Let's drop some real red pills.
Let's drop some real red pills
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That comic is the only thing as gay as op.
Taxes are going down for 90% of Americans. A rising tide lifts all boats - JFK
>what is fiat currency
Do you really think all the Billionaires in the world actually have a billion dollars lying around? Most of their money is non existant
this is my fetish
>Thank you sir thank you boss would you like to take another vacation sir I will work extra hours on the weekend with no pay so that you can afford another condo in Florida sir thank you sir would you please consider lowering my pay sir?
Thank you for my two days break sir now it's back to the Grind to make money for you for 5 days sir thank you so much sir I'm so appreciative sir thank you sir thank you sir
What happened to that leak by the CNN which showed him paying millions in taxes? Did (((they))) conveniently forget all about it?
now add a nig a spic and a women up there pissing on the middle class and call it democrats plan.
You're into some weird fetishes loser
>I don't have a job and expect people to pay for my worthless existence
You useless faggots should all be rounded up and sent to """work""" camps. You don't deserve to live
Temporarily. Tax cuts for the rich are permanent. By the way you're never, ever going to cut the gibs or the ridiculous government salaries and spending (like golf trips), so enjoy that deficit.
Trump isn't even a real nigga, he's always backtracking and acting like a bitch. Nigga you racist, be proud of it.
>projecting his sexual fantasies as insults
I don't want to offend you or your boss because then you'll realize how fragile you're worthless existence is and how much of a true slave you really are
Hey but on the bright side isn't it nice your boss gave you today off? Kek just remember tomorrow it's back to the Grind worker bee
If people don't work, then everyone in the world would suffer you worthless piece of shit. Welfare should be abolished and all you useless faggots should be left for dead
LOL get back to work then faggot
Shlomo isn't going to get his profits by you sitting on your ass on the Mongolian fingerpainting forum
You do know that when employed you sign a contract right? You do know that you're supposed to negotiate contracts right? Your boss doesnt "let" you do anything, you agree to the terms of employment or barter for acceptable terms.
>he believes trump pays no taxes
the reality is he pays more in one month than you do in an entire lifetime
business is still not a zero sum game no matter how many commie proffesors you heard it from
Lmao sure
>I have no skills or values so I'll just sit on my ass all day while fapping to anime
When shit hits the fan, you're fucked because you have no skills. I hope you die in the most painful way imaginable.
Your country is responsible for the most wicked kikes in existence
Of course it would be you shilling for (((business)))
I don't work because my wife is a doctor and lets me stay home. You mad, faggot?
And you're wife is probably cheating on you because you're a useless piece of shit. How does that make you feel?
lol this fag just cant negotiate cos he has nothing to offer and is now projecting his insecurities on other people.
also please government dont cut my taxes please let me pay more. yes raise my taxes yes nigs need more worthless programms who is the bootlicker then huh?
>an argument
All wagies can do is repeat the same personal attacks when in reality your "hard-working high-skilled" job is most likely another wage slave position with a kike boss but you like to LARP instead for capitalism because in reality you actually are thankful for your kike Boss and slave job.
Wealthy and success people laugh at fucks like you
How could she be cheating on me when she only goes to work, or is here with me. And I always have her work schedule since it's public knowledge. Simple minded retard could only think of the cheating insult. I was going to inb4 that but I can still think you are pathetic either way.
its the joooooos man i tottaly didnt sign and employment contract they are abusing me. sure i cant grow my food sure i cant build my house but working? so the jews could profit off of me? nah im not a wagecuck huh idiots
Blacks are guilty of a overwhelmingly amount of murders in the USA. Thankfully they usually kill other blacks
That's not an argument and you know nothing about economics. Most of those billionaires are rich because they own stocks and bonds you retarded piece of shit. If everyone stopped working, they'd go bankrupt too
I'm a LARPing ethnographic nationalist and now I'm going to shill for a chance based family/merit lottery capitalkike
You Hungarian kikes are the worst.
I'm a LARPing ethno)state nationalist and now I'm going to shill for a chance based family/merit lottery capitalkike
You Hungarian kikes are the worst.
>being this delusional
Enjoy getting divorced because your wife found a doctor that isn't a useless piece of shit and you know deep down that I'm right.
Reminder that you're complaining about the corporate tax rate going from 39% to 37%.
>muh 2%
>thinking im a kike
these western commies are so pampered man
Like she cant suck someones cock and bend over and take it in the supply closet.
Lemme drop them real redpill flashbacks
Keep up the good fight bro. Vote Fidesz, and keep the niggers out, and make that fence even bigger.
