>single handedly destroys the alt-right and skeptic community
"Heh, nuthin personal kiddo"
Single handedly destroys the alt-right and skeptic community
Other urls found in this thread:
>Single handedly runs away from TheAltHype
Fixed that for you
Is that a hobbit?
>refuses to debate Enoch
Also not politics and eceleb drama. Sage in options field.
what does alt right mean?
stop replying to these youtube ad revenue click bait threads
>TheAltHype single handedly becomes a cucked out faggot after losing to Styx.
who is this midget?
DesTiny Shills ladies and Gentlemen.
Stop being racist Ahmed
I feel so fucking bad for that cuck. He is one of the most pathetic physical specimens the human race has ever seen.
>Literally a midget
>zero muscle mass
>frame of a 4 year old girl
>frail, thin bonestructure.
He would snap in two if he ever stepped outside on a windy day.
who is he and why should I care?
bruh, look at this dude.
Reminder to sage/hide/report this ugly smarmy liar's pathetic shill spam threads.
Once again this video game streaming midget on the politics discussion board.
Except he is in hiding because even he, a diagnosed retard, knows JF fucked him in the ass rawdog.
Also why is he afraid of Enoch?
>he wants to be personal with kiddos
This guy is the biggest fag of them all. The alt right makes good arguments but there overall plan sucks.
If you kill your enemies...
He claimed on Baked Alaska's stream that he was 5'8...haha absolute bullshit. I'm 5'8" and he looks almost a fucking foot shorter than me.
I want to kick him down a flight of stairs so bad. He has such a punchable shit eating expression
>white nationalists
is tonka really black?
14/14 would welcome in the ethnostate.
He acted like a total nigger when he was debating desTINY. Saying shit like he was going to beat him up and yelling.
O I recall that. Very true.
claims to be native american or some shit
Essential Tiny Lore, quick rundown:
>is a manlet
>beat up his ex-wife
>got literally cucked
>became a "skilled" SC2 player by spamming roaches
>gets hand-held by Blizzard (programmers literally gave Zerg a buff just for him in one tournament) because they need somebody other than Koreans to win SC2 tournaments
>gets his dick pics shared publicly, and quits out of shame
>tried to murder a fat kid and his dad because they DDOS'd him
>bullied his own son on livestream for being Christian and telling his dad not to swear (son visits on weekends, etc., lives with the mom)
>tried to sue Aydin because she called him a cult leader
>has a cult of retards on Leddit
>they pay him $40 per month to shitpost here
>is literally funded by a Qatari Sheik who wants to weaken whites with liberalism
>unironically supported Hillary Clinton
>supports open borders
>thinks more welfare checks will fix all problems with immigrants
>told his best friend to kill himself, & the madman actually did it
>shared lewds of a 15-year-old girl; and sexually-harassed a 12-year-old girl (Baby Miku) along with his top admins
>wants to legalize CP
>tells his daughter that incest is okay (preparing to rape her in the future, much?)
>defended CP for hours in a debate
>Andy Warski hates him for being a pedo, and won't let him back on
>got BTFO'd by Jim and LITERALLY CRIED, lol
>got BTFO'd by Naked Ape and left the stream early
>got BTFO'd by JF in the fist 15 minutes; and spent the rest of the debate deflecting, and brought-in Tara as a punching bag
>is afraid to debate Alt-Hype, and blocked him on Twitter
>is afraid to debate Richard Spencer
>is afraid to debate Mike Enoch
>is currently deleting tons of his own Twitter posts because The_Guardian is collecting info on him about supporting pedophilia, harassing people, defamation, etc.
>is gonna get sued by JF for defamation
sauce (for older stuff):
Good use of Soul Math