Seikaisuru Kado
>people hate this beautiful smart baby
PM did nothing wrong. Nobody can resist Space Jesus' love.
Jesus was Russia and the US buttmad over the announcement. Globalists BTFO.
became semi-likeable in this ep.
What if next tech they get is fregonix?
>Literally Science Nenecchi
>zaShunina isn't at all responsible for the consequences of wam
At the very least, it's negligent as hell.
Honestly though competition for best girl is between the prime minister and the weirdo.
But if zaShunina thinks the country concept is out of control and wants to erase the major distinctions altogether, doesn't it make him the ultimate globalist?
Literally an autist, possibly an idiot savant.
Well, it's true. He gave us the key to utopia; if we fuck it up, we're clearly too retarded to live.
Of course it's negligent, but there's nothing to suggest that humanity isn't at least in theory capable of resolving the problem. Assuming it's impossible is the kind of limit the whole Advancement thing is seeking to overcome.
Prime minister was cool as fuck this episode. And Tsukai continue to be useless.
In its basest forms yeah, he could just be seen as a humanitarian as that is his ultimate concerned. Globalists as it pertains to the current world are those wanting to take control of the worlds resources under one ruling class or organization. zaShunina is against that so he just threw a massive wrench into globalist plans. Like how are you going to stop the normal everyday person from creating a wam at this point?. The hoarding of energy reserves is one of the easiest ways to control the planet. The US and its allies do it all the time.
I want to fuck the baby
>call the police, I don't give a fuck
>anyone can now make anime real
i love this timeline
This scene simply cannot be topped.
Was this already made?
is this even possible irl?
Not that I know of, but fucking saved.
I'm sure some origami autist is already trying to replicate this.
pls stop bully
resign? why? he will be remembered as the PM that trolled the whole world by making wam available to all! Its a politician's wet dream
Man I loooooooooooved the US and Russia recations
Cuckmerica BTFO
did you notice how he was litearlly steaming? rewatch it
I noticed that too, just how hot was it? Like 50 degrees?
More importantly, did Zashunina show him his (detachable) dick?
Best girl
I would have said Japan will take it upon itself to assimilate the rest of the world under it's rule, therefore getting rid of all the useless differences.
First step is too nuke the UN and begin mass Wam energy nuke testing.
Would you gently kiss his sleeping face?
His face would just turn bubbly from touch, so no thanks.
Damn, right. I wonder why they made him shirtless.
>Buffed japanese
well ok
>shiny buffed japanese
I see we're back to fujobaiting.
That's not fujobaiting, it's just fanservice for girls. And gay guys.
You gotta love how the storyboarder goes so far as to mention the character is half naked and steaming, to make the moment fanservicey.
But then the guy who ended up drawing this shot is Matsuda-san, 40 years old, 20 years at Toei, straight to a fault, never married, celibate, and late for eating out with his mother after work. And he totally misses the point, messes up both the coloring and the impression of sexiness.
It's fascinating to me how the script's intention is totally lost on whoever ended up drawing those shots.
>But then the guy who ended up drawing this shot is Matsuda-san, 40 years old, 20 years at Toei, straight to a fault, never married, celibate, and late for eating out with his mother after work. And he totally misses the point, messes up both the coloring and the impression of sexiness.
What? How do you know this?
I don't. I just go on the internet and lie.
But I'm 90% positive that's what happened.
The scene was fanservicy, since many people got a reaction though.
A reaction is not necessarily a good one. People were more bugged by the coloring than anything. Nobody is talking about licking his pecs and grating cheese on his abs. There isn't even a lone user asking for his name or wondering if they should make him their husbando. That's how you know it was a failure.
Is it still considered a hug when upper arms aren't involved?
It's happening. She could have saved us. She tried to warn us but we looked away. We asked for this. We made our bed, now we lie on it. Why didn't we listen? We cannot stop it. It hasn't even begun. It's too late. She told us so. Why did we believe the ayylien? Don't call it a grave, it's the future we chose. We are trapped in the belly of this horrible machine, and the machine is bleeding to death. It didn't have to end like this. We could have prevented this. We only had to listen. It's happening. It's over.
