I and many other Western men think Asians are cute as hell, but then I a lot of South East Asian who think we mean them, who think they are on the same level as Japanese, Koreans and Chinese.
I can't be the only one to think this?
Other urls found in this thread:
If you can't attract hot white women you can't attract hot asian women either.
I've noticed that most people with "qt asian gfs" have SEA jungle asians instead of the nips and koreans they worship so much, interesting how they always leave that detail out.
If these people could actually get hot Jap girls they love so much then they wouldn't have turned to asians in the first place.
I prefer SEAs and little Mongol Turks. Northeast Asians are doll-like and creepy.
japs are white asians, chinese are mexican asians, jungle asians are nigger asians.
>Implying Mexicans created the foundations of the white civilisations.
China is literally the Roman Empire of the Orient that is still living and breathing. It is the Meds of Asians, Japs are the barbaric Nords and Koreans are dirty Inbetweens.
Eastern asians bred with some psuedo-slavs. Southeast asians bred with some psuedo-indians.
Came here to say this. Am asian.
Comparatively, they're the mexicans OF ASIANS. This is like saying greeks are the niggers of white people, it doesn't mean that greeks aren't better than niggers.
South Asian have INDIAN street shitter admixture polluting their genes.
It's the country is called INDOnesia for a reason.
The Japanese and South Koreans are free of Indian trash genes thanks to geographic location.
Coincidently South Korea and Japan are the only Asians to reach European levels of civilization and the only ones to have some girls with skin white as snow, It's a shame best Korea fell for the communism meme..
Shitskin... not even once.
>If you can't attract hot white women you can't attract hot asian women either.
Just because Asian women are on easy mode doesn't mean they are women. They aren't "easy". Just better.
>I've noticed that most people with "qt asian gfs" have SEA jungle asians instead of the nips and koreans they worship so much
I don't worship them, they worship me.
>If these people could actually get hot Jap girls they love so much then they wouldn't have turned to asians in the first place.
The whole reason I turned to Asians is because I started getting laid regularly. I could see myself in the boyfriends these girls were cheating on with me.
We're not going to fix white women by giving them more cock to ride.
>doesn't mean they are women.
Japs are literally Korean mexicans who sailed over and bred the natives. And Koreans are one of the ancient chinese groups who lived in Manchuria and what is now North Korean while the modern Chinese are mostly Han who assimilated a shitton of other groups, like Manchu and Mongol, over thousands of years. They're all in someway related to ancient Chinese groups, just more mixed
>western asian women are better than white women
I am currently dating a chubby SE Asian American girl who smokes menthols.
It's awesome.
She is redpilled and wants blue eyed grandchildren someday.
She is a total freak in bed. Calls me daddy. Loves it in the ass.
Been together 3 years now.
>feels good man
>jungle asians are nigger asians.
This. They even have nigger noses.
>We're not going to fix white women by giving them more cock to ride.
they don't need fixing. once you realise that normies are the problem (male and female) will you see that it's not a gender specific issue.
have a look at how normie men and women act in clubs and house parties. total degeneracy on both counts. you're almost no better than they are going by your post.
I know right. White women are a joke. If you think you can fix them, please do. Meanwhile, I'm just happy being happy.
>they don't need fixing.
>men and women aren't different
>oh and they do need fixing just look at clubs
What the fuck are you even trying to say with this shit?
tfw i didn't know there were black and white asians until this year.
Flips are beaners of asia.
Chinese are the fucking communist jews
Flips are actually ok since their Spanish rape baby heritage gave them estrogen, tits and feminine eyes. Pure-blood Asians are ugly as shit
South/Southeast Asians are better. They don't have chinky eyes and aren't inhuman insectizoids.
Only chinks are subhuman. Gooks are degenerate americanized and Japs are robots.
While rest are unimportant as they are equal to the three superpowers as africa is to europe
SEAs tend to have negro admixture, it's the basis for much of the ugliness you observe from them.
Ancient Chinese civilization was built by Europeans.
I think you mean melanesian admixture. They look like groids, and they're as dumb as groids, but they're as genetically distant as any huwhite.
I wanna smash the rem on the right.
