>tfw my gf has a bookmark to Blacked.com
i'm scared lads... she has also been more friendly than usual to one of her black male friends...
>tfw my gf has a bookmark to Blacked.com
i'm scared lads... she has also been more friendly than usual to one of her black male friends...
She thinking about things you don't want her to think. quickly call the thought police.
Drop her immediately. Just cut off all contact. Don't get pulled down this rabbit hole.
wtf when did texas get its own flag?
Maybe they'll let you watch.
kill her and hide the body?
Nothing wrong with open relationships user :)
Op you need to dump that bitch and get a better one because your dick is small
>my gf
>her black male friends
>nazi flag
pick 2 and only 2
If she is degenerate enough to bookmark any porn, she isn’t wife material. You are wasting your time. Dump her so she can go jump on that block dick
>honey... i don't know if you ever heard but there's a saying
>once you go black you never go back
>don't call me ever again whore
here. solved that for ya
>gf has a bookmark to Blacked.com
This is enough of a reason to dump her.
fuck asian gurl before your gf goes for a bbc. its the only solution
Confront her about it, and tell her how it makes you feel. Ask her if she wants to break up, because of her black friend. If you don't talk to her, you're never gonna know. She's your girlfriend afterall. Act like it. Or you could always consider being in an open relationship.Just no creampies
She’s fucking a nigger user. Just break it off and find someone else. It’s not worth it
>has a bookmark to
bookmark to porn site a sign of low intelligence.
Prognostic: DUMP ASAP.
You don't want these inferior genes in your genetic legacy.
>people are fallng for this
Fucking idiots
dump her, and tell her why, then stop talking to her. It'll hurt but not as much as if she fucks her black friend while you're together.
>bookmark to porn site a sign of low intelligence.
agreed with user, it's not even about the black dongers - it's the sheer mental migdgetness that leads to someone bookmarking porn
>my gf
I believe you mean our girlfriend.
>>tfw my gf has a bookmark to Blacked.com
This is why I love Sup Forums
Daily reminder this is a LARP thread.
Fake and gay
But if it's actually true you need to dump her asap
>black male friends
If she even has a single BLACK MALE FRIEND it's time to ditch her, knowing that she clearly fantasizes about being fucked by blacks and has black male friends the time has surely come for you to uncuck yourself and kick the coal burning whore out of your life, and remember if you don't even the score with the offending baboon/s you will forever be a useless weak cuck.
>muh larp blog
>call her tell her you want her to see something
Fuck someone infront of her while flipping her the bird. Simple
Lol has male friends.... tsk tsk tsk.
She knows the way
block the ip in the router config
ya dun gooed boy. desu there must be something wrong with you to choose a trash like that to be your future gf. anyways.. say bye bye as soon as possible. its gonna hurt you more than her if you stay with her.
This is why you need to have full access to all her accounts, everywhere and be aware of what she's doing when you're not there
oh, user. quit being so insecure. every woman thought about sucking big black cock at some point. when they are on the most fertile period of the month, they just can't resist thunking about a high testosterone black bull fucking their brains out. but, as long as she takes pills this should be kept under control. just because she's thinking about it, it doesn't mean she will cheat on you. it could be just a fantasy. the only thing that matters, in the end, is that you reproduce. make some babies, it is your duty. after this is done, who cares if she sucks black cock or not? your only mission in nature is to drop your see and reproduce.
ask her & post answer
Fake & Gay.
Slide and demoralize.
You are correct.