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Such a fucking slut
Sweet lip injections roastie whore
why are so many of the trad alt-right leafs?
Am I supposed to know who this faggot crossdresser is?
Still no nudes. Because there are none.
I know this is bait but jesus christ is this hard to read.
mad decent lewds desu, v nice tummy
Hahahaha did she really get caught fucking around? I called this so many times in all these "thot" traditiional threads because you can just tell shes a phony fuck looking for a free ride and shekels and popularity. I played hockey with her younger cousin when were lik 11,12. She is a year or so older than me but i knew even back then she was a little whore. She always used to flirt around at the rink. her cousin that I played hockey with is actually rather leftist, kind of a hippie dippie peace just get stoned and chill kinda guy and when charlottesvill happened he wenty a huge ragefest about how internet has changed Faith blah blah. Never trust greeks from toronto.They stink just as bad as anyone else in browntown
"""trad""" (((alt-right)))
my mistake
I didn't realize she cared about the JQ.
Based black chick?
This is who started this btw
What an ugly shitskin.
la luz extinguido...
You know the allegations are true because Faith is hiding from the Internet. I can only assume that there's a Paris Hilton style cock-sucking video about to drop.
how will we recover
>tfw she will never suck your dick
ewwwww. jesus, i fucking hate cell phones and social media. How can anyone get into a relationship with these things present? I dont have a cell phone and its fucking hard to find a broad who isnt glued to the fucking thing 24/7. Goddamn it's gonna be a sad sight to see the millenial/x generation get old. Hopefully for all our sake we dont reach that point. I think an EMP that knocked out our grid would be a good thing. Think off all the retards that would literally ghost themselves due to their internet/social media/smart phone withdrawal and the fact that do not how to take care of themselves.
basic bitch
>You're not allowed to say anything until we're actually slaughtering you in the streets
>21 years old
white women have such punchable faces
she's like 28 I think
She's ugly as FUCK
Fucking disgusting
Tyrone, why are you here?
America is at the Jew's tool to destroy Europe and enslave Europeans. If America is to be destroyed to save Europe/Europeans, than so be it.
>inb4 hurr american founding fathers (freemasons) were white nationalists based!
Stop LARPing you're bringing in boomers and redditors here.
>jerusalem cross carved into her gas mask
Fucking tired of protties and cuck normie beta """""""""christians""""""""" using CATHOLIC ALPHA symbols.
You can't be a crusader.
You can't fight saracens.
You can't use the jerusalem cross.
You can't say "Deus Vult."
You are a prottie. Your history goes back 500 years. If you want to go back farther, join the Catholic Church.
>white genocide 1915
lmao armenians aren't white
$.0001 BTC has been deposited into your account.
>Jealous ugly leftwing shitskin
Nigger lips
dude armenians literally aren't white
She has huge lips because she is greek. You can always spot the virgins in threads that say lauren or faith are "ugly". Dude, unless you look like a calvin klien male model you cannot say these women are ugly just because they aren't 10's. Go have someone take a picture of yourself standing up against a wall, that's what YOU look like. So 98% of you really should not be talking.
Are you blind ?
based trad thot
i will give you that SOME armenians are white, but most are of middle eastern stock
Bit un-faithful actions from that cunt.
That thing belongs into oven.
That's fair.
quoting leviticus. based.
>America is at the Jew's tool to destroy Europe and enslave Europeans.
LOL. the european royal families are jewish... why would they want to destroy europe? you're just some anti-semitic conspiracy theory. crazy cuck.
lel @ the mods deleting all her threads. Did you faggots get paid to shill for her or did she just fuck you faggots in the ass?
This is why white nationalism isn't nationalism but is instead pan racialism. Armenians aren't white? It depends on who you ask. I can tell you that Armenians are Armenian. I can tell you Irish are Irish. I can't tell you which group is or isn't white, especially in borderline cases. Ashkenazi are definitely racially white by looking at them. Lebanese are genetically closer to Greeks and even French than they are to Saudi Arabians (sea was easier to travel across than mountains and desert). White nationalism is how illiterates describe western European civilization. Nations are smaller and meaningful. Race is clearly too large to be of value. White nationalism is such a fucking stupid concept.
