>hey guys, what if we took that Durarara anime and made everything more flashy and contrived
Hey guys, what if we took that Durarara anime and made everything more flashy and contrived
Is this a homo anime?
It tried to pander to different crowds but ultimately the homo overwhelmed everything else.
Would you say it's worth watching?
DRRR became mostly flashy and contrived towards the end
This guy looks sexy though, so I might do it anyway
Not that user, but no. When you take the gay away all that's left is a mediocre urban fantasy action series that wouldn't even have passed muster in the mid-00s. Although I'm sure homodachi and fujoshits would disagree.
This is a skateboarding anime.
Are you serious?
You chose the one character whose death is literally the starting point of the series.
That was a different character.
Don't fuck with me user
the cat was sexy ! anime was decent. is S2 worth watching?
A slow but entertaining enough for me start and the final arc was pretty good.
>literally a Shizuo rip off
How was this allowed?
Watch the movie before second season though.
please post more images of this man
It has better music than Durarara
Is it worth watching if I have interest in the little girl in red? Is she a prominent character in the series?
DRRR had really comfy jazzy soundtrack
Except Durarara is shit and this is actually enjoyable to watch.
also if this was drrdrrdrr then every single person in that poster would be a "character"
shit bloated the characters for the sake of bloating the characters. so many who did absolutely nothing but apparently I was supposed to remember their names and shit. what was even the point of all those faggots he surrounded himself with? I don't even remember the name of the redhead tomboy gym owner with a 6-pack and she was the most notable of his rogue's gallery. I think her name was Nove, actually.
That's because you're retarded, everyone had a clear role and purpose both in the LN and Anime even though the anime was certainly way faster.
Just because you're braindead it doesn't mean that there were no point to those characters, you're just too dumb to realize what they did or didn't.
She's cute but doesn't do much in the first series, becomes prominent later.
This is probably among the worst anime i have seen