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Flyover states BTFO
Yeah, it's just terrible that they're not the poorest states anymore! Those damn illegals are taking their poverty!
are they using a car as a wrecking ball?
how the fuck did that car crash into the 2nd floor? Film set?
Smart Whites create jobs.
Dumb PoC flock to where the smart whites are to get free gibs from their tax money. State becomes blue.
Corrupt whites celebrate the state being blue by saying "muh socialism did dat!"
Yes. That's what multicultural attitudes get us. This was originally a traditional Arab way of destroying things
E_y = m*g*h
Get your v high enough, and divert the velocity vector so it has a component parallel to gravity.
Liberal policies once again producing ultra rich and ultra poor classes
>millionaires everywhere
>1-in-5 people in poverty
When will people wake up and realize wealthy californians don't care one shit about the struggles of the poor.
May more fires, landslides, floods, and horrible weather take out the wealthy.
what the fuck is going on in that image?
I unironically want a biometric database of Californians so they can't spread across the country when the Big One hits and destroys half their state.
b-but, muh silicon valley!
Clearly, the solution is to import even more left-wing criminal beaners until California turns into the next Venezuela.
California still has one of the highest average incomes.
It's legit, happened in Santa Ana
Antiparallel to gravity you fucking brainlet
State of Jefferson when?
Asian drivers.
>BUT MUH GDP!!!!!!!!
This is literally what any Californian retard will say to you, when 90% of their economy is hollywood and silicon valley, both of which only hire outside the state.
never, because the ones ripping them off are pointing the finger at others
and they believe them
Here's a little lesson in poverty
This is going down in infamy
If you want to be a shithole number one...
>You know what to do Sup Forums
HIV/AIDS cases will shoot up 200% over the next five years
Native Califag here just confirming this state is officially shit. For you fags in other states take a good look at California before you think of voting for a libtard.
>You've gotta let in beaners on the run!
Gas yourself tripfag
Bravo California, truly leading the country, we just need to import more spics and then it'll be perfect. The Socialist state will have been achieved and then they can take their views and careers and California attitude and spread it to other states!
I relish in autism.
California will feel the full wrath of my autism when I'm elected to lead the country of California in 15 years.
I can believe this (capital here). I live with asians in the San Gabriel Valley. I rarely saw niggers in my area...suddenly more and more niggers are showing up. I dont want them here
Added to that...there was only 1 or 2 homeless people I would see walking around and they never bothered. Now I am seeing homeless all the time...crackhead, druggie, etc.
If more niggers come here...I am moving.
>TFW Cali made pozzing legal last year
>TFW San Francisco creates a new strain of super-AIDS that wipes out half the state
You don't know what you're talking about. Our construction industry is fucking insane. Even a shitty house is worth 500k in many areas. My company has tens of millions lined up in work for 2018. This year is going to be huge for our industry.
California is tough but if you're smart you can make insane money. The competition is too much for many flyover simpletons ;)
Also you forgot the insane agricultural output and the huge aerospace industry.
Perfect excuse to tax out the ass.
People that are poor in countries like Germany and America are those that don't want to work something that might be slightly discomforting. There are really too many jobs you can use as a stepping stone to better ones or to save money, so what if its a mundane warehouse job, its regular income thats likely high enough for you to live on. At least here.
I want to know how that car ended up in a second story window.
thats because of all the millionaires and billionaires skewing the average. It also has one of the highest costs of living out of most states.
>If you want to achieve that $75K standard of living, you'd need a salary of around $95,000 in California as of late.
wow, that is something
Wow who knew that letting in millions of unskilled illegal immigrants had negative side effects?
I assume something was there to help the out of control speeding vehicle get vertical before they removal crew showed up.
I thought 5000x5000 was the limit here.
the cost of living in CA is so high that it more than offsets the higher average wage. those cucks making 120k in silicon valley are working paycheck to paycheck becaise everything is so expensive, so much for "striking it rich out west"
They just made it not a felony
And how are the taxes and costs of living user? All the money doesnt mean a thing if the costs have been driven out of your range.
It's California we're talking about it really is a shithole there and a lot of those liberal faggots are moving here.
t. High school physics
10kx10k is the maximum limit iirc
I hate this kike so much. When that cnn blackmail shit happened i sent him a very mean email that prob got me put on a couple more lists.
LA doesnt need anymore houses, have you ever flown over LA? You fucker like to bitch about emissions yet live in an abomination of nature. Its a cancerous growth that needs to slide into the sea.
