Tired of winning yet?
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Meme magic confirmed.
Delicious irony
Liberal """"""""""""""""""intelligence""""""""""""""""""
Liberals can't be bothered to mke sure it's the correct author's name on the book; they just want it asap so they can sit in Starbuck's and give smug nods of approval to each other.
HAHAHAHAAH funny shit.
Lmao these are the fucking retards who spent $1000 on eBay buying an Xbox BOX back in 2001 when the original Xbox came out
Even when they try to blue bill.people, they red pill them instead
Do you have proof it's false?
that is fucking ridiciulous
"We're left because we're intelligent" - every lefty ever
Im literally gonna write a book and name it
>Aftermath of Russian Hacking in 2016 ..Tale of Russian Hackers taking it to the extreme
Its gonna be about Hackysackers in a madeup land called Territory 2016 by Russian HackySackers....
I expect to retire 6 months after its released as dumb as Mike Brown liberals buy it up...
There are plenty of people buying it just to spite Trump and not even read it. Brilliant plan. Get rich off of retards
100% this. I guarrentee you 90% of the people who buy it don't make it past page 25.
You cant prove a negative you retarded faggot
It doesn't matter if it's true or false. Attack the president on policy not character assassination. This kind of bs just hardens my support for Trump and makes me long for the day when we round up all the journalists and shoot them.
Holy shit. That's on a trickster god level
Democrat higher IQ myth confirmed.
>can people really be that dumb
get with the times randall
>You cant prove a negative
Are you ex FBI director Comey?
Came to post this
>""""war crimes""""
It's all collapsing on them lol
They probably chose that name on purpose, thinking they were being cheeky. Look what happened.
#1 best seller: Fire and Fury
#2 best seller: Fire and Fury(cliff notes)
>Research into up and coming, hyped-up projects
>put in the bare-minimum effort to create a kinda-sorta copy of it, but make sure the name is the same
>release it a week before the actual thing releases
>rake in the retard money
Lads, I have a business idea.
>Locks up Hess and refuses peace offer
>tired of winning
He says he has false info in it. Jewgle it. Also the reason why you think that propaganda is false information (when it almost never is) is the reason why you're dumb, fat and brown.
Keep on crying pol-tards
This is just too good
This is truth. "Did you order your copy?" "It's like owning a piece of history—the book that got Drumpf impeached!"
>dumb, fat and brown.
>this kills the Pedro
>literally start the war by bombing the FUCK out of a civilian city Wielun
>cry like a bitch when it happens to you
reap the whirlwind
Harry Potter was best seller at one point as well. Neither work of fiction changed anything.
Your comment just reminded me about Comey's testimony. He said a very similar thing (to Trump and therefor also in his testimony): "It's difficult to prove a negative"
Yes it’s literally on the first page of the books introduction where he admits that the various stories all contradict each other and are basically liberal fantasies
>thinks we fought in the right side
There is such a thing as a disproportionate response though.
How stupid do you have to be to order the wrong book so much it becomes Amazons best seller?
We are in the best timeline
About the same level of stupid as you do to buy into lefty bullshit
Fifty-six percent.
Still not even remotely bothered lol
Do you have proof its true?
But that's exactly what you guys did.
>have kangaroo court in nuremburg because big bad germans broke the international rules of how to make total war the nice and friendly way
>it doesn't count when we do it though!
At least the Nazis didn't pretend to play by your bullshit rules, there's less hypocrisy there.
>b-but muh shitty stormfag infographs say da were da good guys!
no user.
>disproportionate response though.
starting the bloodiest war in human history while indiscriminately committing wanton slaughter of civilians and bombing cities is "disproportionate"
>What is Danzig
Britain and France declared war
Go home shill. You lot dont get paid overtime.
You've been at this for 2 years and Trump is still winning. What do we have to cray about?
2018 gonna be a good year
>Britain and France declared war
...after Germany invaded Poland. Funny how you faggots just (((conveniently))) never mention this
Stupid enough to be a leftist.
Name one German bomber pilot who was tried for war crimes
Liberalism is an illness. Just add this mentally retarded moment as more proof to your collection.
>>b-but muh shitty stormfag infographs say da were da good guys!
No one said anything about storm front infographs. You don't need them. Just look at the facts. We fought the wrong enemy
War crimes are a dumb meme.