We wuz chinks
Breh, i know we are in a white supremacist board but lets tone it down with the we wuzin
There are only 3-4 ancestral starting groups. A lot of terms like this are geographically linked for study to establish the plot lines of those same ancestral groups migration and breeding through out history. So yes, it literally is negro admixture.
>Genetically distant as any white
"Genetically distant" doesn't mean what you think it does, and most user's don't even realize what characteristics are included in the 'white' classification.
>Posts evidence of asserted claim
>Responds with non-applicable meme
The absolute state of Sup Forums
>muh evidence
No faggot all that shit you posted is bullshit and debunked
Shhh you're supposed to under speech moratorium.
>That evidence isn't evidence
>It's not accurate
Provide proof then
Ancient Chinese weren't White you fucking retard. I hope you are trolling.
Melanesians aren't just africans transplanted into the pacific, they interbred with archaic hominids that africans did not.
>I provide evidence of my claim
>Two anons now saying it's not accurate
>Yet to provide proof of their claim
>that flag
>that post
You have to go back. Ancient Chinese were Nordic and there is plenty of proof.
>japs are white asians
kys takeshi
>Japs are Korean mexicans
Ur fucking retarded
>ancient chinese were nordic and the strongest race/empire of asia until for some reason it lost everything to dirty han "chineses"
But indians are white.
Both of these terms are geographically linked, a Negro is a Negro regardless of location.
>Transplanted into the pacific
They walked there just like they did to Australia. Look up kumari kandam, lost continent which connected Indostan, African, SEA, and Oceania.
>Transplanted into the pacific
They walked there just like they did to Australia. Look up kumari kandam, lost continent which connected Indostan, African, SEA, and Oceania.
Northern Indians were Caucasian, Steppes people were fucking Caucasian, Med/Nords were Caucasian
Caucasian =/= White fucking tard
Yes that's actually what happened. The h*n stole the Nordic chinks inventions and outbred them.
If anime is white why are whites the shittiest cosplayers?
It's just a few mummies in one small part of China ffs. You're pathetic.
Islam came to the Philippines before the Spaniards did. And the Muslims brought nigger slaves with them.
>There is no evidence of difference between Chinese dynasties
user the truth is that Asians are less capable then Mediterraneans, Arabs, and whites when it comes to nation building.
then average japanese girl if fucking ugly. the ones you see cosplaying who lookt cute are like 1% of the population. what i expierenced to be the on average the country with the most beautiful girls is russia. the males look like le %56 though.
But indians are aryan
They are white
White is a classification based upon external phenotype. Indian is a classification tied to a specific geographical location. The Aryan meme comes from the fact that during the Vedic caste system Aryan was a title, like noble. For the upper caste who consisted of whites. Thus noble/Aryan came to be associated with the whites it referred to. Since the caste system has fallen, the term no longer holds any relevance.
not very hard to be better than white women...
They are not white.
Disgusting South Indians are not white
North Indians were tan like Persians and Steppe Niggers
>These ancient mummies dated to the first Chinese rulers are white.. b-but not all of them where!
>Those ancient Chinese tales speaking of rulers who where white or who had white admixture doesn't mean they all where!
Provide counter evidence or exit the conversation, you're embarrassing yourself
>These ancient mummies dated to the first Chinese rulers are white
Source? I skimmed the Wiki and didn't find anything.
It took them many thousands of years to get from africa to oceania during which time they evolved to better suit the conditions in their new environments, and then as I mentioned there was breeding between them and now extinct hominids. They are very genetically distant from africans in the same way other branches of humanity are. That they look superficially similar and have similar IQs doesn't change that. Even proto-euros were dirty stupid shitskins until very recent prehistory.
Japs genocided the Ainu with extreme prejudice, I don't think there was as much interbreeding as there usually is in this situation. Ancient jappos were insane and basically pure evil.
just because they have black skin doesnt mean they're the same
>only pretending
It's in the picture.
"The earliest Tarim mummies... are dated to 1800 BCE, around the time of the first Chinese dynasty"
Looking up "Tarim mummies" should of yielded a number of sources if you where genuinely interested.