It's not a hug, it's being too lazy to move and making your arms float around.
Isn't he just taking the paper wam with both of his hands?
Shhh user, let the fujo's have their moment.
His right hand is passing right by the left wam and the right wam is being pushed away by his left hand. If he is he's doing it wrong.
Is this Shido 3D or 2D? I can't tell.
Hair looks 2D at least.
Given the nexp episode title and Hamanori reaction, it looks like ZaKaworu is trying to act more human.
3D. Always look at the ears when you don't know.
>next episode title
What? What do you get from it?
Err sorry, I meant the preview.
>Hanamori reaction
He could react like that to anything, what makes you think those two moments are even related?
They both happen inside the cube, for one.
Yeah, my first thought was him freaking out because the cube is changing or something.
By the shape of Kado behind him I'm betting he's trying to follow Shindo out of the cube for a breath of fresh air. But he's denied.
>this episode
zaShunina really did drop a bomb shell
Behold, the reasoning of a shipperfag.
It's honestly more about the concept, not the material you use.
Paper was used because it was convenient, but I'm sure you could replicate the same results with different material.
i was reading the previous thread, someone said something about making anti matter bombs with wam
the problem with that is, it is something insanely fucking dangerous to do. nukes only detonate if theres an extremely precise chain reaction, anti matter have to actively keep them from going kaboom
so any assholes willing to delve into that sort of shit would most likely earn themselves and everyone around them, a darwin award
>wham aren't good or evil
neither are nukes, but that doesn't mean you should broadcast to the entire world how to make a nuke out of paper
I hope someone make a wam weapon and blow up his cube to show him how dumb he is.
They're not going to make nukes, but Heavy Objects.
How much dedicated wam will I need to build a supercomputer?
>Infinite power through origami
That doesn't sound like a good comparison. Do nukes have any purpose other than destroying things?
How much dedicated wam will i need to make anime real?
Just a pair of balls could satisfy any energy needs.
Except nobody's gonna show him anything because Kado is best girl and even Tesla's death ray wouldn't scratch it.
>yfw that was zaShunina's reason for choosing them all along and the sharing thing was just a load of bull
16 wam is pretty average these days, but in a couple years you will need to upgrade to 32 wam
Don't be cheap and only try to make anime real with 8 wam
>Electromagnetic waves are bad for concentration
Is he right Sup Forums?
nukes prevent wars
He's a generous, all-knowing alien so he must be right.
He probably means nuclear energy. But even then this is not a good comparison because nuclear energy is much more dangerous and troublesome to make process wise.
Who knows, but then again it's true that our brain runs on electricity.
It said that just one could supply the entire world, assuming you wire everything to just a single one.
>That guy on the right
It just takes one person to figure out the more simplistic way to weaponize wam, then the whole world knows.
You could probably boil the world's oceans with a little help from your friends
That's a sociopolitical effect of having nukes, not an actual application of the weapon itself.
Wam are just insanely powerful batteries and can be used for virtually anything, be it good or bad. So it's stupid to act like an energy source with endless applications is even remotely comparable with something that can only go kaboom and kill people.
they look like someone just broadcasted their dick to the entire world
But when you give the Wam to every person on earth, it is undoubtedly going to be used for evil, possibly by millions.
I never denied that, wam has countless more applications that don't involve destroying things, is all I'm saying.
if those apes are literally too dumb to use the infinite energy to advance their civilization, and would rather use it to kill themselves over childish shit like muh nationalism, then it's better if their entire species goes extinct DESU
>for evil
Are you twelve? At least say people are going to use them for their own interests.
>giving wam to ISIS
RIP Inuzuka
It would just take a very very small percentage of the population to go down that road.
Not to mention someone just fucking around with the Wam could accidentally cause a major disaster.
Many killers and mass murderers don't really do things for their 'own interests'. Spending the rest of your life in jail or dying in a shootout with police is hardly in one's own interest. Blowing yourself up in a suicide bombing isn't their own interest either.