daily stormer is shoahed
Daily stormer is shoahed
It is?
Works fine for me
Anglin is an obvious Jewtin shill and mostly likely a nazbol commie faggot.
thanks friend, I nearly went to his site and read it, thanks for protecting me!
>Anglin is an obvious Jewtin shill and mostly likely a nazbol commie faggot.
thats dumb. hes just a part nigger (just look at his face) and a rich kid who didnt want to get a job, so he takes neetbucks from his little paypigs to fund his trips to thailand to fuck underaged ladyboys
Daily Stormer is garbage and the prospects of a successful movement would be better without them. White sharia and all their other shitty memes were just that. Shitty.
I almost went to check out his site to see what he said, but you have convinced me that he's a bad person, so anythig he says isn't even worth reading, thanks user
It hasn't been shoahed, it's just .red having some intermittent dns issues again.
hi andrew. have a happy MLK day with your black grandparents!
who is that? did you mean to reply to me?
Anglin is famously imortalized saying whites should be bred out of existence and weev is a self proclaimed jew. This was a few months before starting the daily stormer. Where did all thasg law suit money go? The alt right is filled with jews and nazbols.
The jews always play both sides of any conflict so they can't lose. Just yesterday anglin was talking about totally based new Yair Netanyahu under attack by the ebil meanie jews.
Read white power by George Lincoln Rockwell and stop worshipping ecelebs.
Nah he's just mentally unstable is all, read up on his past. Used to be a crackhead
You're telling me two manlets can't lead an army of unemployed 40 year old men who think they deserve 16 year old virgins and 16 year old virgins who get all their views on women from Anglin into any sort of effective movement?
>beats wife
>Read white power by George Lincoln Rockwell
ok, will check it out
> and stop worshipping ecelebs.
which ecelebs do I worship?
>Anglin is famously imortalized saying whites should be bred out of existence
is that the daily stormer guy? when did he say that? is it provable?
T.butthurt kikes
You are so fucking obviously leftypol its not even funny at this point.
Weev just made a fucking video saying hes not jewish and the claims are laughable.
And Anglin has made a thousand joke articles saying anything from africans are the real egyptians and whites are a waste.
You cant even fucking shill properly. Unbelievable.
U mad? U mad.
none of what he is saying is true. Anglin never said any of that and Anglin isn't a fucking eceleb. The only ecelebs around are people like say pewdiepie or some shit like that. They are people whom started out in some other platform and used it to gain celebrity status. For instance JonTron would be considered an eceleb because he was made famous for making video game content. People like Anglin did not become famous for unrelated content. It was directly related to helping the white race. If this person wants to consider Anglin an eceleb then George Lincoln Rockwell was also a celebrity.
Can Anglin not be served with a lawsuit because he is not a real person?
Anglin bots out in full damage control. You can easily find this by searching on jewtube. All of these eceleb faggots beg for sheckles all day and do very little otherwise.
You can tell these faggots are shills since they are demeaning Rockwell or trying to put their shitty eceleb on his level. Rockwell was killed by the jews for outing them meanwhile anglin is allowed to spout his pro Israel and pro Putin dribble all day with no repercussions other than shutting down his shitty website which just gave him further credibility after the Charlottesville debacle.
Read white power and watch Dr Pierce' s videos. They speak a lot about people like anglin who are shills looking out only for themselves.
Ps pic related.
that fake okcupid profile was literally run by jewish agitators to harass me and was posted while I was barred from the Internet by a federal court order. Please shill elsewhere.
your DNS servers are caching it. it's on eppClientHold and is likely permanently kiked. We are trying to get it back now but not promising.
>Based Jo Marney
Weev, are Anglin and Shroyer the same person?
>read white power
Get real. Why was the daily stormer registered at Kushners Jewish butt buddy Pilosov's apartment in NYC after it was shut down the first time? Must be a cohencidence.
that screenshot shows dailystormer registered at Instra.