I know damn well the types of people who shill for your positions on here and the majority of time it's complete losers with a low skill who want to feel better about their pathetic lives. "Maybe if I work hard enough I can join this class, I vote for capitalists and I know that they respect my hard work". Really if you had anything to brag about your finances you would just come out and say that you're a neet who inherited everything
The majority of the working class would commit suicide if they realize how worthless they actually are and how little they mean to anyone especially successful rich people
and rich people are rich because they were born into rich families retard
>and you know deep down that I'm right.
the majority of marriages don't end in divorce. The odds are in my favor. And my wife is way uglier than me. you are just jealous thats why you think everyone should be working 3 jobs miserable like you lol. projecting kid
They should really be beaten within an inch of their lives. They need to learn the lesson that being a welfare leech is not okay and they have no right to live in a Capitalistic society. Or better yet they should all be shipped to Venezuela where there are no jobs
modern hospitals have cameras. you must be in the majority of poor people with no insurance and have only seen them as your family members are dying. look up next time
Great response.
black vs white retard
pampered really is the word man. nobody would allow muslims if they country only existed because of "islamophobia" and i guess the west that never experienced loss of freedom has to go through the commie phase so we can just put the ideology in a landfill
Why do you complain about inheritance so much.
Do you think one lifetime should be all that human work and knowledge should be allowed to progress?
Eliminating inheritance creates a generation brain drain, where the foundations of capital have to be built over and over again, which hampers progress.
If communism and total state control of the economy is so good, then why were all commie countries shitty compared to ones with capitalist markets?
They dont cover all areas. My father is a DR. I know what they do, hes told me stories.
well thank you
Muh black vs white
Muh double sided jew capitalism communism coin paradox
Muh socialism
>what is risk
Why don't commies understand this
meh even if you were right id just divorce her and i would get alimony since i dont work and she makes over 400k so it would be pretty decent alimony. and her cheating would make the settlement even easier
Nigger's pissed because there will be less money for his gibs
The majority of people are rich even without inheritance because of the families that they are born in that's how much the genetic family lottery plays a role in to how successful your life will be
>hurr let's let this stupid faggot who had no decision making process in the determination to which family he will be born in keep billions of dollars just because of genetic chance.
Blacks make up 14% (give or take considering how fast niggers breed and kill the baby) but make up over 90% of the violent crime in this country.
If you think inheritance is evil, then will you be okay with taking land away from farming families who did it for generations, and giving it to the state or some random beaner immigrants?
Inheritance = collected experience. Liquidating inherited capital each generation forces people to start from the basic bitch pleb bottom. Basically, you don't build familial knowledge, experience, and skill beyond the limits of one human lifetime.
> CIA Niggers are in control of the Media
>CIA Niggers planed to fake a reason for a war by bringing down a plane, Kennedy did´t liked this idea and also the FED
> CIA Niggers did some real fucked up experiments for mindcontrol whit MK Ultra. Pizzagate is a story for children if anything about the monarch slave shit is true and the elites have whit this there fun.
Most likely didn't work for the money themselves (usually inherited)
most likely didn't invest the money themselves (paid a smart autist to invest it)
Definitely didn't slave away as a mcemployee
pretty sure everyone does that
fucking /thread
Don't bother replying to that faggot. He wouldn't understand basic economics if he was getting paid to research it
wow ok u sure owned us with ur drumpf meme, he is terrible but you are even worse because u use this SHIET meme like u are on some rerddit news website gtfo reddit shithead skinhead kill urself jsesus christ. This iste is about politics not some reddit cartoons on your fucking americano mutterino latino jesus christ get a grip Sup Forumstars and stop being such atards t obegin with!!!
You don't think his parents would have trained him his entire life to run the family business? You don't think he would have interacted with other business associates and traveled to see the various production/distribution centers associated with the business and learned how they operate?
Trump's dad only had a construction and real estate business, but he taught Trump how to be a savvy business man, and bully other people to get what he wants, etc. Now Trump has over 200 businesses all over the globe.
Lol kike economics shill
What's next telling me I won't understand the importance of finances?
