Natural reaction to being a wageslave
Shit sucks, man
Natural reaction to being a wageslave
Shit sucks, man
Is moot transitioning? Man Google really got to him.
Why did the billions allegedly spent to fight opium production in Afghanistan not only not succeed in doing so, but resulted in an INCREASE in production? Maybe start questioning there. It may be far more substantive than anything having to do with race, or whatever other bullshit will fill up this thread.
how do people even get addicted in the first place? Like what in the fuck made them use heroin, meth or crack in the first place?
I'm pretty sociable with a large circle of friends and go out quite a bit but I've never met anyone that did drugs harder than weed, even at uni.
>Why are millions of Russian people so addicted to Krokidil? A higher % of Russian now take illegal drugs than blacks.
Not understanding heroin is dangerous and super addictive at this day and age is actually an impressive feat.
Its a huge SOS and a definite sign of anxiety and feelings of uncertainty among white american. Its a MAGA moment.
Why in the fucking fuckity fuck would you ever do a drug that even had a tiny % chance of doing that to you? I guess Russia needs to revive Stalin or something.
Because good men cannot do what they need to do as it would be considered a crime or more specifically terrorism with a side of theological genocide..
Bring back the crusades.
This user knows whats up. The drug epidemic in the US is a direct result of the decline of social capital and community in our country.
dam i wish i was a drug dealer so I could fuck young sluts like this for just a little bit of drugs.
Put on about 15 pounds, get an STD test and go to rehab and I'd nail her.
Because unlike niggers, whites can afford them
Of course she is a fiend.
Go find the nearest trailer park, look around, and the answer will come shortly.
wtf is wrong with her proportions??
have you ever done drugs?
they are awesome, so if you have a shitty life its easy to get addicted to something awesome
She must be like 1.50-1.60cm~ + thin + no muscle, thus the big head and the small body.
Big pharma needs tax cuts to push the latest opioid
why the fuck does this not turn my stomach but removing a horse's hoof does.
Also fucking jews
Because drugs are fucking awesome and life for many has become generally shit. On top of that, it hijacks your reward system so that it becomes much less appealing to try out new stuff or other stuff as it simply can't release the same amount of dopamine. Like rats, we're pushed by levers. Push a lever too hard too many times, and nothing else but drugs have the same mean of pushing that lever.
women addicts really get me. Poor girl
social pressure from wrong people. Your friends werent' scum
like she needs your dirty micropenis. She needs love, user. And isolation on Antarctica or something. She couldn't buy heroin of penguins.
>A higher % of whites now take illegal drugs than blacks.
just checked, you're still wrong
White people are just better at eveything. Niggers even fail at being junkies LMAO
why is anyone surprised that people turn to drugs when life is boring and shitty?
Because a horse didn't do anything to deserve that pain
Because the horse has no say in the manner.
Years clean and I still miss smack. Literally the best feeling in the world. One of the hardest things in getting clean is the realisation you will never find anything that good again. Its like losing your best mate...
this is probably a misrepresented stat because only white people go to rehab
>Erion (Aryan)
>Black interviewer
There's definitely a deeper message here; well beyond drugs, addiction, homelessness
...Daily reminder that google captcha is pure shit
they are unhappy with some aspect of their lives, and unsure how to fix it, they seek something to make all the bad feelings go away.
and now you blame immigrants and women for all your problems fucking baghead
t. Immigrant or woman, probs both.
This was years ago, fucknut.
It's different for men and women
>be woman
>be partying YOLO imma right
>start hanging out with drug dealers because at age 18 they are the highest status males they will meet.
>dealer offers x drug. They use it and get hooked.
>They then get trapped in this world where drugs are the norm
>be piece of shit, then either start selling drugs to make ends meet or start doing them to make the pain of being a wageslave go away
>find out dumb bitches are suddenly attracted to you because drugs. Thus sell more drugs.
There are plenty of people in your life who have done drugs. They won't talk about it and you would never know. I had a hometown exgf who thought drugs were cool and would blab about it to me. Figured out around 1/4 of the girls from my hometown had done shit more than weed. ghosted her pretty quickly.
It's not only white people. Drugs but their addictive nature reach pretty much anyone and it's difficult to not get initiated, thanks to the degenerate Jewish media who has been pushing the idea that drugs are socially cool
The increase in drug abuse in the white American community is a direct result of the proliferation of pain killers that are handed out like candy by the medical system. When the prescriptions run out or don't work anymore, people try heroin and then it's over, very few manage to quit.
I shattered a bone in my right arm as a teen and required several surgeries to fix it and was in agonizing pain. I was on oxy for like half a year and got pretty addicted. Withdrawals were a bitch, all you want is more. That shit screwed my dopamine system up for years after quitting.
Hippies were too busy getting high and fucking while the country was being taken over now it’s too late to save it and a lot of people just want off this ride. Also single parent epidemic
I dream of a fascist Christian America. May it come soon.
