Is he right Sup Forums?
Is white genocide really just white privelage in disguise?
Is he right Sup Forums?
Is white genocide really just white privelage in disguise?
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Who takes Plebbit Seriously? They are nothing more than a bunch of Fedora-Tipping Neckbeard Atheists who get mad whenever something doesn't go their way.
Yes being genocided is a true privilege.
Listen newfag don't you ever fucking shit up our board with plebbit screencaps unless it salt. Got it?!?!
Fuck off OP faggot.
Go back to sleep goy, no genocide going on.
>Just make sure you marry a tranny or have a "childless & free lifestyle"
The subtle effects of the christcuck morality
...and you are different how?
>Will there be any “white” countries in the future, say 100 years?
>Will there be any significant groups of white people in the future, say 200 years?
It’s as simple as that. Normies don’t get that, even the UN states that genocide doesn’t have to mean a race getting rounded up and shot.
Don’t even waste time with these people though. They’re the sort who today will say “lol there’s no white genocide you’re paranoid!” and if they were still around after whites were wiped out they’d say “oh well it’s just the natural way of things!”
fuck off, saged
But you ARE paranoid.
Sad existence.
>US culture is a culmination of many different beliefs and cultures
I hate faggots like this so much. All the work to make the United States as unique from Britain as possible only to be described as some hotbed for everything and everyone with nothing unique about us. Fuck this world so much
So you have the power to see the future then? You know for sure, guaranteed, that is only and forever will be paranoia?
>(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
from the legal definition of genocide
Of course not.
But I am saying YOU have nothing to worry about.
Stop wasting your life worrying.
The worry of my ancestors and my descendents is my worry, kind of the hallmark of being white.
Your children and grand children will soon be getting their ass holes pounded out by tyrone n the boyz
Obviously a woman wrote that shit, or a beaner.
Our country was not based on a culmination of many cultures and values. Not at all.
Through hundreds of years of kikery, we have let the dogs into the house and dumb cunts like the one in OP really believes that shit.
Misinformation. Lies. Propaganda. I'm getting sick of this shit. Emotional fucking babies with no backbone and no sense of reality.
No, the entire establishment is anti-white.
Whites pay a disproportionate amount of taxes. Are told to be ashamed of themselves. Told to accepted mass migration from the most disfunctional countries on Earth...
Plus, "white privilege" does not exist, at least no in the form libs think.
Whites do better than most other races because whites have a high average iq.
Blacks are viewed more negatively because they are more criminal than other races on average. It's their behavior that makes it this way, not "white privilege".
Check em... and saged.
No bumping your own post faggot! Guess you want to get banned. sage
Suck my cock faggot. God forbid I get banned from a congolese basket trading forum for 1-3 days.
Sure, if when we start slaughtering the Jews we can call it Jew Privilege.
>>(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
>from the legal definition of genocide
So, basically, anything can be construed as genocide according to stormniggers
If the US pulls out of NAFTA and puts a high tax rate on remittances, it means they are intending to prevent mexicans to give birth, by imposing economical hardships on us, therefore, it's a mexican genocide.
>when the mexican genocide isn't real but you wish it was.
>when you're a memenigger so you keep talking in memes
>when you're too stupid to see you're doing what you accuse others of. Sad.
>when you're too stupid to grasp mockery in the form of irony
Get out memenigger. Go and shill your tales of white genocide somewhere else.
>your race is dying by slow poison so don't complain
>its just a first world problem
>Incorrect punctuation
>Spells privilege incorrectly
Aren't you ashamed to display your utter stupidity to the world?
more than a million white children have been raped by muslims in the UK