LOL, it's the business cuts that are permanent not just "muh rich ppl." Their taxes go back up in 10 years too, dumbass!
wow way to go with the discussion lmao you can just tell poltars what to do and whoopdee doo they just magically listen to you i cant believe this retarded shit,,, this is like some new reddit tier meme shit are you dumb? thgis is a board about discussion not some wew lad he sounds stupid to me i bette rnot communicate why dont you just kys so nobody has to communicate with ur mutt ass u fucking nigger goddamnit this 56 percent meme is real if all mutss are THIS retarded hahawhawhha xDD wow ok buyddy let me know whwen you want to start arguing and not throwing ad hominems all day long like the cunt u are.... maybe start by putting the question if inheritance is evil what it means but hurpa durry durr ur jsut another mutt
>Inheritance = collected experience. Liquidating inherited capital each generation forces people to start from the basic bitch pleb bottom. Basically, you don't build familial knowledge, experience, and skill beyond the limits of one human lifetime
Where are you from ? Don't they train people for skilled job in your country ?
You know, writing down thing
You could always create your own business and be your own boss but you rather shitpost on an Indonesian sewing enthusiast website.
The majority actually do, sirerino. If she's a lot uglier than her and you're running game your chances are higher though.
wowowwww nice gett lmaooo ok but first of all nice meme picture sure you worked really hard for that one, here u go sonny an upboat for your demo mutt ass haahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaha
ok butt seriosuly tho you are not really giving much of an argument to that guy u know? this is more like a adhomiem your post reeks like adhomniem all day long and you just say LOL permanent rich pppl this is like the worst argument you can make, this is what you call discussion on pol????? hly hsit hbwahwahwa Hhahahah XDDDDD better stop this shit right now
70% of all wealth exits the family after inheritance cos of bad management. most successful businesses fail after second generation.
>but they got money from being lucky not faaaaaairrr muuuuuum
make something of yourself instead of whining maybe if you did that and raised your children properly they would be sucessful.nahh you are too selfish to care about that
If you eliminate private inheritance, then the only true inheritance would be that owned by politicians and their "old boy network".
Basically, you're taking inherited knowledge and wealth away from people who provide services according to market desires, and giving it to bureaucrats who have absolute power and the ability to send police and secret agents to bust down your door at night.
HE SAID TH "le indonesian sweing pooping website xDD hahahahahaha""
wow hilariously bad troll man, youre so bad and stupid only a mutt could write such a tard thing./.. oh wait you are a mutt, youre a mutterfucker holy shit hahahahaha
THIS IS LIKE YOU dont know politics??? maybe instead of actulaly replying without any bread you make a post with an argumentum? like here, ill show u what....
making a business is not AS EASY as you make it sound with your reddit tier post you shitead skinhead retardhead
maybe you can learn to like hjave a better carer? this is a bette rpost maybe then your air filled mutt baloon turd flinging monkey delicia shitpost ...
now end it kys
No they wouldn't have trained him to run the business. Rich people know that their children are not capable half of the time of running their business. Especially when their business was created from luck and not through intelligence. They would have put the money into a trust fund for him and they pay smart people shekels on the dollar to actually turn their wealth into more money.
The real reason that wealthy people give to their children is because that's what people are taught is the only point and working your entire life to give it all to your children at the end, well that's fine if you're born into a great family full of merit, but 99.9% of people never will and they will live their meager mundane boring slave lives while people like you shill and call them hard workers or whatever.
So the cycle continues and wealth stays in one place
1% For people, 15% for businesses.
Shut your broken english speaking ass.
First off, of course I didn't work for that fucking meme. I copied it off of Sup Forums, of course.
Second off, my post was literally a correction to his fake news. What he said was false, and I was informing him.
Kill yourself.
Maddows leaked taxes literally showed he paid 25%. Wowee fake and gay. Also nigger.
yeah man youre eright please dont rteply to amerimuuts only euroes is true power but amerimuutss only understand hurr durr capitalism 100% to the bone like anarcho shitheads they are they would rather lick the pavement if its madede out of gold and their own shit then just take a good Xhahahahah SYSTEM LIKE hahahahxdd WAIT I NEED TO LAUGH ahahdhahadhsahda xDDD ok maybe they make a better system then one that just leeches people dry to the bone like all their coca cola juice blood jesus christ....
>inherited knowledge
The Offspring of these people know nothing and you are an absolute total fucking moron for believing it.
A gypsy posting on a laptop stolen from a tourist
No Romanian could be this stupid. It has to be a nigger. GTFO darkie.
pic is how I recommend you go out
I'm not going to even try to decipher your broken English.