She had that "May I see your manager for saying "no" to my oreo child" haircut.
We think too much. An altered state of consciousness is the only escape.
The (((Sackler family))) are the new (((Sassoon’s))) and their goal is to wipe out White families. Jews love opium and all the shekels it brings.
>The increase in drug abuse in the white American community is a direct result of the proliferation of pain killers that are handed out like candy by the medical system. When the prescriptions run out or don't work anymore, people try heroin and then it's over, very few manage to quit.
>I shattered a bone in my right arm as a teen and required several surgeries to fix it and was in agonizing pain. I was on oxy for like half a year and got pretty addicted. Withdrawals were a bitch, all you want is more. That shit screwed my dopamine system up for years after quitting.
This. Ex's life destroyed in part by this, current wife is struggling.
>legalize weed
>fewer blacks breaking the law
Really activates to almonds
This. Purdue Pharma created OxyContin, a 12-hour controlled-release version of oxycodone. Before the mid-90s, doctors hated to prescribe opioids because of how addictive they were. Purdue starts paying doctors to go to sales seminars and gives them free trips to tropical islands to hear them. They also launched a marketing scheme convincing doctors that OxyContin was much safer because its time-release dosing prevented addiction. It wasn't like morphine at all, this was safer and better!
This is one of the reasons essentially every health system in America and medical association bars doctors from taking overt gifts from pharma companies, by the way. Not that it stops anyone from finding workarounds.
By the early 2000s, even children were being given oxycodone regimens for broken bones. When people run out, they look for other sources. They can pay premiums on the street for these drugs, but then Mexican cartels began to ship in heroin, which is much cheaper on the street. So people start taking that, because now their brain is rewired to think it needs opioids to function.
The problem now is that the Chinese also produce heroin, so even though we've curtailed central Asian production east Asia is producing. Plus China manufactures fentanyl. It's coming in both from Chinese smugglers and from Mexican cartels who are acting as middlemen.
All because some Jew bribed doctors and told them people wouldn't get addicted, despite zero proof of that.
When I am prescribed pain medication, I refuse to take it and encourage my friends and family members to do the same.
>That fresh tat on her chest
>That weight gain
>That previous heroin addiction + full tribal tattoo
Give her the award for best decision maker of the year already, fuck.
Well, learn how to make heroin and move yourself into a low income area. Plenty of "business" to be had.
fucking whites.
This is a lie. A higher percentage of whites admit to taking illicit drugs in self-reported surveys. More blacks and hispanics are tested positive for illegal substances and are hospitalized for overdoses.
She was never intelligent to begin with. tats confirm. She is also 20 pounds over ideal weight. Can see the psychological damage in the eyes.
holy shit you summarized it perfectly. Everybody read this post.
>The problem now is that the Chinese also produce heroin
92% of the poppy supply for the whole world is produced in Afghanistan
>be me
>see a hot girl in the suggested section of instagram
>jerk off to her pics and follow her
>follow her for like 3 years, jerking off to her pics all the time
>my penis develops feelings for her
>slowly she starts looking less hot, less full of life
>she starts looking kinda sickly, her eyes start looking dead, they start looking glazed over and dumb
>her skin used to be radiant and beautiful but now she looks like a weird pale/yellow
>having a really hard time jerking off to her now, but power through for old times sake
>wonder what's wrong with her, why her life suddenly looks sad instead of full of joy like it used to
>posts picture of her with some older thug looking black guys
>uh oh
>no posts for like 2 months
>curious about what happened to her
>google her name
>police records come up for the state she lives in
>see her mugshot
>"possession of heroin"
>my heart sinks, my penis loved this girl
>now she's a run of the mill junkie and probably has all kinds of STDs from those thugs
>she'll probably OD within the next couple of years
>think about what could have been if she had chosen a different path in life
>think about what could have been if she had hung around me and my group of friends instead of the terrible lowlifes she surrounded herself with
>feel like I want to cry, it all hits so hard
>scroll back down to her older pictures and jerk off
have some fucking compassion, lol. If she kicked the habit then she has shown that she has mental strength.
Tattoos are just pervasive in normie culture
Poppy needs to be refined. You can't stop Afghanistan from producing poppy, but you can curtail opiate production. Plus much of the current opiate/opioid supply is largely synthetic.
another day, another lying OP. RIP Sup Forums. Time to do some drugs to feel better.
Man, woman will do anything to lose weight.
You'd be surprised how many think just a little meth will help with the weight problem.
I've seen plenty of girls go down like this over the years, it's sad. Don't attempt a rescue even if they don't do niggers.
(well I hear taking them up north to live on a farm for a few months sometimes works)
end up robbed and heartbroken
niggers are retards who think that truthfully answering a survey will incriminate themselves
that is all
they abuse drugs far far more
>Why are white people so addicted to drugs? A higher % of whites now take illegal drugs than blacks.
