Where were you when The_Cuckhold went full cuck?
Where were you when The_Cuckhold went full cuck?
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BASED The_Donald.
You racist democrat shills stay in here while we continue winning.
I was on Sup Forums
Why weren't you?
I like Boondocks episode of Luther
Trump is probably the worst Hitler ever. His racist comments have no magnitude in U.S. history.
Why is Chad helping the nigger?
>worst Hitler
Holy fuck, what happened to that sub lol? I imagine the comment got buried in downvotes?
He's not wrong though. It is actually, by definition, not genocide. Shoulda picked a better word.
The funny thing is those men were helping him. Note the rag in the hand of the man at viewer's left.
It was upvoted last I checked.
Wrong, what is going on currently fits the definition of genocide. See article 2 Sections C, D, and E
The_donald is a civic nationalist cuck subreddit. They always appeal to the left screaming that they are not racist because they have a "based immigrant" friend and that it's culture, not race that is important.
They are certainly fan of Sargoon of akad.
Pic attached is what a The_Donald mod PM'd me after banning me for saying "Race mixing is bad for both races involved". Utterly disgusting. This was last year and I haven't bothered going back on that entire website since.
The first 2 messages are the mod's. The last 3 are mine in response.
See a dictionary
>the pan-American race .. like Pence
What did he mean by this?
Kek you're retarded
Pence is from the future where most everyone is mixed.
Fuck off nigger
just satire bros
I can't tell if these people are ironic or not
It's from a fanfiction some user wrote about trump and pence being from the future and coming back in time to save the world. In the future timeline all races have blended and look basically like mike pence. He points to Tim Kaines wife as evidence of this, claiming that she too is "a pence"
No, it is. The end result is the demise of a people and it's definitely intentional.
Fuck niggers, but right now they are talking about twitter ending epic scandals from james okeef while you faggots sit around and jerk off to trap porn.
What the fuck happened to you pol?
It's always that way.
It'll be funny when Trump loses in 2020 and all these people go back to jerking off in their mom's basement.
The_Donald likes to blatantly virtue signal just like liberals do all the time. Even though its one of the better subs on reddit, you can't take the reddit out of reddit.
They're most likely just teenagers.
Don't forget that these reddit cucks are the same people who post in /ptg/
Fake & Gay.
Divide and bicker.
No actual man with testicles is fixated over other forums and bitching like a faggot about them.
Redditors gonna reddit, whether they are on the left or the alt-lite. It's 100% namefags who only say things for virtual internet points that they accrue from their peers, by definition the entire site is virtue signaling.
Redditors are the niggers of the net.
Hello, r/user
How long until white liberals realize that SJWs have more in common with stormfags than they do with them?
You have to go back, leftypol.
They're a bunch of sheeptards and their mods are pussies.
This has to be the most annoying thing about these faggots. It’s like saying “look I am more liberal than you!”
The democrats aren’t racist, that’s one of the many reasons I hate them.
Red pill me on civic nationalism
They care who enters into their country, as long as they're BASED RIGHT WING, CHRISTIAN BLACK PEOPLE.
But if they allow whites to become a minority to legal non white immigrants and based non whites, isn't that not much different than the left's goal of whites becoming a minority?
Fair play to MLK. THE CIA and FBI wanted him dead, yet he still achieved his goals
If you are going to blame anyone, blame the cuckservative boomers who allowed blacks to have rights. They could have stopped it, but they didn't . Can't blame a man for wanting to get the best for his people
I'd love to see how "civic nationalism" will fix this.
I don’t know what are you trying to say here. T_D has always been like that.
Thats what I try to tell /ptg/ but they call me a nazi larper and a government agent.
What you do not realise is that nazi larpers never were has core voters to begin with.
This is the people who got him presidency.
And they usually do not brag about their 1488% Mercedes ancestry.
wtf is this thread?
What does white even mean, amarite?
Millennials weren't a significant part of Trump's voter base either way. I'd even go so far as to say that the majority of T_D couldn't vote at all because they're underage.
I dunno, Europeans fought 2 world wars with terrible results, something like the Rwandad genocide seems insignificant in comparison.
MLK was a based black man
He fucked a lot of libertarian white women
No punching to the right shills. Let the_d be. You got fucking bigger issues to worry about
There is nothing wrong with showing admiration for MLK Jr. He was a great man and a true American patriot. People who say otherwise, don't know jack shit about America or her values.
If you wanted to talk about Reddit so bad just stay there.
You are doing nothing but making this website shittier by posting this here.
Kill yourself
trying to think where I was 2 years ago....on Sup Forums?
He was a commie that pushed for the shitty equality meme we have now and galvanized niggers. Go back, r/user.
I was in there calling them cucks.
They're to the left faggot.
Why greentext?
Every moderator who wasn't a cuck or a jew was forced out of /r/The_Donald by the admins.
I personally know several people who used to run the sub, Reddit did everything it could to neuter them.
Democrats are racist, dodo. Except their racism exploits niggers and spics to line their pockets and take away rights. The right just wants niggers to get a job.
None of those apply to white people lmao.
This dude is right
seems like a good time to post this
>implying rthedahnald is to our right
Cuckservatives who deny race and venerate communist niggers are worse than leftists, because they take up space from the real opposition to the left.
None of you are actually proving the fact that "being black American patriot" is a bad thing
protip: It's not
he was literally a communist
If he was alive today he would be another Jesse Jackson or John Lewis (D-GA), hardly some fuckin conservative
I was on Sup Forums thinking "why is faggot OP telling us about a new sub Reddit made today?" Reddit is for fags, no exceptions.
I don't think that word means what you think it means.
these fucking people...
Where the fuck have you been this is such a shit thread go KYS OP
Nothing highlights the complete control progressives have over this country like seeing people who call themselves conservatives praising a communist who brought sub-saharan Africans into white schools and neighborhoods
I guess an entire race of people going extinct is just natural, eh Schlomo?
>No punching to the right
Please explain to me how /r/the_donald is to the right of Sup Forums
MLK wasn't an American patriot, you dumb boomer.
>caring at all about plebbit
>a fucking leaf
this is the cancer
Great, now start proving me wrong.
>I hate icky colored people
What are you 5?
The best qualities of each race mixed together? Their God-Emperor literally called the other races shit and brags about his German genes.
This is why we hate rTheDonald faggots.
Although it can fit the UN definition of genocide, it's better to use the term "white replacement".
found you
Idc how based a non whites is. I don't want me or my kids to be minorities to their hordes.
Ah, so you are 5 years old. Here's the thing. Seeing as Hispanics are white, white's aren't going anywhere. Your kids will be fine, so get over your insecurities and stop whining.
Jesus man. To think of all /ourguys/ buying billboards in the 60s to try to get the message out, only to never see airtime on any of 3 channels, never sniff a newspaper, and be comepletely erased and ignored by history.
We live in the future where they failed.
We must not fail.