Ben Shapiro also thinks that: "all immigrants are good people." Watch this Sup Forums. Laugh at this cuck jew who defends people from poor countries.
Ben Shapiro also thinks that: "all immigrants are good people." Watch this Sup Forums. Laugh at this cuck jew who defends people from poor countries.
no ben im not going to watch
Nice le eceleb thread :^)
Ben, the kike, wants more brown people.
Don't worry this all gets even better
>neocon says neocon thing
But first...
hey you leave /ourjew/ alone!
Evil jew.
Yet he is the most requested speaker on campus universities, Bitch.
Because goyim are retarded.
This is probably the dumbest thing he has ever said. What political affiliation does he think all those brown people will align with?
More punch to the right shilling. It’s either a shill or a storm weenie
and your women are ugly.
honestly, why should he care? i'm not saying ben shapiro is actively trying to destroy america, but the fact is there are no real consequences for him (as a rich jew) if it does (((self-destruct))).
He's an edgy but safe neocon
That doesn't matter. True conservative principles matter, and they say not to judge people as a group, even when 90% of the group behaves a certain way.
big little ben should stop fucking his sister.
I like Ben so much, what an awesome guy
good point to pick.up, not the retardness of CNN`
Ben's problem is his religion. Without it he would be one of the best people on the right. It taints everything though, including this.
This, Israel does the exact same damn thing making him a massive hypocrite fag.
The difference israelis want ethnostate. most white americans dont.
I watched this episode on Friday, he didn't say Trump is bigoted. He said that he didn't know what Trump meant. He said that if Trump meant that people from shithole countries shouldn't be allowed to enter into the country, he's a bigot, but if he means that we should end the visa lottery program that favors shithole countries, that's fine.
This is what neoconservatism looks like in 2018.
If you disagree with this you're a retard.
That was before whites were being forced into a minority in their ancestral homelands.
Yes, he is about half the Republican Party that is ok with dispossing Americans of their own county in favor of a foreign, brown, vagrant population on permanent welfare.
>i've met every single immigrant and researched into their past.
>ALL immigrants are good people
i thought Jews were supposed to be the masters of linguistics. Why is he making such a stupid mistake that can be easily disproved?
Notice how he always tosses in jews? Literally any subject and he tosses in jews being mistreated.
>Oy vey the pogroms, i lost all 6 grandparents to those!
Also, it’s absurd that he actually tries to argue people immigrating to the US are doing it to ‘enrich’ the country. They’re doing it out if self interest. No one goes, wow, i want to move to that country to make it better! They move because they want to enhance their situation.
Indoctrination from 1st grade about Holohoax opens a large gap to be manipulated by leftists jews. No matter what race.
If Jews have high verbal IQ's, why is Shapiro unable to use a word in it's proper context.
I love how he drops the commercials in the middle of the speech. Do you usually do that in America?
My dad's an immigrant and despite serving in the army as soon as he got here, he's also a pedophile.
Sorry, Ben.
Fine, breed of human. Either way, kids get expelled these days for making a finger gun but they can be told about mass murder as long as there is a 90% coverage with no truth that Jews have done and are still doing parasitic shit to the communities with the diaspora. Oy vey I disagree with a jew that makes me an anti-semite.
Yes, keep criticizing things Ben didn't say.
I hate this kikes so much. This is a Jew that literally said Israel should genocide the Palestinians and he gets pissy about Trump.
>not to judge people people as a group
That's lefty mindset, not conservative. Conservative is to take a 60% view, at least, before generalising.
Yes the kikes on "conservative" talk radio do it all the time
So why is Israel then deporting them Benny ? Because to secure the existence of khazar milkers ?
Because he is just manipulating the goyim, he knows the actual definition he just doesn't care.
Says who? The (((universities)))?
Its funny that you idiots need a right winger to tell you guys the obvious truth
Shartpiro is a faggot leftist and a neocon like you.
Fucking gross
He's alt-lite and libertarian about drugs.
He's still young too. By the time he reaches president age he should have his platform in more order. In early 2017 he was just going around trolling lefties in debates, and as it came to later and later 2017 he stopped doing that because he started to care more about his public image.
He's doing the same thing now about Trump.
