Just a reminder. Never let (((them))) coerce you into calling these mentally ill people women when they are in fact men.
This is a man
Other urls found in this thread:
What is this faggot's deadname again?
>commit treason
>chop your dick off
>become a senator
makes sense
male or female?
Something Manning. Literally has "man" in the name.
Somehow all the Obamafags would vote for this.
This is a male, but definitely not a man.
Worked for McCain
FBI methods are inhumane. To turn a proud man into a woman for spreading the truth
He looks like Kurt Cobain, so he's got that going for him.
>runs for senate as a traitor to his gender and his country
It’s 2018 bigot. Man...Woman...it’s all the same now. Join us in the present.
Is this male or female?
Male but not a man.
>Manning will need 2/3rd's of both chambers in the affirmative to be a senator
The 14th Amendment exists for a reason.
>Sole responsable of the USS Forrestal fire that killed over a hundred
>Got out of trouble because of his granddad and daddy's connections
>Captured by the North Vietnamese.
>Started leaking military secrets to the enemy, hundreds died by his fault
>Got the nickname songbird, because he was too willing to sing all he knew
>Committed treason
>Became a senator
>will win because Maryland
she's a good woman.
you guys do realize you're obsessing over genitals and pronouns right? who cares what she wants to call herself?
she did the world good by exposing injustice. if it's "treason" to release evidence of crime, you're being ruled by criminals. forget what kind of mangled hotpocket she claims are her genitals.
>Manning would be challenging Democrat Benjamin L. Cardin
It may be male but it is no man.
>obsessing over pronouns
>who cares what he calls himself
Coming from the land where it’s illegal to use the wrong pronouns
>So off went the Tranny in procession under his splendid neovagina. Everyone in the streets and the windows said, "Oh, how fine are the Tranny's new Titties! Don't they fit "her" to perfection? And see his long hair!" Nobody would confess that he wasn't a woman, for that would prove him either unfit for his position, or a racist sexist homophobic islamophic transphobic bigot. No gender the Tranny had worn before was ever such a complete success.
"But that's a man," a little child said.
"Did you ever hear such bigoted prattle?" said its father. And one person whispered to another what the child had said, "He's a man. A child says he's a man."
So all you have to do to be a "good woman" is spam emojis on twitter?
It did the right thing and was punished for it, no fault there.
It's still a deranged pervert.
Identity politics are a lot easier for discrediting someone rather than taking a serious introspective into their character and actions.
>this is a man
this person has XY chromosomes but is not a man.
Bradley Manning.
I heard his real name was actually bretley and that’s why he did it
do you people just not believe that tranny's exist? there are some people that are born with a dick but have a female body in every other aspect. what do you consider them?
I believe gender dysphoria exists. This is a mental illness. A physical brain disorder at best.
He didn't cause the Forrestal fire you retard. He was in the plane next to the plane that was hit by the runaway rocket. He had nothing whatsoever to do with the fire.
Nice MK Ultra female(male). Wish I could own her.
100% Man
>Shareblue doesn’t have MLK Day off
McCain’s wet start was responsible for the fire and the deaths of actual heroes
>what do you consider them?
mentally ill faggots
>there are some people that are born with a dick but have a female body in every other aspect. what do you consider them?
Chix with dix. That's not what "Chelsea" is though. That's a man, baby.
It never fails to confuse me how users on 4 Chan get so up in arms over this shit. Someone comes on the website and says “I’m a lady!” The response is “fuck that, we’re calling you he anyway, gender isn’t important in a discussion and fuck you for bringing it up in the first place” but as soon as it’s IRL talking about complete strangers, we’re super invested in pronouns and gender identity and which is “correct”
This is not imgur you fucking nigger.
>Someone comes on the website and says “I’m a lady!” The response is “fuck that, we’re calling you he anyway, gender isn’t important in a discussion and fuck you for bringing it up in the first place”
The response is actually "tits or GTFO", roastie
You do know where you are, yes?
>McCain’s wet start was responsible for the fire and the deaths of actual heroes
He was not involved in any way whatsoever. He saw the fire start and jumped over the edge of the flight deck.
Yeah, that cancer has even infected this place. We need to start calling them "he" and using their real names. This is Bradley Manning. Some people might tell you that its Chelsea. They might write it in all caps but this is Bradley.
after googling this retard's "wet start" shit I have to laugh even harder
mccain's plane was across the flight deck from the plane that fired the rocket. there is no possible way for him to have triggered it by turning his engine on. there are photos of the event which clearly illustrate the position of the aircraft and how the situation went down...why don't people just google shit anymore?
I got that from leddit you absolute faggot
shame on you user
Looks like the Goo Goo Dolls singer.
I'll take a moment to stop trolling and actually state that me and my liberal friends don't want this shitbag in office.
She's committed treason and is a danger to our safety. That being said, don't you faggots fuck up and put her up against a retard like Roy Moore or we're all going to have to deal with this bitch.
Attention Whore: Male Edition