What are you doing to celebrate nigger day Sup Forums?
Niggerday Celebration
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niggers being niggers. come one, come all
watching this stream
oy vey niggers
Hey boy have you thanked a nigger today?
there's a reason why american cities are such shit. same with brazil. it isnt the socioeconomic status. ill give you a hint.
Praying for less refugees.
dindu nuffin
Is this 'garri' thing some kind of nigger bread equivalent? I looked it up but am still not sure what it is.
Stop being bigots. It’s just their culture.
This triggers the Wh*Te subhumans
still a kid. although a thief no child should be burnt alive.
Getting dru k cause my college has no classes for this holiday but always does o. Veterans day pisses me off
Not getting upset at a group of people with a low IQ and calling them inflammatory names simply because of their skin color.
"When I came back to my native country, after all the stories about Hitler, I couldn't ride in the front of the bus. I had to go to the back door. I couldn't live where I wanted. I wasn't invited to shake hands with Hitler, but I wasn't invited to the White House to shake hands with the President, either. "
Jesse Owens.
There is no reason to be a stereotypical low IQ "racist" whose view of race boils down to "ITS THE NIGGERS FAULT IM NOT SUCCESSFUL".
I still think they are low IQ people and all should be sterilized, and long-term policy goal should be black population reduction. However, I'm not going around calling every black person I see a "nigger" and being so upset at them rather than more important players.
This triggers the alt-right cowards
But when they come over here, and steal shit for a living, it's ok and they din du nuffin.
They were both pretty honorable about it.
Nigger didnt suckerpunch him when he had several chances, and bean imeadiatly went and helped the nig when he knocked him out.
Who would know you could find honor in the hood....
Celebrating Robert E. Lee's birthday, which is commemorated on the same date as Motten Loofa Kang's.
This triggers the Nazi virgin whitebois
Well, the only good nigger is a...
This is accurate, but those bell curves should be equal in height. It's the x axis that matters in that graph, not the y
Fuck. Not ashamed to say that i would probably puke if i was there. The smell must be fucking agonizing
This triggers the wh*Te devil
So I take it that you've never actually stood directly behind a nigger?
This triggers the wh*Te soyboys
BIX NOOD MUHFUGGAH nothing to eat? better have 15 children.
This triggers the wh*Te virgins
That nigger is wasting too much water
>nigger wastes resources because he is a victim to an idiotic societal trend
What else is new
Fucking niggers breed like insects. The rapefuge crisis will never end.
Rapefugees will only suck our resources dry.
This triggers the wh*Te man
I'm celebrating by WORKING.
It seemed like the white thing to do.
an actual honorable fight ?
what is this sorcery ?!
This nigg"er" is actually only a niggA - you see, he is woke and hates sjw politics and such. He essentially is flipping off BLM and other jewery
I'm surprised 3 other niggers didn't swarm him, that's what they usually do when they see another one losing a fight. Which is usually all the time since niggers are awful at 1 on 1 street fights.
This triggers the subhuman negroid
Still one of my favorite videos.
This triggers Yakub's creations
Neat a before picture of three single mothers. You have to contribute nigger. Go back to county with this shit.
This triggers whiteboi virgins
11 educators convicted in Atlanta cheating scandal
the real red pill
"Teen" denied, then given heart transplant dies in chase
She will be beaten almost immediately.
Why? Have the ugly roasties who will pay the toll.
This triggers whiteboi Sup Forumslacks
We are celebrating the nigger. Those are black men you are referencing. This is a nigger.
>Black nationalist
>Brags about sex with non-blacks
The irony.
This triggers the whiteboi subhumans
Fat guy rolling around on the street, high on PCP
This triggers the whiteboi basement dwellers
the only one that seem triggered is you nigger lol
Man High on Flakka!! totally noodled!!!
This triggers the whiteboi cumskins
>the quality of the clip is amazing as per the shithole standard who the fuck is filming it are they being given smartphone as foreign aid.
Black Guy goes Nuts After Taking Mojo A Synthetic Drug!
>Black nationalist
>Brags about sex with non-blacks
Even black nationalists know that the white race is more beautiful. The irony.
filthy fucking niggers
Look at the disgust on the left-most girl's face
This triggers the male wh*Toids
Huge Fat Yankee tries to breakdance
Monkey subhumans
You are still in the early phases of the red pill. You soon will find out with more experience that blacks and niggers are one in the same. There is no difference
Even black nationalists agree that nigresses are disgusting
The intelligence of the negro on display.
This triggers the wh*Te male subhumans