Why couldn't black people do what he does...

Why couldn't black people do what he does? This one white guy advances to the bronze age but the whole of black people never made it out of the stone age.


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They lied to you user, there was metallurgy in subsharan africa.

They've done it and without help from endless books and internet. There are lot of primitive metal foundries in sub saharan africa and their simple technologies have existed for thousands of years.

Listen, I don't think niggers are not generally pretty dumb, but using something like primitive technology guy to bash blacks is just beyond retarded. That youtuber probably has a whole crew helping with his channel.

>There are lot of primitive metal foundries in sub saharan africa and their simple technologies have existed for thousands of years.

meanwhile white people were conquering the planet and going to the moon


They became too reliable on the west.
Just like a child that's too dependent on their parents so they can't move out.

yea yea, why don't you just learn objective history instead of being sperging mutt with false superiority complex?

>not even a fucking wheel


>I don't think niggers are not generally pretty dumb,

what? you think they are?

Sub-Saharan Africans have been forging iron for a thousand years at least. It's very easy to rip on Africans without straight up lying so I'm not sure why you feel the need to. Show this guy forge some steel, then I'll be impressed.

Only after the Europeans no Arabs showed it to them. This was after the Bronze Age had ended and the Iron Age began. Africa never had a Bronze Age because they didn’t discover metallurgy themselves

Europeans and* Arabs

The post really isnt fair. The guy in the video is an enthusiast. He has access to knowledge and documented experiences that helps him bypass the vast learning curb that would have taken hundreds of generations to learn.

>I don't think niggers are not generally pretty dumb
How foolish can you be.

cause he has access to the internet??

This guy is pretty awesome but if he tried his thing in British Columbia's mountains, even in the summertime, he wouldn't last long.

what I said is an objective fact

you're peddling an anti-white narrative for no reason other than that you are a nigger AND you are upset about it.

This tbhfam.


Did Africans just pop into existence in the mid 1960s and not also have thousands of generations to develop these same techniques?

Can't wait for the video of this dude making the razorblades he clearly shaves with every day, out of mud and sticks.

Related pic.

>but he read about it
Thanks for reminding us niggers never developed writing

Europe had a Bronze Age yet they also did not discover metallurgy themselves. The technology spread to them from the Persian Plateau, same as Africa. Europeans just do more interesting things when they get a hold of some technology. See: gunpowder.

Who would win?

Thousands of african generations / One internety boi

The black soul isn't in some hurry to go everywhere.

>but if he tried his thing in British Columbia's mountains, even in the summertime
I've camped quite a bit in the Cascades in the summer and it's really easy living as long as you find a spot with fish.

Lets see him do it in the African jungle, while malnourished.

Black people have no word for civilization in their language. Modern black live exactly the same as ancient black people. Gangs are tribes, guns are Spears, twerking is mating ritual and drugs are voodoo medicine. They’re still primitive

How many Africans worked on Apollo 11? What did they invent besides peanut butter? Why are they so fucking useless?

So do the Africans. Just have to save up and print some blueprints.



You answered your own question user. But in retrospect you should really be asking yourself "why would "Africans" have need to develop such architecture?"

Why would someone build a wheel when you don't need one?

Why didn't someone build the steam engine sooner?

Why did humanity give up on the cell battery when we had learned about it thousands of years ago?

The Africans (though not all Africans but I understand what you mean) built only in the way they needed to. The same way we do today.

Yeah, but hermits were never much of an option. Humans always were social animals, and huddled together in groups if the local wilds weren't "tamed".

>drugs are voodoo medicine

I would rather want to see a bunch of white people in the European winter, while malnourished. Oh wait, they conquered the whole world in 1000 years.

This is right, at some point.

Problem is, needs change, and these people are having a bad time at it.

To be fair, having the internet is like having the knowledge of thousands of generations.

You mean where fruit grows on trees and it never gets too cold to walk around naked picking that fruit off of trees and eating it with no effort. The most dangerous thing in Africa is niggers.

Yet you all run so fast.

Niggers have the internet because we constantly give them access.

He was on the team of people who made the first Iphone but black people decided he did it entirely himself

It's not fucking possible to be malnourished in an African jungle. 80+% of all plants and animals there are edible.

How do braindead fucks like you just assume that Africans have been malnourished and parched for the past 100,000 years? How would they have survived? How would so many of the tribes developed to be so tall? You're just making shitty excuses, because you're a leaf.

lol Iron was smelted in Africa.

>They've done it and without help from endless books and internet.

The point of primitive technology is that he takes the basic principles and adapts them to the resources and environment at hand. Africans had thousands of years to experiment and discover the principles he's using, as well as far, far superior access to resources, yet they failed to move beyond stone age technology.
Furthermore, when they were given technological principles by the muslims and then Europeans, they also failed to captitalize on that.

I've camped too. But it's not about camping. It's about basically being naked and starting from scratch.

Plus deciding that phones need to be cordless is the logical next step. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to come up with the idea of making the phone cordless is the future.

The reason people think Africa is malnourished is because in all the "For just 3 cents a day" ads they only show the poorest regions to make you feel worse and give more money


It actually was, just in the niggerish way possible.

They do, as people have stated in the thread, but not as vigorously as the Caucasian and some Asian races.

Black people don't seem to tend to be as apt to utilize things to create better situation for themselves over the long term, especially going as far as inter-generational use of a complex idea, or something requiring a member of a tribe/group being a specialist. Tend mind you, I know they have social structures, and yes they have metallurgy ect.
Yet if it comes down to it, does it not seem that africans would rather stick with this: rather than have a society where one person in the region builds a hand-cart?
It seems so. It seems they'll gladly have somebody in their collective group to form and bake the pottery there, but no one to build carts to carry things in the pottery, organize for those multiple people needing to carry things all into one trip, and save time gathering things that could be used toward something else. In other words, they don't think abstractly as often, and only use things that work when the greatest need to think up/do something arises. Thus Europeans are going to have a certain reliable amount of town blacksmiths, regardless of how many digging hoes, strips of metal or shovels are desired in a particular given week.