>why would they want to destroy europe?
because i know conservative women lust after my BBC. liberal women are scared of me
56%erstrikes again
>none of the lewds show her face
>Dude who supposedly fucked her denies he fucked her in his discord
>Rumors started by a jewish camwhore
>People are Sup Forums are dumb enough to fall for this
Fake Lewds by the way. Trolled by a Jewish cam whore btw!
We know they are fake. What is not fake is that she is a nasty fraud who has been caught cheating on her chub fiancé. That's why she went dark on Twitter. Why hide?
What evidence is there? the only thing you've got is the word of a jewish cam whore who started the rumor 6 months ago
Apart of them being attention whore plants, how do they do not get that traditional goes along with natural which doesn't imply lip injections? Who the fuck likes that?
>Lauren in that pic before her injections btw
how come she doesn't fuck black guys? :/
>you can't perfectly the define where white begins and ends therefore white doesn't exist
hello sargon
gtfo with that fake lips, fake tits, fake tan trad larping eceleb whore. I don't even care if she cheated
you do realize those pictures are of a hooker from NYC? Next time spend more than 10 seconds in a thread before sperging your uncontrollable hate for women, God damn incel
I saw her in person. Had zero clue who she was at the time. Found out later she was some muh white ethnostate retard.
She's very short and awkward, and I honestly thought she was a 45 year old woman, not 28.
Hey white knight, we're talking about pics of Goldy where you can see her fake ass face. Again, why is her Twitter silent and not loading? Is she working with Simonsen in South Africa or not?
They deleted my comment, lol unreal.
not an argument since all my points are still correct
pic related is your favorite eceleb
That's exactly how I imagine she is. Awkard in person, very short, looks in her 40s. She's no Dreamy Diglot or RageAfterStorm. Now those were gals who were intelligent and minded their own business.
>defending this
>That's why she went dark on Twitter. Why hide?
It's been down for a few weeks now. She turned it off after announcing her pregnancy.
But the question still remains, why clear her Twitter and delete her patreon? Something is clearly up.
i would pay serious cash to have her defecate on my chest
what happened?
is this a dude in drag lmao
Allegations she cheated on her fiancé with a 19yr. old. Her Twitter and Patreon are dark. Her supporters are saying she went dark due to announcing her pregnancy. Allegedly she is in South Africa with Lauren Coalburner. Rumors of her infidelity were started by a Jew camwhore.
UN definition of genocide:
>Article II
>In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
>c.) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
>looks in her 40s.
everyone says this too, that they thought she was decent for a broad in her late-30s/early 40s
we've all made mistakes in our lives but she must have some whoppers in her past to look as awful as she does in her supposed 20s
Not as entertaining as the Fuentes vs. Allsup fagfight.
>Rumors of her infidelity were started by a Jew camwhore.
we can close the thread then
I'll check your dub and trips Canada. She is a confirmed boozer, Lauren Coalburner too.
Who thought it was smart to take a coalburner to Africa?
Wouldn't surprise me at all, these tradthots are, "Do as we say, not as we do" types.
Mein god, I matched with this girl on tinder.
rly makes u think.
Your eceleb obsession moves actual political threads further down the catalog. Take your weepy MGTOW gossip column elsewhere
Dub and trips again. Kek laughs at ethots. They are (((controlled distraction))). You know Based Stickie banged both those whores, and Pettibone too. Women and politics fellas.
Reminds me of the botox joke by Bill Burr. Would you rather be 50 and look 50, or be 50 and look like a 28 year old lizard?
>alix lynx for any scientists wondering
Checking your trips, AGAIN, but an user said this is a porn star named Alix Linx.
>tfw he bangs all your e-celeb waifus
owo, whats this?
Nah. He never got his federal informant hands on Dreamy Digot and RageAfterStorm.