How to we promote camaraderie among white people again? Right now whites conglomerating is considered "racist". Blacks call each other "brotha" and have their own (albeit shitty) communities. Spics stick together. Gooks, chinks, jews, muslims, etc they all look out for their own and acknowledge a connection between themselves. Whites used to be like this. How do we get it back?
>promote camaraderie among white people again
No such thing has ever existed and never will.
Europe has been nothing but wars for thousands of years.
Even the Europeans that protected the borders of Europe from foreign hordes for a millennia are viewed as inferior subhuman by other Europeans.
You are alone in this world, the faster you accept it and discard fanciful illusions, the better your life will be.
Yeah jackass? I guess the Italians never said "paisan"? The Irish didn't have self contained communities. The Germans never started a war for the fatherland and to promote their people. England didn't conquer half the world. The white peoples of Europe have a long proud history of promoting themselves and showing camaraderie. Get the fuck out of here with your antiwhite bullshit.
>promoting themselves
That's the key word here, you retarded American mongrel. They were doing for themselves, not some Utopian comradeship between 'whites'.
can this degenerate fashwave "art" just stop
He is a faggot britcuck (probably non-White) who is trying to derail the thread.
Most important thread on the catalogue and we can achieve by going out again and making groups. No good being on here and wasting time. We need to be masculine and fearless, look at how many people are scared to fight or disobey the (((powers))).
>They were doing for themselves
Non white detected
Wonder if this one is getting paid or not.
>56% white country telling me I'm not white
Oh the irony.
No dummy, I just don't subscribe to your retarded racial fantasies. Every man is out for himself, any temporary alliance is only to further individual interests. Even national interests are just the interests of the ruling elite masquerading as the interest of the country as a whole. You are all blue pilled idealists.
If you are white (though I don't believe it jew nigger) then you are a sad lonely piece of shit. US white people are working to save ourselves from destruction. Why don't you help that cause by lighting yourself on fire?
Do you guys know your neighbrohs well?
>US white people are working to save ourselves from destruction.
You are fucking deluded mate.
When you deport every nigger and spic, regardless of them being legal or illegal, then I'll believe you. That's the only thing that will change your demographics. But that will never happen.
Why the fuck would I lie about not being non-white on an anonymous forum. It'd trigger you cucks even more if I was.
Bullshit, you're pretending to be white to try to derail the thread. This thread isn't about deporting, it's about white camaraderie.
you're response just illustrates what a mongrel state the UK has become. The only pockets of white resistance and unity are in rural areas. And there aren't enough of them to take on the mongrel hordes that exist in places like London, Bham, madchester, etc.
watch the newest Tom Segura comedy special on Netflix if you want to know what white normies think about "brotherhood"
White camaraderie .
>How to we promote camaraderie among white people again?
Beauty. Destroy postmodern art. Build beautiful things. Fill the galleries with the art that people love.
okay calm down achmed.have you paid for your butterknife license recently or i'm calling the coppers
If the Polish can band together in these times, so can other whites
Then it's right back to killing each other.
You amerimutts are literally retarded and know nothing about Europe. Stay on Sup Forums larping about muh white race comrades while your country turns to Brazil 2.0.
You mutts need to shut the fuck up and stay in your soddom and gommorah freedumbs society. Nobody here is going to feel any solidarity with you on the basis of some half baked racial sentiments. Other than a small number of larpers like you.
this canadabro gets it
So what was your first language fuckface? Arabic or some central african bullshit with clicks in it? I love how mad it's making you that white people are finding solidarity and you'll troll threads to try and stop it.
Are you fucking stupid lol every time whites promote themselves they end up fighting other whites
Woah dude, you gotta be 18 to browse here
based slovaks
its called hockey games where im from, i went to one recently and it was all white people with the occasional colored person
post this without the gay filter
the only people promoting this "cameraderie" are those whose identity has been destroyed so thoroughly that the only thing left that really sets them apart is their race, aka new worlders, ergo all the constant confusion about who is who and their belonging
Lol, we recommend if you take dicks up the ass to avoid pol. They can spot faggots like you miles out.
Whites at the time were the only other real competition you astronomical fuckhead.
>whites fought eachother but its okay because they can fight eachother
No, the people searching for cameraderie are the ones realizing that society is allowing everyone else to do so except whites. Good try you failure dipshit.
Woah buddy, calm down or mom will hear you!
You mean, YOUR mom will hear me. But it's ok, I put the bitch to bed already, done with her.
"society" isn't this magical entity with powers to stop people from doing shit
there is no magical force stopping you from building an actual identity except the innate formlessness of you people
the single major group that antagonizes your "white identity" is other "whites" in case you didn't notice
Did the servers on call of duty break again, bud? You sure are posting a lot on this big boy site!
>How to we promote camaraderie among white people again?
define "white people" are blue eyed brown haired afghans white? how about algerian, zinedine zidane?
white cameraderie
Whites never showed comraderie for race, and never will.
Europeans forged bonds through religion, occupation or mutual interests...
And we will be doing that for as long as it takes untill we are all dead
We'll say anyone your communist boyfriend declares has "white privilege".
Now hang on sport, say sorry to the nice man
more white camaraderie
>We'll say anyone your communist boyfriend declares has "white privilege".