>Writing in the journals BMC Genetics and BMC Biology, Chunxiang Li, an ancient DNA specialist at Jilin University, and colleagues report on their analysis of human remains from the Xiaohe tomb complex also on the eastern edge of the basin. Dating to about 4000 years before present, the site boasts notable artifacts like "numerous large phallus and vulva posts made of poplar, striking wooden human figurines and masts, well-preserved boat coffins, leather hides," as well as grain and other preserved organic material, they write. More importantly, Xiaohe has produced the oldest, best-preserved mummies in the Tarim Basin, ideal for testing hypotheses about the origins of these people, and the site spans a millennium, making it ideal for looking into population interaction after initial settlement.
There are hyperlinks within that link above to the published papers.
se asians should be ladyboys, and the ladies should be beheaded. that is all.
I'm not a degenerate, but if I was forced to I'd rather fuck a North-East Asian, than a South East Asian. On top of that North-East Asians also have substantially higher IQs on average than their South-East cousins. South-East Asians are the niggers of Asia.
they were, look up the Saka, Yuezhi and the Tocharians it's why Hmong sometimes have red hair, iron age china hated them and called them red haired macaques
And where does it say they were the rulers of China? Maybe the rulers of one Western region of China, if that.
Comments like this speak to the massive ignorance which still persist in biology on this board. Despite a huge portion of the ideology being based on ancestral grounds.
>Thousands of years to walk
Yet it takes less then a month for modern migration from Africa to Europe.
>They evolved while walking
Evolution almost always refers to populations, of which specific mutations during the life time of individuals can contribute to changes in common characteristics.
>Evolution for adaption
This is natural selection, separate but connected to evolution. Your assumption of specific traits being favored during travel relies upon quite a lot of assumptions
>Knowledge of the all types of terrain between point a and b
>Knowledge of what traits where present prior vs later
>Knowledge of what pressures lead to the alteration
>Breeding between them and now extinct hominids
Most of the 'now extinct hominids' are still debated whether they existed or not (where a distinct population vs variations of existing ones) not to mention some of the fraud of skeletal remains whose basis their creation is based upon.
>Genetically distant
As I said before, this doesn't mean what you think it does. For your every day conversation, there is no such thing as "genetic distance"
>Looking the same doesn't change this
Similarity in morphology is the entire basis of modern day biological classification (up until recently when genetics emerged, but is still not as reliable as people seem to believe).
>Original Euros where Negros until recently
Provide evidence of your claim, and no, the out of Africa hypothesis has been thoroughly debunked.
Mud Asians (aka SEAs) think this way because they have a weeaboo tier boner for The big three.
Their cultures and ethnicity are so fucking jumbled up they have an identity crisis they mask by trying to act so proud of their nationality (see Filipinos the strongerst race in the world).
Personally I don't think highly of most Asian women.
If I had to choose one she'd be Japanese or Korean.
What the fuck are you guys talking about? Red hair doesn't mean that they were European, you mong.
Ancestral classification is not simply skin hue, if it was than albinism would be enough to warrant being apart of a different group then your parents. There is a collection of traits for each grouping
The chinese are spic tier.
>Where does it say they where rulers
Try reading the whole thing.
>Historical/legendary figures of great height, deep set blue /green eyes etc
The mummies establish a precedent (whites where present in x area). Other existing data helps support that to make the claim of important figures/rulers holding those traits.
>Well.. it's just Western
Read the bottom section. The entire picture is not even very long, get your shit together.
>Red hair doesn't mean European
True, but it does mean white admixture. Red hair like green eyes originates from white and non-white ancestry.
Hapa trash...Off my hungarian qt thread.
>scandinavia completely white
>what are lapish people (sami)
I appreciate south east Asians more. I'm not looking to befriend them, I'm looking to fuck them. That's why I respect Thailand, they know what's up.
>Try reading the whole thing.
I read it. It doesn't say they were rulers anywhere except the green eyes on thing, and that is hearsay.
>Read the bottom section. The entire picture is not even very long, get your shit together.
So they existed in 2 places then. So what?
>Historical documents are hearsay
Try looking up the basis for history, every single book and claim is based upon such documents.
>Whites or peoples with white admixture existed in both portions of China
>Documents indicate they occupied founding or very important positions
>So what?
So my original claim has supporting evidence.
