Gendo hate thread
Fuck this guy
Gendo hate thread
why would you hate him
he's not that bad
Get out of my thread Gendo
U jelly of the mighty gendocock?
Gendo a best
he should be hanged
Good thread
There's hope for Sup Forums
>Fuck this guy
I'd rather fuck Pen Pen thank you very much
Did nothing wrong.
Fuck that asshole, I hope rebuild destroys all his plans and he is reduced to a sobbing mess like Shinji.
Don't hate love.
What did he do wrong again?
At least he's not one of those masked retards who think instrumentality is a totally cool thing to do.
lmao who takes themselves seriously while wearing mickey mouse gloves and lennon frames. hippies man.
killed everyone just for the possibility to be reunited with his wife in the metaconsciousness that might've happened if it wasn't for Shinji.
what if Gendo was a really cool dad, and all we see is through the eyes of an autistic child's imagination?
Nah, even his wife hates him.
>t. Shinji
Well to be fair she saw him be a complete dick to their son from a distance
Why would you lie on the internet.
Is Shinji Yui and Fuyutsuki's child?
he just wanted to crush puss
>He wouldn't literally end this world all in order to get to his waifu
What? No. Shinj is the spiting image of Gendo.