Surprisingly, the homeless community is pretty diverse.
You don't see too many eastern Indians begging though.
Their parents are well off because once they got here in the 80's/90's they set up mini-markets, car dealerships and smoke shops.
The eastern Indian kids are starting to reach their third generation.
It won't be long before they're on the roadside too.
Gas yourself tripnigger
Come on, user.
Make a tripcode for yourself.
Was also wondering if this was real or not. If it is real, how do you even accomplish this without a ramp?
You can post huge images no problem.
Don't forget, illegal aliens have contributed to making California what it is today.
they say he hit the median ... right angle and speed and voila it's a hit!
Obviously we need to give them more money.
Threatened faggot detected
I don't even know why I question any of the stupid shit I see on here anymore. Can't even tell reality from parody anymore. This shit is depressing.
>If more niggers come here...I am moving.
Please don't, assuming that you'll just take your cancerous California values with you and recreate the problem elsewhere
Yes the Fire Dept is using a car as a wrecking ball to demolish a building because that is their job you fucking idiot
>Billionaire leftist virtue signallers aren't fixing anything at all.
Color me surprised.
Why was there no Sodom and Gomorrah clause in our constitution, yeesh. 3/4 of states should be able to say "get out of our union"
20 dead in Montecito so far
California hasn't been building houses due to environmental regulations that require gobs of money spent on environmental impact surveys before any structure can go up.
Every structure built in California has a 1M upfront cost due to this. The only structures built in California are large luxury apartments.
>Most wealthy people live there
>state completely runs by democrat
>lead nation in poverty
Just follow my laws and dont deport illegal felons
>there are a bunch of billionaires within a couple of miles of me
>holy shit. i'm rich
what do you think that implies in a state full of activist judges?
a spic murdered a white woman, and activist judges let him off because they felt like making a political statement. Kate Steinle
Oh look, a bunch of shithole states full of niggers and inbreds are making fun of California again.
Where else have we seen this little game play out?
Texas should make a law prohibiting Californians from moving there
Friendly reminder, mexico sees niggers as cake bringing servants
Newfags don't know about needing a crane to get it out.
and therefore Since niggers dont bring cake in california, they make no business and we wuz poor and shiet.
>Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America?
>Guess which state has the highest poverty rate in the country? Not Mississippi, New Mexico, or West Virginia, but California, where nearly one out of five residents is poor. That’s according to the Census Bureau’s Supplemental Poverty Measure, which factors in the cost of housing, food, utilities and clothing, and which includes noncash government assistance as a form of income.
>Given robust job growth and the prosperity generated by several industries, it’s worth asking why California has fallen behind, especially when the state’s per-capita GDP increased approximately twice as much as the U.S. average over the five years ending in 2016 (12.5%, compared with 6.27%).
>It’s not as though California policymakers have neglected to wage war on poverty. Sacramento and local governments have spent massive amounts in the cause. Several state and municipal benefit programs overlap with one another; in some cases, individuals with incomes 200% above the poverty line receive benefits. California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments and “other public welfare,” according to the Census Bureau. California, with 12% of the American population, is home today to about one in three of the nation’s welfare recipients.
>California Democrats have long been free to indulge blue-state ideology while paying little or no political price.
>The generous spending, then, has not only failed to decrease poverty; it actually seems to have made it worse.
>dude weed lol
>In the late 1980s and early 1990s, some states — principally Wisconsin, Michigan, and Virginia — initiated welfare reform, as did the federal government under President Clinton and a Republican Congress. Tied together by a common thread of strong work requirements, these overhauls were a big success: Welfare rolls plummeted and millions of former aid recipients entered the labor force.
>The state and local bureaucracies that implement California’s antipoverty programs, however, resisted pro-work reforms. In fact, California recipients of state aid receive a disproportionately large share of it in no-strings-attached cash disbursements. It’s as though welfare reform passed California by, leaving a dependency trap in place. Immigrants are falling into it: 55% of immigrant families in the state get some kind of means-tested benefits, compared with just 30% of natives.
>Self-interest in the social-services community may be at fault. As economist William A. Niskanen explained back in 1971, public agencies seek to maximize their budgets, through which they acquire increased power, status, comfort and security. To keep growing its budget, and hence its power, a welfare bureaucracy has an incentive to expand its “customer” base. With 883,000 full-time-equivalent state and local employees in 2014, California has an enormous bureaucracy. Many work in social services, and many would lose their jobs if the typical welfare client were to move off the welfare rolls.