The Daily Stormer briefly returned to the clearnet with a .lol gTLD, dailystormer.lol, administered by Namecheap,[83][84] but after two days, Namecheap canceled the domain.[85] The company's CEO Richard Kirkendall stated that "the quality and context of the material, paired with the support for violent groups and causes passes from protected free speech into incitement", specifically quoting one published statement from The Daily Stormer: "It doesn't take a Ph.D. in mathematics to understand that White men + pride + organization = Jews being stuffed into ovens."[86][87]
The Daily Stormer is well documented as having its .lol domain registered at Namecheap, and it was seized afterwards by that registrar. Anglin did not register it with Instra.
Once again, you're a lying fraud shill.
>your DNS servers are caching it. it's on eppClientHold and is likely permanently kiked. We are trying to get it back now but not promising.
Sure it is, schlomo.
you can use ARIN whois and verify that it is on eppClientHold. Are you claiming it isn't by this statement? I don't understand.
Why do you shill like a Jew?
sup weev.
You're a good lad, don't let the bastards grind you down.
Convenient. Why keep shilling for obvious Zionists like Trump and putin? Why ally yourself with cianigger Richard Spencer and David duke?
I knew Weevlos Faglos posts here. Weevlos faglos, you dirty jew liar son of a whore, am I still supposed to contact you at [email protected] ?
Sorry, it's [email protected] .
Anglin is the King. You guys beat off way too much.
I had an email conversation with Weevlos Faglos, this jew really is a controlled opposition sort of predator. Be aware!
Anglin isn't even Caucasian. He's ugly as hell, looks like a ghoul, he's there to discredit anti-jew politics.
Don't reply to these people dude. You're giving them what they want.
Andrew Auernheimer was really malicious and threatening and insulting, that's not the kind of noble behavior that flows through the body of those possessing the Aryan spirit. Butthurt flowed through his Jewish body because I was exposing the hell out of him and his jew cabal.
Weevlos Faglos was very abusive toward me.
He made a reference to being a jew in his last post, actually. these jews are really arrogant and self-important, they have a proclivity for hiding their treachery in plain sight, they do it to feel big.
He referred to himself as 'eternal', as in the "eternal jew." He's like 5 feet tall on a good day, so he's really nasty on the Internet to feel big. Textbook Jewish little man syndrome.
Notice how the jew media has a history of trying to make a cult of personality around him ? only jews get that kind of treatment, get deified. They branded him as a 'troll.' "I'm 5 feet tall, but I like to be an abrasive asshole on the Internet, so worship me!"
>6 posts in a row.
>Obsessed with trying to prove weev is a jew.
Jesus fuck you must be high on huffing your own farts.
I've noticed you're a shill
These posts certainly are from Weevlos Faglos sock puppets.
I think you're looking for >>/x/
And you must be looking for >>/cuck/
Lmao get fucked, you white trash piece of shit. People like those at DS are the niggers of the white race and an embarrassment
He is not white, he is a jew clearly. Let's not get confused here.
7 days remaining till #MyBordersMyChoice posters go up on Jan 21st, print yours today! The campaign modifies feminist slogans to show an analogy between violating personal boundaries and national boundaries, twisting the feminist slogans into nationalism.
>SPLC condemned MBMC as "hate":
>Twitter started to censor #MyBordersMyChoice after it surpassed #MyBodyMyChoice in popularity:
MBMC promoted by:
>The Golden One
>Millennial Woes
>Tara McCarthy
>LA Werewolf
>Peter Sweden
>Jack Posiobec
>Front page of r/The_Donald (7.8K upvotes, 13 Jan 2018, stickied by mods)
>Front page of r/The_Donald (5.9K upvotes, 3 Jan 2018)
>Front page of r/The_Donald (3.4K upvotes, 15 Dec 2017)
>Front page of r/The_Donald (4.4K upvotes, 9 Dec 2017)
All links & media available on the official website:
is he trying to poison the well?
wow, you can almost feel the autistic rage through the screen
what? answers?
do you have any stats on wether this approach works, or do you just not have anything better?
any proof?
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