The people of the Tarim basin were Europeans (Tocharians, you should look them up) until very very recently. This does not necesarily imply that they ruled China in 1800 BC, and as a matter of fact, speaking of a ruler of China in 1800 BC is foolish in in of itself.
In fact, the empire that existed in that timeframe is well documented, and the emperors well preserved;
Lastly, while Out of Africa has been basically descredited, the most recent theory with the newest greek remains is that European hominids migrated to Africa as Europe cooled down, then migrated in 2 (previously thought to be 3) waves.
Modern Europeans are now thought to be a mix of decendants from the first wave in Africa and from the second wave in Asia, given how much of Europe was not fit for early human biology due to the ice ages and what not.
I actually think SEA girls are among the best
>Yet it takes less then a month for modern migration from Africa to Europe.
Modern migrants don't travel with only a loincloth and stone tools, and they don't trek through untamed wilderness without outside assistance. There was also no idea of a land of gibs to drive premodern people further than the nearest appropriate uninhabited area. This is an incredibly stupid comparison.
>Evolution almost always refers to populations, of which specific mutations during the life time of individuals can contribute to changes in common characteristics.
I am referring to populations.
>This is natural selection, separate but connected to evolution.
>Your assumption of specific traits being favored during travel relies upon quite a lot of assumptions
Meanwhile it's not an assumption to think the environment across millions of square miles is exactly the fucking same?
>Most of the 'now extinct hominids' are still debated whether they existed or not
In the same sense that there's still debate about whether the earth is flat or spherical.
>As I said before, this doesn't mean what you think it does. For your every day conversation, there is no such thing as "genetic distance"
Genetic differences = genetic distance.
>Similarity in morphology is the entire basis of modern day biological classification (up until recently when genetics emerged, but is still not as reliable as people seem to believe).
HAHAHAHA holy fuck "How can genes be real if I can't see them?"
>Provide evidence of your claim
>and no, the out of Africa hypothesis has been thoroughly debunked.
Finding some early hominid fossils in southern europe is enough evidence to "thoroughly debunk" the out of africa hypothesis? Even the people who are challenging the out of africa idea are saying the waters are muddied, not WE WUZ FIRST HUMANS AND SHIEET AFRICOONS BTFO
Seamonkeys are ugly.
>asian thread on /soc/
>there's like one east asian for every ten south asian
You are basing your claim on one instance of hearsay. Go away retard.
Fuck. I delayed Frankopan's book for half a year and now I read it might be already be outdated.
Evidence of the out of africa discrediting:
Again, this does not imply that humans did not have a period in Africa, given how old these remains are, and how no tools were found in the site, we can assume they were even more monkeyish than the previously oldest hominid.
The UK and their dialect bullshit shenanigans of calling Pakis and other Muslims, "Asians" colloquially, has not helped in the slightest.
Did you miss todays Japan, South Korea and China?
jesus fucking christ that bitch is hideous
South Asians are indeed Asians. It seems pretty stupid to not consider the rest of Asia Asian, doesn't it?
That's like saying modern Greeks have the same blood as ancient Greeks, or modern Egyptians have the same blood as ancient Egyptians. The Chinese race that made their dynasties no longer exists due to Mongol interbreeding.
Samis are hwite
SEA girls look like SEA boys. This is why SEA trannies are hard to distinguish from the real thing
You can call a Tomato a fruit and you'd be wrong. So would all the other people considered it a fruit.
of course they think you mean them because millions of men travel there for paying them for sex and buying them as brides
Not true. Mongols could only rule over China with the support of a vast bureaucracy of Han Chinese elites who always made up the majority of the ruling class. Mongols had to adapt to the Chinese system, not the other way around. Modern Chinese state has many structural similarities with the Imperial Chinese state which has existed for over two thousand years. In many ways PRC is a modern continuation of the Imperial China.
Indians are literally shit tier humans.
Comparable to niggers.
Don't play coy and bin that bullshit, bong. You know damn good and well that it only creates confusion and that is the entire point. At this point, everyone needs to either toss in the NSEW direction before the Asian title, or everyone needs to go back to calling East Asians Orientals. But that's the problem. Can't say that because it's "racist," so instead you bongs are sacrificing proper understanding with generalities.
north asians get cosmetic surgery.
the cake is a lie,