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Isn't that Jap a pedo or something

All fags are pedos

>he deleted this post

they always delete the poll when it doesn't go their way. or they literally just say shit like "nazis and russians hacked muh poll!!"

It's really pathetic.

Was gonna ask. It’s fuckig pathetic. Nothing like a poll to prove your own point and learn nothing about your user base.

I don't know, is there hydrogen in water?
Inconvenient reality

No joke, did business with Trump's people back in the early 90s. Trump is not a good business man and his people are fucking terrible.

To the credit of most liberals, even they seem to realise that 3rd world countries are shitholes.
Understanding that it is primarily because of the people is too far for them though.

Seems to be the case...

george takei blaming russia for him sexually harrassing people was meme of the year desu

Sounds legit. Nice flag by the way fellow right winger :^)

I know. I used to deal with him and Matthews for a period of a couple years from 98 to late 2001. In fact,last time I say DJT was at a yankees day game in 2001 in august. Who wouldathought that a month later are lives would be changed and ruined foreevr


I hear his shithole is really big too.

I don't live in the US anymore cause I am retired and don't give 2 fucks about what you think.

Pic related is my portfolio last year.

can confirm

How come the left always delete PUBLIC polls not going their way and then say that their PUBLIC poll was hijacked by right wingers?
Then when all they're left is with the polls that they wanted to win they act all smug about how "right" they are

You have some serious learning difficulties.

I did business with Trump in the 80's and he raped my wife right in front of me

Take a screenshot now

>sets their poll to public
>it doesn't go their way
>no this doesn't count we were hijacked by the right and the Russians!!!

>Set poll to private
>They deleted, removed or blocked anybody who is right wing from their profile leaving only those who share their same view as them
>The poll "proves their point"
>HA SEE how right I was?

Was paid to have sex with Melania so Trump could watch, can confirm

He should have said which. Haiti isn't a who.

And ironically he is calling Haiti a shithole. The question presumes both are shitholes and is concerned with magnitude of shitholishness.

Fund ended back in dec 2017
This is the last screen shot of the fund, the one I sent out to my investors.

fuck you

No thwnks, you're too old for me.

well since hatians were outside the DNC convention in NYC last year protesting the Clinton foundation stealing aid $ and the media covered it up, MSM IS THE SHITTIESt HOLE.

>I don't live in the US anymore
Heart failure due to bad eating habits in three, two, one

and George raped my shithole while wielding a rapier, shirtless shithole rape no less.

It makes sense if you think about it. Not sure if most of them are into kids below adolescence though.

Most hetero men could see the attractiveness of a 13 year old girl but they wouldnt act on it due to social and moral restrictions. Gays have already bucked social and moral restrictions by being outspokenly gay. The major religions are the source of contemporary western morality whether atheists wants to admit it or not. Gays are heavily anti-religious because few religious are kind to gays. The combination of factors leads me to suspect most gays will find pubescent males attractive and more willing to act on it due to a lack of traditional internal moral boundaries.

No one cares about your cuck fantasies. Back to Tumblr with that shit.

HAHAHAHAHA I am 34, don't drink, don't smoke and I am a 3rd generation farmer. I don't touch refined sugar or wheat products.

Death by robbery
Death by gold digger
Death by drug addiction
Death by cancer
Death by spontaneous organ failure
Death by aneurism

mormon sister fuker detected

Also nice noname coin costing millions, at least try to make your inspect element edits realistic next time.

Sure, everybody dies.
I am more likely to die kayaking cause I love that shit.


To compound this, many gays think about sex so often that it becomes their identity. Whether they're self flagellating, reminded by a straight kiss on tv, worried about God's judgement, nervous in the locker room, or whatever, they're all but forced to think about it often. No surprise that the sex "obsessed" would have a higher ratio of pervs.

So... no one will post the gif of georgie boy jerking off a guy for that t.v show?

Haha nice try, what a nice well rounded number when none of your other ones are. + an actual investor would diversify so nice try fukko. Also your other coins are too low

I am not mormon or a jew. My grand-dad was a pig farmer.
Woke up at 4am my entire life and would go to school after my chores, kids used to make fun of me cause I smelled like a farm.

Who laughing now?

Why do you Canadian autists do this?

holy shit gotem LOL

Why are you a pedo user?

>I don't know, is there hydrogen in water?
Not usually, hydrogen doesn't dissolve into water at all. If you mean "h20" as hydrogen being inside water, you are wrong. Water wouldn't be water without it's hydrogen.

You can verify the info, not a photoshop.
I gave away 10 bitcoins on Christmas/New Year on biz and pol.

Send me a coin and prove you're real, investor-kun.
Death by drowning.
Death by sea predator.
Death by sea accident.
They're masochistic and enjoy being shamed.

trump paid me to have sex with all of his wives and daughters until I came and started farting

Fund was closed in 2017

>has 4.2bln
>gave away 150k
Greedy even in fantasy, I see.

Same, dude
Did business with him back in the 60s and his people could barely even speak English. The only one that was remotely comprehendible wouldn't stop ranting about how the lizard people are taking over, but I'm not even sure that any of his cohorts understood a word he was saying.

I am not Canadian. Fund was started in Canada to protect my investors from Uncle Sam and his mighty rake.