>Funny how you faggots just (((conveniently))) never mention this
Funny how they never mention the killing of ethnic German in Poland prior to said invasion
how can we fool them into buying some of Kevin McDonald's works?
Liberals are intellectually challenged LITERALLY
Sounds like a plan
I'm going to write "Trump Card: Secrets of the Presidency"
Its a Yugioh fanfic where Kaiba gets elected president.
Jesus, is this real?
>declare war on Germany to save the oppressed polish people
>leave half of Europe for the Soviets to rape
mmmhh, almost seems like the allies had other intentions than doing it out of the pure goddness of their hearts.
Really gets the noggin jogging, don't you think?
>“I don’t see anything about President Trump! I don’t know why the democrats are so happy with this book and making a big deal out of this!” one Amazon user said.
Digits confirm. DO IT user
So in other words, you realize you were being a dummy. Youre also agreeing with me that the fire bombing of dresden wasnt a war crime
Germany was justified in declaring war on Poland
After Germany "invaded" it's own land that Poland had stolen.
You retards are traitors to the white side of your American ancestors.
Agreed. It's a bunch of bullshit.
I've got investment money, but you got to make the book a red pill every time.
>Just look at the facts.
>the killing of ethnic German in Poland prior to said invasion
lol. ACHTUNG NEVAH FORGET THE 6 BAJILLION INNOCENT GERMANS KILLED BY DA EVIL POLES! fuck off with your stormfaggotry user. You arent German
Are YOU Polish?
And I'll write, "Two Scoops; The Trump's Secret" which is actually about a family named Trump that owns an ice cream shop and engages in Father-Daughter and Mom-Son incest.
>i-it was german land!
this meme also losses all its clout since germany invaded lands that were never part of germany
>thinks there was a right side
Show both sides the world as it is and the war ends. The men who lived then would fight as brothers if they saw what the world would become, and here's the worst part: not even Hitler could have stopped this.
>strawmaning this hard
At no point did I say anything like that. You think the US wouldn't intervene if American citizens, even a few, were being offed by some other country? Or maybe more importantly, do you think they shouldn't do anything?
no, Im just someone who actually knows history
t. Spengler-pilled
hey man have a (you) on me get a burger on me and clean yourself up
>I'm a superior intellectual
>At no point did I say anything like that.
yeah you did. Youre a typical clueless neo-nazi who thinks the "masssacre of 6 million germans by the evil poles!" is real. Its not.
>a shitty youtube cartoon
whoa...so this is the power...of stormfags
It's almost time.
Um excuse me sweetie, but Harry Potter forever changed the nature of Liberal discourse.
compared to you, yes. I am objectively more intelligent than you are, at least when it comes to history. Not everyone is equal user, deal with it
The author literally admits parts of the book are blatantly untrue along with parts he couldn't confirm as true.
Basically the book is a combination of minute gossip and utter bullshit.
This doesn't bother me.
This makes me happy
>Youre a typical clueless neo-nazi who thinks the "masssacre of 6 million germans by the evil poles!"
>resorting to ad hominem
Oy vey, no surprises here
Why all the hatred for Germany? Are you a jew or just a jealous mutt?
You left something out there, Schlomo.
Just go be a nigger somewhere else, if you look at society today compared to before the war it's worse unless you're a 3rd world invader or jew which you probably are.
So lads, you all seem well informed on the book. So what points in the book do you agree/disagree with and why?
Yea, you faggots also (((conveniently))) forget that Poland started a mass genocide of Germans.
Either do your research, or fuck off kike.
I wasn't being a dummy, I think it's silly that Americans make up arbitrary rules that suit their agenda about war after the fact so that they can pretend they're doling out justice in their fake trails.
Lmao holy shit my sides. It's like someone bet you that you couldn't be the perfect Dunning-Kruger example
you do realize danzig was never part of poland, was its own city state under the protection of the league of nations, and that the war was never over it, right? Of course you dont because you dont study history. The war was over the polish corridor. you nknow, that part with all the poles in it? Again, your "m-muh german land" meme doesnt even hold up considering they took over the entirety of poland
>no argument
you know youre wrong user. Thats why you are reverting back into detached irony like the underage bafoon you are. youre not smart
You fought for the kikes, and are still sucking kike cock till today. Face it, your granpa was a good goy and probably died like a pathetic pawn he was.
>the war was never over it
Go to sleep Schlomo, you're just embarrassing yourself.
Literally this