Vote the DUP
Vote the DUP in England
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>Vote the DUP in England
They arent a party in England, Northern Ireland isnt England.
We have to campaign to get the party registered in England.
Oh yeah I'm sure the rest of the UK would love to be like NI. I get the effort but wouldnt it be easier to just make a new party or unite smaller ones or something, the DUP isnt exactly liked over here. Everyone seems to just use them as something against the tories. I mean no party with their rep could make ground here. If they did then wouldnt the SNP eventually try some similar shit? I mean their are loads of people who have more attatchment to the Scots and would rather replicate their political situation than NI.
The SNP is already considering fielding candidates in England. But not on my watch.
We better be liking the DUP. They are the only major party that loves Britain.
Jesus I didnt know that. in that case then yeah go DUP.
>inb4 they try for UK constituencies and promise them they can stay in the EU with scotland or some shit.
racist, sexist, theocratic corrupt bastards
they would lock up the swings in your local park on sunday to stop children playing. they would close all shops and businesses. they would have pubs close at ten oclock, or preferably never open at all.
and don't start me on personal freedoms...
pic very related - they are just assholes
We have none business with PIRATES here on Sup Forums.
The SNP is a threat to the UK. We must draw the line.
>We better be liking the DUP. They are the only major party that loves Britain.
they are the only party on Ireland that actually wants ireland to be governed by people who live in ireland and not the EU.
we're in a fucked up timeline.
I would if they were in England.
Don't be forgetting the glory of Dal Riata now. You can govern from Ireland and rule the isles.
Hell yeah I would vote for the DUP
Currently they have no candidates in mainland Britain but I get the feeling that will have to change some day.
i'm really mixed up about things.
how is it that Arlene foster has more in Common with Michael Collins than any of the sinn fein people? they all have more in common with Juncker than Collins or Connolly.
I swear mate one day we'll wake up it'll be and It'll be bearenstein bears and mandela will be alive again.
*minus one it'll be
SNP wants to break up the UK. DUP are unionists. SNP are pro faggots, DUP are not. The DUP are the only right wing party with MPs in the union. Conservatives are cucked centrists
i always forget that time travel isn't illegal.
Down with the Soy Torys, long live Onionism.
Pretty unregulated.
I can't stand filthy neutrals. You can never tell where they stand.
no one can seem to find the time to write any regulations... and how does the DUP know so much about theropodae and the fallacious nature of their alleged existence? they speak with confidence on the matter
Just one assembly member is openly creationist. The good thing about the DUP is that it is varied in it's opinions unlike the Common Purpose Borg.
I won't be DUPed.
Of course you only have the choice of Republicuck or Demonrat instead.