>Further contributing to the poverty problem is California’s housing crisis. More than four in 10 households spent more than 30% of their income on housing in 2015. A shortage of available units has driven prices ever higher, far above income increases. And that shortage is a direct outgrowth of misguided policies.
>“Counties and local governments have imposed restrictive land-use regulations that drove up the price of land and dwellings,” explains analyst Wendell Cox. “Middle-income households have been forced to accept lower standards of living while the less fortunate have been driven into poverty by the high cost of housing.” The California Environmental Quality Act, passed in 1971, is one example; it can add $1 million to the cost of completing a housing development, says Todd Williams, an Oakland attorney who chairs the Wendel Rosen Black & Dean land-use group. CEQA costs have been known to shut down entire homebuilding projects. CEQA reform would help increase housing supply, but there’s no real movement to change the law.
>Extensive environmental regulations aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions make energy more expensive, also hurting the poor. By some estimates, California energy costs are as much as 50% higher than the national average. Jonathan A. Lesser of Continental Economics, author of a 2015 Manhattan Institute study, “Less Carbon, Higher Prices,” found that “in 2012, nearly 1 million California households faced … energy expenditures exceeding 10% of household income. In certain California counties, the rate of energy poverty was as high as 15% of all households.” A Pacific Research Institute study by Wayne Winegarden found that the rate could exceed 17% of median income in some areas.
>Looking to help poor and low-income residents, California lawmakers recently passed a measure raising the minimum wage from $10 an hour to $15 an hour by 2022 — but a higher minimum wage will do nothing for the 60% of Californians who live in poverty and don’t have jobs. And research indicates that it could cause many who do have jobs to lose them. AHarvard Universitystudy found evidence that “higher minimum wages increase overall exit rates for restaurants” in the Bay Area, where more than a dozen cities and counties, including San Francisco, have changed their minimum-wage ordinances in the last five years. “Estimates suggest that a one-dollar increase in the minimum wage leads to a 14% increase in the likelihood of exit for a 3.5-star restaurant (which is the median rating),” the report says. These restaurants are a significant source of employment for low-skilled and entry-level workers.
>Apparently content with futile poverty policies, Sacramento lawmakers can turn their attention to what historian Victor Davis Hanson aptly describes as a fixation on “remaking the world.” The political class wants to build a costly and needless high-speed rail system; talks of secession from a United States presided over byDonald Trump; hired former attorney general Eric H. Holder Jr. to “resist” Trump’s agenda; enacted the first state-level cap-and-trade regime; established California as a “sanctuary state” for illegal immigrants; banned plastic bags, threatening the jobs of thousands of workers involved in their manufacture; and is consumed by its dedication to “California values.” All this only reinforces the rest of America’s perception of an out-of-touch Left Coast, to the disservice of millions of Californians whose values are more traditional, including many of the state’s poor residents.
>cali loves communism
>super rich masters live there and benefit off of the masses of mexicans running in
>rich people in their walled off communities means the millions in poverty they keep bringing in don't exist
>With a permanent majority in the state Senate and the Assembly, a prolonged dominance in the executive branch and a weak opposition, California Democrats have long been free to indulge blue-state ideology while paying little or no political price. The state’s poverty problem is unlikely to improve while policymakers remain unwilling to unleash the engines of economic prosperity that drove California to its golden years.
California, the flyover shithole
and that's from 2014,when things were still probably a lot cheaper
The driver was speeding and hit a divider launching the car into the second story of the building.
all the homeless people around me are all white, but we don't have your spic problem so the only ones up here are ones that got a job and/or place to live, or at least had the cash to move
What went wrong in California?
I love being a los altos native. Grandparents came here when it was all still orchards. Was given a 1.9 million dollar home last year when my grandma died(lol still only 1850sqft), so was my sister. Dad got the rest of the properties. Never have to work again, just rent out 3 of the 4 rooms.
Have 2 googlers and an apple employee living with me.
Where's the CNN story on how magnificent and jewel-like California is? No pics of Lake Shasta.
Speaking as a Coloradan, the problem is all the Californians flooding in and voting libtard.
>70% beaners
>unleashing the engines of economic prosperity
How do I know without knowing...the author is a jew?
So, with sufficient speed and proper aim, anything can be a ramp.
In theory yes