Considering church

Would it be weird to walk into a church alone as a man in your mid-twenties? I’ve been considering going for the first time in my life but I just moved to a new city for work so I’m alone. I don’t know which one to go to, what to wear, or if I should even go at all. Have any of you guys been the first in your family to attend church?

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Church is for the weak. Worrying what people think of you is for the weak. Be a fuckin' man.

Usually go alone and I'm 26. Nobody will notice unless you dress like a spaz or shriek now and again.

Your pic: what you think the church is like
Pic related: what it's actually like

Also, church girls are disgusting whores who go there to feel good about themselves because no matter how degenerate they were and continue to be, (((god))) has (((forgiven))) her

Name a better place to meet like-minded conservative people

What are you looking for? God? Friends? Meeting girls? Everyone is there for their own reason, I doubt anyone will even look at you. Although it is rare seeing guys our age in church.

>church girls are disgusting whores who go there to feel good about themselves because no matter how degenerate they were and continue to be, (((god))) has (((forgiven))) her

Yeah I’m sure EVERY church girl is like that. Nice generalization, leaf.
Also, maybe God will forgive her, but that doesn’t mean I have to.

>dating non-virgins

they will think you are gay

The grave.

>implying you can meet like-minded conservative people in church
Mormons, some Baptists, some Lutherans, Mennonites, and Hutterites are the only denominations of Christianity close to being decent and based. Jehovah's Witnesses are also pretty decent, but they really are cult-like in how they achieve their results.

Visit different churches. Every Sunday go to a different church and see where it clicks.

All of the above. I’d like to learn about the law which western civilization was founded upon. I’d also like to meet like-minded conservative families and build a social network. A nice girl to court wouldn’t hurt either

I have several jehovas witness family members who are trying to get me to come to church. The only reason I hesitate is because the Jehova’s witnesses allow niggers

Just go user. I'm 22 and i usually go alone. A lot of ppl go alone too... There's nothing to worry...

>Also, maybe God will forgive her, but that doesn’t mean I have to.
Then why go to church you cuck? That's literally the defining feature of Christianity, having to forgive the unforgivable.

>dating non-virgins
Church girls tend to be of the born again virgin variety who believe that God forgiving their slitting around makes them morally, psychologically, and physically equal to actual pure virgins. It's a whole other level of self-delusion that you have to see to believe.

You probably have to volunteer if you actually want to meet anyone, or else you just go to church and listen and then leave. Hard to meet people that way.

Catholicism is the only way, the rest is just middle aged and old men who desire respect but were either unwilling or unable to go out in the business world and achieve it. Watch a mass on youtube so you get a feel of what is expected.

Nobody is getting a virgin in this cultural climate. I will take a born again virgin that realized she made a few mistakes, over a regular slut any day.

Catholicism is a false church:

Just because Jesus was a cuck doesn’t mean I have to be

>Church girls tend to be
There you go again with your stupid generalizations, ya chink

Not at all. If you want, even let the usher or whoever know you're a first-time visitor and you'll get a good seat. Of course, if you tell them you'd rather obseerve from the back of the sanctuary, they'll oblige. They know some people don't like being front+center. Wear khakis and a button up shirt/polo, or at the very least nice jeans. Most random protestant US churches aren't super fussy. No point in mentioning it to family until you know whether or not it's your bag.

How was jesus a cuck? Show some respect

Churches were built for the sinner, not the saints. Just go. Wear a nice shirt and pants and you'll be good to go.

Every religion allows niggers, moron.

He forgave all sins of the flesh, allowing degenerate hedonism to flourish instead of being punished. He stopped the men from stoning a cheating roastie. This was super liberal for the time and an obvious attempt to evangelize by appealing to emotion

Collar, no jeans, no sneakers, be respectful and you'll be fine.

