungrateful fucking nigger.

Why do you keep posting this bullshit in different threads, and why do you live in a nation created by white people despite hating white people? Just go live in the vastly non white world outside the West, it's not difficult.

To be fair here. This has nothing to do with rightwing vs leftwing. They hate real lefties too.

If you have a job in the Establishment, you have to be supportive of normalizing pic related or you get blacklisted.

Fun face: The reason why box braids are cultural appropriation, but twerking is not is because twerking was derived from the stance of a falling toddler. It wasn't stolen from black culture even if it looks the same. That is why SJWs do not go after twerking.

Diversity causes division.

Because he's a derailing shill. Just warn everyone about his posts and tell them not to respond.

stop posting this pasta everywhere asswipe

This is the future in a nutshell. There won't be troops in the streets or public executions like the old days. They'll move against speech and thought crimes, make blacklists and monitor all your activities to make sure you're in compliance with the PC standards. This is how freedom will die in the West.

The law will decide this, finally.

From what I understood they were prosecuting those arguing against racial / gender diversity policies.


I thought diversity is the greatest strength. I remember your last president told this entire world.

Stop teasing us, America.

At least we'll be able to kek when Google stagnates and implodes because they've thrown out everybody who actually codes

Yeah there is always a cover story like that. Don't believe a word of that being the real reason. It is about whether or not you will be supportive of the pedos in high places. The only reason why the "left" supports gender diversity is because the pedos attacked them as kids and now they have messed up sexualities. The pedos support this too because if they can normalize trans, gender nonconforming etc, then they can continue to be pedos without much concern.

If niggers won’t apologize for what they did two minutes ago, we won’t apologize for doing a little dirty to elevate them all hundreds of years ago.

It is not how it works. There will be low paid programmer jobs for doing the work and keeping your mouth shut and well paid director (manager / coordinator / expert / etc.) positions for those who have correct politics.

This is how it works in communism / socialism. Socialism is just an euphemism for slavery.

Believe me, we've been there, seen things first hand.

hmh, this lawsuit is good and all, but i guess it means we will never see a leaked video of a conservative man being sentenced by a jury made up of furries sitting under a google logo. that would probably have wiped them out for good.

"Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing." - John Derbyshire, Conquest’s Laws

After seeing all the shit posted online I don't believe anything that would have wiped them for good exists.

You've posted on too many threads. Fuck off and gas yourself edglelord baitposter

>Why do whites

You are a racist! I am guilty of the sins of my father. You judge me by my skin color. Fuck off!

Yeah that's also how communism fell apart because "we pretend to work and they pretend to pay us" mentality.

>Decide to stop being the most powerful race
>Decide to let others have slice of pie
>Others devour all pie and are angry there isn't more, blame us saying they made the original pie and we stole it

Yeah naw. Fuck niggers.

Nobody wants conservatives in the US. Especially not Trump conservatives. It's time to grow up and abandon the angry little white prick party.

This is the truth. A sad future awaits.

>I remember your last president told this entire world.

If anyone was "#notmypresident", it was that fucking mudslime baboon.

3 days with MS paint

you stewpid kike...we control 75% of all government...


lol, I can't believe the white cuckolds working at those places put up with that shit for so long.

Left can't meme sad.
>please kys nigger


the left really, truly, cannot meme. It's so cringey.

google is a greater threat to America than North Korea.

I am completely serious. Google is run by psychopathic jews who want your children dead. North Korea tests missiles so that the American missile program doesn't look like a waste of money (it is, the government steals from taxpayers in order to play missile games).

The North Koreans should be ignored and the jews should be slaughtered like pigs. Trump is helping jews destroy America. He is. He is helping google and jews rape America.

Trump wants google and jews to rape America while he distracts the Americans with Kim Jong Un.

The jews are greedy, filthy psychopaths and the north koreans are poor and scared.

We should ask the North Koreans to invade the USA and murder google employees and the jews. It will be easier if they do it.

We can hire the North Koreans to solve the jewish problem.

To late, they are already working togheter to ensure the destruction of america.

The shame is that we stopped.


>your best talent is foreign
>white right wingers makes your best talent unconfortable
>you kick right wingers out
smart bussiness

The law will side with corporations being allowed to blacklist and abuse employees who disagree with the upper echelons politically because "it's their company, they can just quit or go somewhere else, corporations are individuals and have rights" and other Jewish hits. Demore simply doesn't have a case, even if this country wasn't slurping corporate cock and the company in question wasn't the most powerful one on the planet. This isn't mentioning how you could easily twist this into a headline like "Vile Trump Supporter Abuses POC's and Women in Workplace."

Thank fucking God that Trump won