Anyone have the video of him jerkibg a dude off on a radio show?

What is the rate of pedos from gays, bis, and straights?

This was not all mine. I invested 200m of my own cash, fund was 500m to start.

Shared some money with strangers because I don't give a fuck.

Takei btfo yet again!

All Japanese people are pedophiles and that's what makes them so based (except Takei).

just remind people of his little stunt on howard stern. he'll slink back to the shadows before you can say "warp speed, mr. sulu"

As much as I liked George on the Howard Stern show, hes really deep in the LGBQQ cabal bullshit and that's inexcusable

Thanks for the laughs

>I am not Canadian
Prove it. Set flag to geographic location for one post. Watch as you make excuses for something so simple and basic.

I would assume bisexuals have a lot of them. Im a bisexual and even though ive only actually been with women, I've been a bit of a degenrate ever since i lost my virginity.

Nope. I am not dumb enough to fall for that shit and get doxxed.
The place I live at the moment, it would be too easy for people to find out who I am.
If you are smart enough, you can probably figure it out. I am originally from a Southern state

Currently in Central or South America

lmao LARPing pussy

How can you be doxxed by showing your flag?

I get that a lot. Sorry you are a wagecuck.
I will use your salt tonight on my BBQ

This faggot openly masturbated people on his show and you can't say anything about that flamboyand faggot because he always use the "muh japs concentration camps" as any reason to paint you on a bad light.

Because I recently made a large acquisition and it would be quite easy to figure out who I am based on my geolocation.

This. There's a negligible margin of error for this.

That just what a larp would say.

I believe he made some sort of pedo apologist tweet a while back, but I might be confusing him with one of a dozen other celebrity faggot pederasts.

Your bitcoin picture is from /biz/ I have seen it before taken from someone else and people pretend it's theirs. Why are you sociopath leafs this retarded?


Only rural and suburban retards did business with Dumphf.
All the smart city people did business with the Clintons.

Or a person with a fortune big enough that I don't want to be harassed.

Im not sure that he is Pedo, but he is a filthy faggot thats for sure.

Polls shouldnt be deleteable

First gay kid I met was 16. He was my ex girlfriends friend at the time (back when I was 18). While we were hanging out he started complaining about how this 30 year old man's dick was really starting to hurt his ass when he'd pull out so he was thinking about just staying with this other 26 year old man because his dick didn't hurt as much. That's when I realized the fag pedo meme and overall degeneracy memes were true. Homosexuals are disgusting perverts that need help, not fucking encouragement.

They are going to spin this into, "It is actually a shithole, bring them here".

Same person, same comfyderate flag...I gave away 10 bitcoins during the holidays and caused a fucking bonanza on biz/pol

Got 350+ wallet accounts HAAAHAH
Gonna give 10 more next month just for shits and giggles.


$100 or fake & gay.

Nice larp shill. If you were real you couldn’t resist elaborating such a story about working with the potus

Nah man, the Clintons are fucking demented
I did not mind doing business with Trump's people, he is clean, believe it or not.
I won't deal with the Clintons...EVER.

>I don't want people to know that I'm rich
>That's why I post a screenshot of BTC fortune that only a handful of people on Earth could have.
>I specifically stated that I owned this amount in December 2017 through a fund that expired that month.
>Basically I brag about being the chief shareholder of a high volume BTC fund that specifically ended in December of 2017.

Nigger if you were a smart LARPer you'd know that you already doxxed yourself.

Being gay is literally satanic

I worked with his people, never met him.
I can tell you however that he is clean.
You can say all the shit you want about Trump but he is not a corrupt businessman

He already fucked up with his lame excuse of if you know my flag you will know who I am. Yes if I google Argentina and large acquisition it will doxx this sociopath Canadian fuck apparently.


So far so good, I have yet to be doxxed.
When I did my bitcoin giveaway I had one caveat, don't reveal my wallet #...and the people who got the coins were gracious enough to not post my wallet #.

It felt great to help out people who needed it.

I’m struggling badly and need major fetal work as an emergency. Please help me


>bad at business
>still rich af
>now prez
Yeah what a loser lmao

* dental not fetal

You know we have archives, right? There's nothing on the /biz/ archive of an actual BTC giveaway in the last two months. You Canadians are so shit at LARPing, why can't you be more like your Australian cousins?


I will add your wallet # to the batch...good luck user.

You got 1 chance in about 350...better than the lotto.


Read about his past business dealings. He got bailed out by his dad a number of times (3) and filed for bankruptcy 4 times. I don't claim to be the best business man in the world but I can tell you that Trump is honest and he struggled because he did not want to bend backwards for anybody.
That being said, he made some stupid fucking investments...especially when it came to Trump Mortgage and Trump Magazine.

With Trump Magazine, he was told printed media was dead but he was sure it would be a hit.

>Not sending him .00001 BTC to prove you're real.
Canadians are so pathetic.

Read about his number of businesses. Donald Trump has had over 530 businesses. That is why he's rich, you don't become a billionaire off one business.

1) I am not Canadian, started the fund in Canada for legal reasons.

2) The giveaway was about 5 days prior to Christmas if I recall correctly. Look during that time, maybe a week before?

>Death by sea predator.
Like what? Krakens? Who goes kayaking in a sea?