The church I went to had little books in the pews for people to sign after service. They had a line for members and guests. After someone came as a guest a few times the reverend world do a quick introduction. Just show up not looking like a slob and have a cup of coffee afterwards.

that's the vatican 2 sect, sedevacantism is the true religion(real catholicism), anti-popes after vatican II are heretics, so they are automatically cast out of the catholic church

Mormons don’t.
Also JWs have a very high percentage of niggers.

>walk into a church alone as a man in your mid-twenties?

You are going to get so much pussy, I'm envious now.

stop believing in fairytales, brainlet

I used to ask I'm almost 50..still haven't
>the lord has punished me severely

>Would it be weird to walk into a church alone as a man in your mid-twenties?
No. Churchgoers are always happy to see a new face.

>implying a woman is capable of realizing her mistakes and sincerely repenting
The born again virgin types are insufferable cunts. In practice they slut around as much as before but they are more concerned about how they are perceived by their family and faith community, so they are very discrete about it. They'll have a one night stand with a random and then go to confession with a priest that doesn't know them and then feel as though they never sinned and then will treat others with self-righteous condescension. They'll go on a mission trip to Africa to virtue signal how holy and pious they are, but they'll suck off N'dgoogoo within 30 minutes of meeting him, but refuse to give her Cucktholic husband a blowjob because (((it's a sin))). But by all means, go for it if that's your thing.

You're saying the mormon church forbids niggers, and there isn't outrage over this? It's more likely that niggers see mormons as the cultists they are, and stay away. There may not be many, but I don't believe there are no mormon niggers.

>Just because Jesus was a cuck doesn’t mean I have to be
Then why do you want to be a Christian?

That is not how it is done. If you are a single male you are supposed to find a co-worker, boss, neighbor etc that already has his "family" church. Then you start showing up there and they can introduce you.

>He stopped the men from stoning a cheating roastie. This was super liberal for the time and an obvious attempt to evangelize by appealing to emotion
Imagine 2000 years of roasties being conditioned to believe they are entitled to forgiveness for slutting around. This is unironically what you get with church girls.

You can just go in and sit, they are very happy to see new and especially young people, in the church I visit now and then the average age is around 60.

That's typical, but I don't think it's any type of enforced rule. If it was moving to a new town would be the exception.

yes Jesus forgives sins that are regretted, promised to never do it again and confessed, if the first two does not happen the confession is invalid, but do you think that the one that knows that "I will just confess it" actually regrets it?
No, the confession is probably invalid
What you talking about is common in protestant groups, who belive in the faith alone heresy

I agree the term is a bit harsh, but as much as Christianity elevated Europe, pathological altruism has ultimately destroyed most of the continent. With the exception of a shoutout to the Visegrad countries.

Probably not worth it to go.

gun range

they do not regret it, so if they knew it was a mortal sin, they go to hell

Ralph Lauren or just a regular polo and nice khakis or nice jeans. Its totally acceptable to go alone and you'll be fine. I go to a orthodox church personally

True European paganism belongs only to Europeans. Paganism is inherently tribal, and conversion of out-group members are of no interest.

>inb4 someone posts a nigger with Thor-necklace
Being a new-age wicca doesn't make you a pagan and if you have a shred of intellectual credibility you know that's true. Also I'm not a pagan, only stating the the claim ''all religions allow niggers'' is factually incorrect. There might be other more esoteric religions that do so that I don't know about, but European paganism is for certain.

JWs are 50% negroe, just convert to mormonism.

The shit has gone to hell when people stopped going to church, and the countries that are still religious haven't gone to hell. Subversive tactics have less effect on religious people.

Sedevacantists give the Vatican II church credibility by not admitting that Catholicism was always a mistake and moving on. If post-Vatican II you simply acknowledged that the gates of hell prevailed against this church and therefore it was always a false one and thus moved on, instead you turned this into a popularity contest about who has the right opinion about Vatican II and then lost the contest because you are complete spergs.