Get a better job, faggot. Or make one.
pull youself from you boot straps amirite
wow you was informing him and sheeeeit like a nigga informs his officer of his location after selling dope to his neighours hahahshshashah xDD you amerimutts are hilariously retarded people laugh and point at you like he is american so we can laugh at peace and quiet, jesus wont punish us for his hahahaha Xddd BETTE RYET MAYBE YOU SHOULD TELL HIM WHY YOU CORRECT HIM AND not just say hurrdurr this is correct now cus i wrote it and said it is correct so u better listen to my amerimuttness or die off
and its funny ccus u tell me to KYS u retard shit hell hole counjtry man godamn ur puree potato blood must be mushing inside that tiny little brain of yours goddamn nice reddit pic btw from tumblr devinatart piece of shit god
wow he said it reddit he didd itt!!! A MILLION UPBOATERS DONWBOATERS SUCK MY DICK BOATERS for you sirrr!!! xDD maybe you could say he stolen the laptop from your mama after he fucked your sons ass like 87 times hahwahwhahwha
holy shit your amerimuttness is showing so hard you cant hold any argument you are like this marxist scum who suck stalin dick after his death and stay with in him in the grave and suck his dick dead d and die with dick in mouth sucked hahawhahawhahw
>No they wouldn't have trained him to run the business
>Rich people KNOW they are not capable
>all rich people think that giving wealth to your kids is the only reason to work
Do you have spy cameras in the homes of corporate business leaders or something?
Are you saying that they are able to make/run a big business, but are too retarded/careless to train their kids in how to do it?
Seems like you just have an irrational hatred of "le rich people", and/or you're being intentionally intellectually dishonest for the sake of this Sup Forums argument.
Also if you hate white civilization so much, then go live in lovely socialist Venezuela, where socialist parties have full control of the government, and rich people (other than party officials) are demonized constantly.
The law itself is common knowledge. I don't need to provide a citation. Now take your black ass back to whatever hole in the ground you crawled out of, and please expire. You'd be doing us all a favor.
wewww lad you really borke the highscore on faggotry on this fgaggot shitstain of a website fuckery you pornhubber down syndrome poltarderation omg
its like isotopes merged and formed your stupid brain you call a spine bone marrow of autism goddamn maybe you can try one day and speka like a man and not like a soyboyfaggoywomanlet shithead uaeuayeayhhahahahah xDD
Romanians everyone
>accuses others of not having any arguments
>accuses others of ad hominems
> only known word of english is "amerimutt"
>Do you have spy cameras in the homes of corporate business leaders or something?
Do you because you seem to know so much about their lives and their children and how smart and successful they are all by virtue of being in the family Lottery?
So let me know are you a neet who inherited your wealth?
These Mega wealthy people who I'm talking about do not have to train their children to do anything these are not people who will ever have to work nor do they ever want to. They pay others to run the business you moron
>LOL if you don't like them denocracy why don't you go live in Somalia xD
Arguing with literal children is pointless though
your wife gets fucked i nthe break room by poo in loo doctors, maybe if you had a job she wouldn't sleep with anyone who asked
>Thank you for my two days break sir now it's back to the Grind to make money for you for 5 days sir thank you so much sir I'm so appreciative sir thank you sir thank you sir
You are literally describing what working a JOB is retard, it isn't suppose to be sunshine and rainbows you have to WORK
duti mortii matii de american prost creting imputit pisamias pe tine si pe mosul tau ala care se uita la mama ta dupa masa de pranz cand tactau pleaca la o livrare cu jamala la cur whwhwhahwhaw
you fucking amerimutter mutterfucker sun of a gunner sun you shit ass you adhomninem me right now and you say i do it i ckill you if u say that ot me in real life u gyppo wannabe ui bet u wish u were a big black jgyppo with 1023417 women and 1397510 dollars with over a million lamborighinios u shithead cunt
t. Worker bee slave who is proud of his status
so you are saying i should divorce her and collect alimony instead? i could easily find another retard rich ugly girl now that i know how. im 6'2 and a 10/10 they all say. mayb this is what its like for a girl
wow man u sure showed him you machon americano stupido imbecilio u have 10 neurons and u waste one eveytime u post here, aybe u get fuckiung coma i fu keep typing man you beter just drink beer and watch uncle john fuck obama dto death with ur pistol for free country and free for niggers too to shoot your ass and send medical bill of like only 1 million dlollar a small loan betww_))) wamrxist shit we were talkng about seious shit and here u come to ruin this thread with your down sydnrome jkys kys kys hahahahahahahah xDDD
My assumptions of rich people are based on logic, while yours are based of fee-fees and jelly-ness. You've fallen for leftist propaganda that portrays every rich person and an evil buffoon; yet I doubt you'd say the same thing about leftist/liberal business owners like those that own Google or Twitter.
Telling somebody to go live in a socialist nigger paradise is a valid statement because it's the end result of your ideology. Look no further than California, it's becoming more like Venezuela every day.
t. Worthless freeloader who is a burden on society