I asked a simple question, nigger but you seem too stupid to answer. are the people I described white?
Even more white camaraderie (niggers hate seeing white people smile)
Look at all the smiling white people (modern marxists HATE seeing nothing but white people)
I answered your question, use white privilege as a guide. Your boyfriend will tell you ALLLLLL about it I'm sure.
looks like a bunch of people who overdosed on fluoride, you could've chosen a better pic
Stings doesn't it? Looking at white people, wishing you could be one? Go ahead, find another insult for white people while you cry yourself to sleep every night wishing to an imaginary allah that you were one
>I answered your question
no, you are dodging it.
post a pic of your eye, nigger. the people I described are whiter than you. your refusal to answer the question tells me all I need to know.
and don't forget to time stamp your pic, nigger.
Prove you're white
he can't. all niggers make these types of comments. that's why they're so easy to spot.
You're dodging the hypocrisy of white privilege, leftist. The only dodging that's happening.
Prove you're white lol
>no pic
>refuses to answer question
nigger confirmed
bugmen aren't human so I don't care
he's a bonifide nigger/beaner or some other species of shitskin. he'll never post proof.
White camaraderie! Get fucked you faggot larpers.
DAMN it feels good to be white. And to watch the pure poisonous envy oozing out of all the other races.
you fucking loser. how dumb and insecure do you have to be to be manipulated into posting a pic of yourself on Sup Forums
White people are such a good group of people. It's an absolute shame that the left is trying to destroy any group pride that whites have while encouraging group pride from all the other races.
Anyone know where I can get a legit fake driver's license???
Proven white. Proven that you are larpers. This thread will stand and the antiwhite marxist nonsense is shown for what it is. You literally have no foot to stand on here you larping hunk of garbage. Just further building white camaraderie.
Look as this beautiful white family.
Leftists want this to go away forever. We'll fight the leftists until they've all burned themselves out.
>Proven white
all you proved is that you're an insecure faggot that can be easily manipulated. boy, i sure hope you removed the exif, especially the gps coordinates.
It must be feeling like such a privilege for you to talk to a white man for so long. I do want to thank you for helping to build my case.
There is no camaraderie among white people. White countries are a series of individuals who are always trying to out do each other and compete against each other. Thats why white countries are always the best
Wut up wit dis racist shit. Especially on Martin Luther Kang Jr. day. Who u think u is nigga? Shit we practicaly give you white bitches our 20 inch dicks cause they beg for it.
white camaraderie!
everyone's laughing at your stupidity and insecurity, moron. only a pathetic slav like you would feel the need to prove they are white. are you ready for some pizzas?
I remember when we volunteered to help Finlan because we didn't wanna get wrecked by the allies for attacking the Soviet union
You're starting to look nervous... try harder
White kamaraderie
ya think?
Clearly you don't understand power. If you are attempting to seize power and resources for your group, the only opposition you face is not the holders of that resource, it is the other people capable of taking that resource, and the people capable of stopping you from taking that resource.
Take the scramble for Africa that preceded the First War. Any attempt by the Germans to colonize was blocked by England or by France. Eventually, Germany was choked off from colonies to the point where it was clear that in a number of years the British or the French would have such superior wealth and numbers that they could take any country in Europe unchallenged. So Germany decided to bring the war to them while it still could. Had it not, then England would have steamrolled Europe easily enough in 20 years. Of course, the two sides had some (((help))) in deciding to go to war, but the reason they went to war was simple enough. It would have been better had the British simply expanded their empire to the continent.
Keep trying buddy, you'll get something if you don't give up.
Fuck off back to rebbit nigger.
post a pic of your hand, nigger. only a nigger like you would plebbit space.
>hello fellow conquerer, shall we reject the jew plot today?
Niggers be mad AF ITT
Good thread
The only people ITT pretending to be white are people with your flag, mutt.
white camaraderie!
"White comraderie" has never existed you fucking idiot. Europeans have been at each other's throats non-stop for the past thousand years, it only ended after WWII.
The only place where being "white" ever mattered was in America because it was filled with niggers and Amerimutts and we had to figure out a way to decide who was a human and who was an animal. In Europe, white identity was never a thing, hatred or love for other people was divided along ethnic and nationality lines
Dont you rather have a pic of my bwc faggot ?
The Overton window has to shift more before all huwites are able to greet one another with the Roman salute.
No retard. Hes saying they did it for their country faggot. Not "europe" and "white people"
We need an outgroup to define ourselves in contrast too. All the other groups use white men as their outgroup, as prescribed by the Marxist left. Ironically, as these groups define themselves in contrast to white men, so will white men gain an ingroup identity as such. It's already begun in places like this, and is slowly spreading.
Maybe if you weren't unironically gay and didn't oggle muscular sculptures or muscular Aryan men.
>inb4 muh ancestor :*)
You're kinda right but now that europe is full of untermenschen of all sort we must work on this.
>Tries to promote American White Nationalist movement.
>posts picture of Bobby Hull, a Canadian ice hockey player.
You guys are fucking retarded.
My church has grown by more than 100 members in recent months. Some are not the most religious, but they have conservative values, and are always welcome.
>t.obese mutt