Stop being a christcuck, start following the pagan traditions of your people.

yes, burning those who did not sincerely regretted and confessed their sin will go to hell, forever, really cuck
Saint Stephen the First who cut the rebelling pagan's leader to 4 pieces was really a cuck

Pagan traditions are just degenerates having orgies in the woods like a bunch of niggers

Paganism has no central authority. You're making assumptions to have something to argue. People "become" pagans all the time. The only religion I know f that absolutely does not accept converts is zoroastrianism.

I don't disagree. They hyperinflated the altruism out of the framework of the church and community. In one way I see it as another effect of globalism.

I want a religion that punishes degenerates in our world, not in the mythical afterlife. Honestly, I’d probably convert to Islam if it was more popular with white people

Christianity was always a globalist religion

That's what the jews want you to believe, real paganism fights against degeneracy.

the church is the mystical body of the true believers, and there are always true believers, so the gates of hell did not prevail against us, for 1900 the church was right then the Great Apostasy happened exacly as prophesied and you believe that the Catholic church was a mistake?

Go to Church all you want but you can't participate in communion unless you have been baptized

the mormons were "forced" to accept blacks in 1978.

There's another way user

lol jews dont fear you pagans

Estonia, Japan and Czech Republic. Not religious. Still have managed to keep foreign hordes out. Religious people are some of the most cucked people around where I live. This can differ by country.

A big thing is that most religious nations happend to be poor shitholes and immigrants don't want to go to them. It's not the religious values upholding the borders, it's the poorness that repels them.

Do I need to have a ''central authority'' to say that niggers are not Europeans, and therefore can't be European pagans? You can't convert into European paganism if you are not European.

but then you believe in false gods

Jews don't fear Christians either, they control them. The only thing they fear is the swastika.

Jesus, get a dog

The catholic church is a load of shit created by men to raise themselves up on a pedestal by using God.
>You must confess your sibs to another man, and then pray to mary to get into heaven.
False. No mortal man can say whether or not you get into heaven, not even the pope. And praying to the virgin mary is a load of shit, you are specifically told in the bible to pray to God and no one else.
>You can buy your way into heaven
Again, false. Do i really need to explain that one?
>The pope is a conduit of God, and speaks his will
God chooses who to speak to, man doesn't choose who God speaks to. The pope is promoted as some kind of devine individual, which is false.
Long story short, enjoy burning in hell catholics. God has the final say but im pretty sure where you're headed.

Not yet.

This, for the love of God.

>Choosing between NatSoc and a religion of goatfucking degenerates.
Seig Heil

Good. If I have to deal with them, so do they.

Why is the Roman Catholic Church the true church and not the Orthodox Church? The Roman Catholic Church schismed away over the issue of the supremacy of the Pope. Now it turns out the Pope is an apostate. Meanwhile the Orthodox Church still teaches what it has always taught and still worships in the same way it has always worshiped.

Western vivilization is fpunded on Greek and Enlightenment principles.Christianity had nothing to do with it

Are you a european pagan, user? Where can I apply for conversion? I'm 100% white european descent. Whom should I talk to?

In an evangelical sense I guess that's hard to argue with too.

>gun range

most of them there are boomerpedes

It would be weird not to, user. God bless you.

this but unironically

I'm a single guy and don't go to church. But I'm friends of friends with someone who is the faith leader in a local church's young adult's group.

I've been told that there are many single women in attendance at this group around my age. But I don't know if I should go. I see two possibilities, one is I show up and it turns out these single young women are born again virgin types. Or two, I show up and these women are worth dating/marrying but want a devoutly religious man, which I am not and will never be. I don't have a problem attending church but I'm basically an atheist and incapable of being devout in christian beliefs. Although I live a modest lifestyle with little vice

It's a kike religion OP.
I use to go church and the girls there had this insane complex that if they fucked a bunch of guys on the weekend then proceeded to go to church God would forgive them and they would be virgins again. Also the pro refugee message is a clear sign it's controlled by (((them))).

