What's your favorite art house anime so far this year?
Art house anime thread
Replace Meme Dragon with Uchouten Kazoku and Violet "Kyoukai no Kanata 2.0" Evergarden with Dragon's Dentist.
Uchouten Kazoku is hipster trash
>Hand Shakers
Not even subtle bait
Each time you make this thread, it's dumber than the previous one.
>Uchouten Kazoku is hipster trash
No, it's arthouse.
it's both.
Hand Shakers had the most innovative visuals since Hyouka.
>Kyoani two times
Are you trying to bait me?
Hyouka and Hand Shakers are both exemplary when it comes to the use of avant garde/experimental visuals.
Kuzu no Honaki is missing the mark on being an Arthouse. The visual effects don't add any substance to the format.
Sliding panels with monologues ranting off isn't thought provoking or innovative. It's just a mess to the eyes and context. Max Payne did it better across all three games, especially 3.
Neither does the random blotches of color that either tone a scene or transition into another. What, you're trying to implicate a tainted character? Foreshadow darker turns of events to come? There are more creative ways than blacking everything in a scene and maybe adding some white text afterwards. Same goes to the color themes across different areas and scenes of the show. It'll pick the most conventional approach to setting a mode, how is that considered artsy? Damn, even Space Dandy had it layed out in spades, but that's due to the episodic nature and directors per episode mind you.
So there's music and character design left to bash about when it comes to Sakuga. I'll give it I'm okay with the minimal amounts of music and subtle cues in here and there, that's fine, not too creative but still fine. Character designs are weak for the most part, but that's due to the setting. You can't read much what could be presented about the characters when they spend their time at school usually in uniform for students or business casual for the teachers. For the occasion they are in their casual wear, it's trendy at most, fitting for their age and setting but you couldn't ask for more out of it. It's not like people wear and tear their clothes even during the sex scenes either.
fuck it, tl;dr:
Who ever put Scum's Wish on this list is just being and an asshat who probably thought momento was ahead of it's time.
>passion project of one of the studio founders, not expected or made to sell
>adaption of the novels of an award winning, respected author (real awards, not "Kyoani LNs" awards
>unconventional art direction
>uses traditional folklore as metaphor to explore power dynamics within modern Japanese society
It's more "arthouse" than anything else up there, at least.
I'm watching Kabukibu right now, you nigger. This is just moe club shit but with boys AND girls. C3 Bu - The Line was better at being kinofag shit than this.
Tesagure > Kemono
nice try, reddit
>moe can't be arthouse
See K-On
Music video aren't arthouse, digibrony. Besides, I just mentioned Stella C3.
>Music video aren't arthouse
It's not art house if it's not KyoAni.
what is yamada's next arthouse masterpiece
I'm assuming she'll make another original work since KnK raked in the dosh.
KnK is not original
Uchouten Kazoku is unambitious crap.
I know that. Koe no Katachi was very successful so they'll probably encourage her to do another original like Tamako is what I meant.
Yeah and we all know how great Tamako was
Yes, we do.