More white people overall in the US (queue 56% memes), whites mingling with blacks more and more, whites take black drugs, now whites are majority drug users. Visit schools south of MD, drug niggers who should have left high school 5 years ago always have a clique of impressionable white girls ready to service a nigger train in exchange for some drug. Not to sound like a pearl clutching faggot, but they literally do prey on kids who don't know better, especially women who value the social circle above all else, so they see Mr Cool Nigg who tells them to do drugs to be cool, see the group doing retarded drugs, and they start doing retarded drugs.
The answer, as always, is Jews
Why not? As soon we all are going to be pigs for slaughter when we become a minority in our own countries
It starts with the over abundance of prescription drugs and everyone's willingness to share them and/or sell them. It is also the fact that we today have no respect for ourselves. Along with the whole not giving as shit about ourselves as a whole we also see meaninglessness in our lives and nothing worthy in ourselves. People are lost and just don't want to care. Probably how many blacks feel in the same situations.
lol imagine that situation but it be your ex gf(not the same one), she wanted to yolo instead of adult with you.
>See life fade away
>getting even skinnier
>two of my best friends are walking home from bar, she picks them up and drives them home, tells them she is on heroin.
>They tell me, I am concern. I txt her. She get's all who told you this? Makes posts on fb about how people need to mind their own business.
>I think she got off it, but she ain't going nowhere's.
>sad whenever I see her in person, what couldve been.
Keep in mind that OP lied.
I've done it all. I never got addicted but I've dabbled. Why did I do it? I have no idea. I knew the risks but it was everywhere and I knew drugs felt good so I did it. My friends were doing it to so whenever I wanted to hang out with them drugs were just there. I don't do anything but smoke weed now and I know many who did get into it bad got clean. Still a big problem in my area.
Dude... how fucking pathetic are you?
You never even made a try for it did you?
Dumb drugged out nigger was banging that pussy you dreamed of, HE went for it.
Fucking this. When I was 20 some retard slammed a pallet jack over my foot and smashed it up pretty good. It healed fine but I refused to take the pain meds, they're a trap. Hurt like fuck but oh well, I sold my initial scrip to some other retards I worked with and bought gunpla to build while I was in my cast.
Happened to me a couple times where a girl wanted nothing else but to fuck. I ended up cutting them off, then I laugh when I find out they've become single moms. Happened 3 times now.
>tribal art
Why can't Americans do anything right?
In all seriousness, Americans are always derided for being retards, but very rarely do I see examples to be compared with that are the standard. I mean, one tattoo looks bad, but where's the standard at least? Most of the world outside the first world is crappy, man.
I hadn't even seen the part about a higher % but drug addiction is getting worse in worse with whites. It's pretty bad.
April Erion (Aryan)? Got caught up in the heroin Jew.
had the same problem user. Just recently quit smoking & weed tho. Used to go out every weekend and spend couple of hundred $$$ on M, X, Coke etc. as all my mates were doing it. Seen a couple of them go into rehab now and one has an addiction to xannys because he was an acid fiend. Ended up doing nothing for half a year but smoking weed to wane myself off and ended up getting hooked on that shit too.
You’ll feel much better once you’re off all that shit, you’ll be a lil depressed but life gets better big dog
>A higher % of whites now take illegal drugs than blacks.
>self reported polling
lol, as if a nigger is gonna admit to that shit.
she looks CUTE!
oxycodon for half a year for a broken arm? why not just tramadol or hydromorphon in extended release formula? much weaker opioid, much less risk of developing a dependency.
your doctors are retards for giving you pain medication that is reserved for people that have otherwise uncontrollable cancer or nerve pain.
Anyone remember the anonymous self reporting surveys in high school.
I would circle all sorts of weird shit.
This shit makes a few tears come loose to desu. All those involved on the supply side need to be Duterted.
thats idiotic.
ive seen people become unemployed for life or even kill themselves because of chronic pain that wasnt properly treated. ive also seen people lose their mobility becasue the uncontrolled pain made them refuse physiotherapy and all but the most necessary movements. not controlling pain at all can be extremely dangerous.
In a decade or two, they will have no option but to flock to Yurope in unprecendented droves because Sub-Saharan Africa will becomee literally inhabitable for the astronomical population
It is a big relief however, to know that there is little doubt that the glorious Yuropeans will extend to them the same empathy they have proudly demonstrated toward refugees in the past few years and share their homes with the needed
Good thing I'm not receptive to opiates and get heavy side effects with everything from slight nose itching to allergic style ants crawling under my skin and violent vomiting for hours.
the jews
i would say its more like natural selection taking it's toll. whites don't seem to be fairing so well now days. the law of evolution is adapt or die and whites don't seem to be able to adapt to well anymore.
They need to evolve.
environments are always subject to change. the universe is a hostile constantly evolving place. sometimes things just die off.
April Aryan is hot
Drugs are pretty neat
Who do you think the anti-drug/drug free ad campaigns of the 90s targeted?
Who do you think sells these illegal drugs?
Opium wars 2.0