I like Ben for the most part, so him having a shit opinion on occasion isn't a deal breaker to me
you realize he's a zionist jew right?
I'd shoah those tits like it's the Night of Broken Glass.
Is this the same Ben Shapiro that said that Jews need to kick all the Palestinians out of Israel, because their non jewish Genes could make them enemies of the jewish State in the future?
When does Shapiro start criticizing Israel for not importing Haitians? OH WAIT that would be bad for his people wouldn't it?
It's bigotry to say the people in Haiti are responsible for the condition of Haiti? Really Shapiro? It's cute that people think he's intelligent.
>shilling intensifies
I value my tribal identity and it is central to my ideas. CHECKMATE .
I have BTFO-d Shapiro
Says the bigot whose people invented bigoty.
The one in OP's video is even more humorous as he's shilling underwear.
Also this kike won't tell you a thing about genetics & successful civilization as well as IQ generational regression to the mean.
intolerant to those holding different opinions. thats it? thats the whole thing?
You can just say BTFO
>I don't give a goddamn about the Browning of America!!
>Israel must stay Jewish no matter what though, goy! Die for my real country!!
Jews are national AIDs, they destroy the immune system so any opportunist can make a home, it's a great analogy.
It's AIDS. The "s" isn't pluralization but "Syndrome"
Thx. Do the favor of saving and spreading the meme then.
Semitic = Parasitic
Only a dumb group of people will agree to become a miniority in their own country. its you fault for listening to those liberal jews.
He makes legit points about the diversity lottery. His position is reasonable and probably the majority opinion. Case-by-case, merit-based immigration makes sense.
That's like blaming a person for getting Necrosis from a spider bite.
>Didnt know what "Necrosis" means. Searched Necrosis in google pictures...
does he think the same about Ethiopian Jews and Israel?
>Israel doesn't let non-Jews into the country
When will this meme die?
> This meme
You realize they have some of the most fucked up racial laws for intermarrying in the world?
They do everything to keep their bloodlines pure, but god forbid if a goyim country does that.
Tbh was looking for the actual term for a parasite that feeds from the dead. That is a far more accurate depiction.
>In addition to the respective faiths of Jewish, Muslim and Druze communities in Israel, Israel recognizes ten distinct denominations of Christianity.[3] Marriages in each community are under the jurisdiction of their own religious authorities.[2] The religious authority for Jewish marriages performed in Israel is the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and the Rabbinical courts. The Israeli Interior Ministry registers marriages on presentation of proper documentation. Israel’s religious authorities — the only entities authorized to perform weddings in Israel — are prohibited from marrying couples unless both partners share the same religion. Therefore, interfaith couples can be legally married in Israel only if one of the partners converts to the religion of the other. However, civil, interfaith and same-sex marriages entered into abroad are recognized by the state.[4]
I don't really have a problem with this. Why would you marry someone of a different religion? But anyway, if you ask Ben, I doubt he would agree with that this law anyway.
>He makes legit points about the diversity lottery
no he doesn't
>His position is reasonable
no it's not
>probably the majority opinion
no it's not
>Case-by-case, merit-based immigration makes sense
no it doesn't
that's tits on tits there
holy shit
We should spam his twatter with Refugees for Israel and see what he says
> definitely not gona be spared on the dotr
I’m beginning to think Little Ben is either retarded, or, controlled opposition.
>color doesn't matter
ok good, then we don't need any jews at all, or even black or brown people. we'll just have white people only because it doesn't matter either way.
Ideas and values are a result of tribal identity.
>getting mad over something he didn't say
I think you're the retarded one.
He wears his fucking jew hat everywhere he goes. He's not hiding that he's a jew. He's pretty straightforward about what he thinks. I can respect that... but obviously he's not one of us.
atleast he's a hot jew tho
Conservatives like him only conserve their philosemitism and consistent failure at keeping the last iteration of liberalism.
He won't make a difference because he's no different.
And nobody is suprised.
Facts dont care about your feelings, Shapiro. Address the monumental volumes of peer reviewed science conducted on the subject of race and its relation with IQ
Except that it does affect their ideals. Democrats just promise them free shit that they wouldn't implement in their term and immigrants vote en-masse for them. They turned California from a Red state to a blue state.