> Be you
> Go to Mormon church
> Everyone white and traditional
> Find qt mormon wifu
> Make many qt white children with mormon wifu
pic related

Just sit at the back until you get an idea of what's going on. When you find one you like, talk to the priest afterwards. A lot of churches have tea or coffee afterwards if you want it, somebody will usually come and talk to you if you're on your own. My family and friends would laugh at me if they knew I went to church, so I don't tell them, although I would if they asked.

No I am not. Ask Varg. You don't really ''convert'', you become what you have always been but what you have forgotten.

Jehovah's Witnesses call their churches Kingdom Halls. Also, politics/voting/military service are not permitted. They also have a rampant pedophile problem, but they don't like talking about it. Lastly, they deny the Holy Trinity, which is not good.

Just going won't help you. You'll need to talk to the pastor and get involved. Then you'll start to meet people and they'll draw you in.

Keep in mind. If you don't really believe and have faith, they'll smell that a mile away and it won't be a good experience.

On any level.

And any church will do. Just find one that makes you comfortable and go from there.

>I don't have a problem attending church but I'm basically an atheist and incapable of being devout in christian beliefs. Although I live a modest lifestyle with little vice

I’m in the same boat, but how hard is it for you to hide your deep inner thoughts? Nobody needs to know whether you actually believe in the invisible sky deity, they just need to see that you follow his laws and lead a moral lifestyle

Tell me more about your space cult foubded by a drug dealing pedophile. What are you gonna name your planet?

They don't just allow niggers, it's full of them. I once answered the door to see three nigger JWs, one of whom was literally retarded, like drooling and moaning. Pretty strange bunch.

To me, they seem the most redpilled because of their strict moral code, their punishment of those who break their rules, and their discipline. This is more important to me as a NatSoc than the spiritual crap

Why pretend? Why act like there is a magic sky wizard? You know its bullshiy so why lie to othefs and yourself?


Micharl Jackson was JW. No shit when he was in Atlanta in 1981 for a concert he went door knocking at my uncles house.

You are feee to speak up about whatecer without faking a belief in eternal life and magic. You know this shit is false

The "holy trinity" is a concession to those converts used to polytheism. The "one god" commandment, you know, that one that says you can't worship anyone or anything but the one god, and that all idols and such are bad, doesn't apply to catholics because they needed to convert a polytheistic society that wasn't used to the monotheistic approach. According to the ten commandments, which all christians seem to take seriously, if you worship jesus or mary or any of the saints, you're going to hell. Religion is pure paradox. If god is perfect and incapable of being wrong, and god made religion, religion would be perfect. Religion is an invention of man.

I'm not a dishonest person and I think feigning belief would be too much of a hassle.

I'm not a fedora tipper by any means. I think Christianity saved middle ages Europe, not destroyed it. Faith was incredibly important in helping Europeans cope with catastrophes like war, bubonic plague, and collapse of HRE. And I think there are valuable lessons and parables to be learned from the Bible. But still, I believe the universe is governed by natural laws and there is no afterlife.

My hopes are I one day find a devoutly religious woman who is intelligent enough to realize good men are in short supply and perhaps I can broker a deal and marry her if I agree to send children to sunday school and a christian private school, go to church every sunday, etc

Go to Church. Go Alone, go not alone. Just go.

It’s just the means to an end. That end being acceptance to a community of like-minded conservatives. If you voted for Trump, does that mean you have to agree with him on everything?

Go to church for the first time. Pastor asks if new comers would stand up. Apparently everyone has been going to this church for years so everyone turns around to look at me. Stand up. The pastor asks my name. I mumble get extremely nervous and just blurt out Jesus. Dead silence then everyone busts out laughing. I run to my car and never go back. It's tough being autistic.

But the God part is a centRal tenet. Not only are you lying to yourself but to everyone in this community. What sort of group can you build when you are lying?
Its like Dumbos feather: You think you need this crutch when in reality the power is inside you. Man doesnt need the concept of God. We can be our own Gods

>a devoutly religious man, which I am not and will never be
Fake it till you make it, user. Who knows, maybe God will speak to you. This series is good, modern degenerates stay in a monastery: