I am so fucking mad.
I am so fucking mad
Other urls found in this thread:
>ever cool
Day of the rope can’t come fast enough.
We need fucking Fascism.
atleast they are finally admitting that mlk was a dirty commie.
socialism was cool since the 1850s how are they this unaware of their own movement's history
Happy Robert E. Lee day
"As committed as I am to nonviolence, I have to face this fact: if we do not get a positive response in Washington, many more Negroes will begin to think and act violently... I'm convinced that if something isn't done to deal with the very harsh and real economic problems of the ghetto, [wealth redistribution] the talk of guerilla warfare is going to become much more real."
It's still not cool to be a socialist you fucking kikes
Nice link there OP
>guerrilla warfare
What did he mean by this?
>edyacate yaself
this is the same as the nigger mindset, the only response they've got to reality
>the great depression happened because people were partying too much to work
Lmao this is what leftists actually believe
Muh dik
I’ve really grown to hate niggers. The more you interact with them the more you hate them.
James Earl Ray day.
I dare you to fucking Try it. You are an enemy to the state
Just post other famous socialists and see how they react
>Pol Pot
socialism isn't the same thing as communism
wasnt he a wife beater
>bud light isn't as shitty as budweiser
Wtf I love socialism now
>exploiting blacks even when they're still dead
The left never changes, they really can't let go of their slaves.
At least they're not hiding their commie agenda anymore.
So the CIA killed MLK and gave them crack instead.
I’m not a negro tonight!
You know things are wrong when murica starts to liking socialism.
Actually guerilla warfare.
He is saying that if his demands aren't met, you'll get too many blacks get anxious that Nonviolence doesn't work and they'll turn to violence.
It would had been an empty threat had MLK not had riot agitators on his payroll that followed him from City to City.
ZNN trying 2 get their Antifa buds some luv, since they are coming back in the Spring, nastier than ever.
A Socialist is a Commie with patience.
cnn oficially endorsing socialism? god dammit,
Anyone remember when America wasn't cucked?
> Pic related
Kek, kys.
Let's not spilt hairs. They are as good as identical to anyone who isn't a pinko faggot.
>He was a socialist before it was cool
The one who was socialist was Malcolm X. Nation of Islam was commie as fuck.
Gen Z, is that you?
1488 boots on the ground
underrated and saved.
Lets get some real socialism if thats what they want
luckily niggers are to dumb for urban warfare. Just look at the LA riots, niggers where killing and robbing other niggers in no time.
>CNN tries to unironically normalize socialism
that's what happen when you let jews loose.
And a good day to you as well.
Actually, the point of the guerilla warfare is government responds with an action that "appeases" black militant, in the name of calming them, but actually the appeasements give them more footing.
Conservatives were a little too organized in elections and gained support From whites in the aftermath of the riots, so the guerilla war plans phased out. New plan became for there to be a long program over fifty years of races being divided.
Yeah one says the means of production must be owned by ''the people'' and the other one says all property must be owned by ''the people''. Big difference....
One by vote, one by sword. The end result is the same
I don't ask God for many things, but I pray that I might have a hand in this man's death.
>[wealth redistribution]
Well will you look at that!
You just won a free helicopter ride!
Clyde, you lost, face it. The faggot had his family home and land reduced to a grave yard.
Not only did the Jew Deal extend the depression, we already had a glaring example of what to do in a market crash--nothing. 1921 came and went in a year or so and no one remembers that it was on par with 1929.
>ITT: dumb burgers focus on his socialism while ignoring the fact that he claimed to be a Christian despite rejecting every Christian doctrine and was a hypocritical womaniser who would cheat on his wife with white hookers
Shapiro fags are the dumbest goys.
B/c socialists don’t pay attention to history, obviously.
>explain something to a woman
>ask a woman to explain something
I don't celebrate M.L.Coon
- He was black
>read research learn
i feel rage
Here's another.
>"To dislocate the functioning of a city [block the roads, vandalize] without destroying it can be more effective than a riot because it can be longer lasting... Moreover, it is more difficult for government to quell it by superior force." The purpose is to "peacefully but forcefully to cripple the operations of an oppressive [American] society."
I still got a lot more btw
Nationa socialism wasnt cool?
It has been established that MLK was a communist.
...and the irony of a civil rights communist, being taken out by the NWO communists because he was too peaceful for the cause.
>Enemy of the state
So are you, they just haven't told you yet that there is no space at the table of the ruling class for the likes of you.
The man that ruined civilization in the name of "diversity" and integration. Malcolm X would have made the world a better place.
Daily reminder that MLK:
>was a plagiarist
>was a sexual deviant
>fathered multiple children that he did not raise
>was a communist and was supported by prominent communists in his inner circle
>literally couldn't open his mouth without consulting his Jewish communist overlords first
Literally kek
National socialism and Marxist socialism are different things.
Do you work at a fast food joint?
It should say
"He was a Republican before it was cool"
>you should (((google))) this and (((educate))) yourself
They both involve welfare states, leaf
Oh boy
More like, to make him a martyr forever. His reputation was tanking before he was killed.
His final speech even alludes to it.
>Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land!
None of those people did anything wrong
He was not socialist and CNN thinking socialism is cool
Nice timeline we have here.
I came here today just to see how assmad you guys would get about the rest of us not being as scared of black dudes as you.
Glad to see you haven't let me down snowflakes.
sauce? text alone is hardly evidence
Thou shall not suffer a communist to live.
To he fair, he reportedly gave the leader of Austria a real lashing.
They do but you can keep your individual rights in National socialism: property, lands, family fortune, etc. as long as you contribute to the society, which is in MY opinion a good type state.
In Marxist socialism, you give everything you have, can't pass down stuff to your children. You have NO MERIT for what you do, everything is just purely equalized and you're nothing more than a person that is part of a mass.
they're openly admitting that MLK was a communist now. We're winning lads!!
He also cheated on and beat his wife.
I dont remember jews getting to keep their property. Sounds all well and good entil you are the one they turn the gun on
forgot pic
Hey, here's a fun fact, skinhead: three major cities have openly identified SOCIALISTs controlling their councils, and Minneapolis damn near elected a fourth.
The Democratic Socialists of America is becoming an actual player in progressive Democratic primaries.
I.e. socialism is no longer a dirty fucking word, racist.
It is the future.
Berniecrats will soon be winning elections left and right, and even the old corporate DINOs will have to take a hard left turn in their votes if they don't want to be out on their asses.
There is literally no reason for Dems to run screaming from the big scary S-word.
We would literally run a slate of blubbering downies in this year and again in 2020 and still beat the ever loving SHIT out of the Republican Congress, the Senate, and its sick cunt of a President.
There's even a fun new phenomenon at the urban caucuses I like to call Stalin Democrats, personally. We had five separate people put forward local initiatives calling for HATE SPEECH.
It won't happen overnight, but you're so fucking fucked you don't even know it. The tide has turned. We're not your grandfather's liberals.
We're sick of games, we're done handling racist white fucks with kiddie gloves, and you'd better believe in the next ten years, we are coming HARD for your free speech sacred cow.
Getting mainstream Dems on board isn't hard. And once nazi fucks lose their "right" to spew hate wherever the fuck they want, you'll never, ever win another election outside the deep red sister fucker south again.
Turns out, that a welfare state that encourages white people to work and have families can result in a pretty nice standard of living.
Compare that to chink and shitskin socialist systems.
See the difference?
read pic, problem is it will never HAPPEN and the type of socialism that the west is going for right now is more and more going towards the communist type.
Stop being a Cap-cuck.
You are right, because jews were being deported.
Racial purity matters more in the long run than not hurting jews feelings.
>literally gorilla warfare
lmao history
>Equating human rights to feelings
>probably cries about oppression if he gets called racist in public
Dude you live in america you need to give on the racial purity shit
>Not wrong
meant for , ffs