>Not even peanut butter

>But in retrospect you should really be asking yourself "why would "Africans" have need to develop such architecture?"
Because it reduces the time you have to spend on your sustenance living and increases discretionary time you can use for leisure or work with a long term result like experimenting with new ways of reducing the time it takes to do other essential tasks.

>The same way we do today.
Obviously we fucking don't because we aren't still living as nomadic hunter gatherers. At some point someone sat down and figured out how to nap a stone and pound a stick into fiber to make a spear. Then someone else sat down and figured out how that if he had a second stick with a little point on it he could throw that spear much further and made an atlatl. Technology doesn't develop on demand, it develops because curiosity and ingenuity drives someone to try a different approach to any particular task and occasionally this new approach works.


I mean, to be fair, it's not the biggest accomplishment to be finally smelting iron when the French arrived with automobiles


Africans had the wheel and advanced communications hundreds of years before any White.

Blacks invented metallurgy, paper, all forms of writing.

It's just because Whites came and "took" the knowledge away...

(So, Shareblue, do you see how stupid you sound when you try to debunk reality?)

Damn man you really convinced me with your pile of trash argument. I love sub Saharan African tech now!

Those regions are actually located in overpopulated shitholes and/or arid regions that only exist for artificial purposes (i.e. diamond mining, rare-earth metal mining, industry). In the Congo River Basin, where the congoids originate from, you literally cannot starve unless you're limbless. Most areas were like this 100+ years ago too. All the suffering is from foreign interference and nigger's inability to develop.

nigger, that motherfucker advanced to the IRON AGE

apparently africans invented breathing and walking on their hind legs

Are you suggesting the mighty YAKUB, traveler of interstellar dimensions in his flying pyramid didn't have access to the ancient earth internet? SHEEEEIIIIT that nigga invented the internet which was stolen by white coward AlGore.

The wheel is fairly useless without roads.

Most cultures first wheel was the pottery wheel.

Watching a nigger steal the glory of inventing the most high-tech tracking device ever conceived from a jew is just so satisfying.

“If we all originated in Africa, what does that say about every other race in comparison to Africans?”

Asked this to a Liberal once, and they lost their mind. The truth is self evident and excuses are there to hide the truth.



the biggest difference is survival is a game to white people. It’s just normal life in Africa.

mick jagger lookin bitch

wtf i love niggers now

Why would any civilisation not need a wheel or good buildings?

In fact, Africas fairly flat terrain would be perfect for the wheels development. Carrying things on your head is not a good idea, unless you don't have anything else.

we left africa because it was full of niggers

Africans were described as similar to European society, complete with social hierarchy and everything, just very primitive. The issue seems to be that Africans don't stick with problems as long as whites or any other race does. That would explain how they can master the rudiments of technology, but the black inventor will be a rare creature indeed. I suspect a genetic cause of "the ability to stick with a problem long enough to solve it" will be discovered at some point and that it will correlate with I.Q score very closely. Remember that for every black success story, there are about one million excuses for wide spread black failure. The white self haters can pretend that tiny structures in the brain don't influence "the ability to stick with a problem long enough to solve it," but that won't make Africans any more successful than they are now.

Peanut butter was invented in South America by the Aztecs and Incas. Carver just stole and patented it.

You're a fucking idiot dumbass.

First of all blacks in underdeveloped countries do do this.

Second, the video you linked is a full fledged studio production with crew, specialists, and everything. Not some random lone white guy thrown into the wilderness.

>a pair of shorts

Lol, every fucking time.

Almost every thing Black people "invented" is bullshit.

Even the successful countries of Africa like Zimbabwe with its mines and farms was actually a European country called Rhodesia that the black Africans took by force and renamed and told everyone they made it.

It's fucking mad and does not bode well for the future.


Add hundreds of blacks living near this guy, and none of his work would stay up, his shit would get stolen and destroyed and eventually he would be killed because he must be some sort of witch to be able to create fire.

Some blacks are intelligent enough, but they're the first one to go in their natural habitat, destroying any hope at some sort of progress I fear.

Your talking about science. Uh oh. Out HERE?

They'll revoke your edge lord card. Better delete.


Kingz of dirt and dung.


Water was plentiful. No need to live together... Without big communities invention is hard

Great find. Anons, this image tells a brutal truth that white self haters and their Jew masters wish to cover up. Such truth is bad for the Mass Immigration/Cheap Labor schemes.


>learning curb

There's no evidence arabs developed it instead of the South Nile african societies, considering that Egyptians had metal.


You should it's lovely.

Africans do smelt iron, they dig up ore with shovels and back hoes, make charcoal buy burying bonfires with earth, and add fluxes like burnt lime. Saw a documentary on it, it's labor intensive because they use animal skins as bellows, and the bloom furnaces are made using clay and dead grass, the grass helps it not crack from heat.

There was bronze work in Africa. There's arguments as to whether they invented it themselves or someone shared the knowledge across the Sahara from the north, but either way they had bronze metallurgy, and actually have had it for ages at this point, with artifacts going as far back as 4000-5000 BC IIRC


>I don't think niggers are not generally pretty dumb

Double negative cancels, he's saying "I do[n't] think niggers are [not] generally pretty dumb"

So they had access to the technology, but dont use it, and fail to maintain it? How strange.

Why would any civilization not need a battery? We knew about those for centuries before bringing them into active use in the last century. Were all of our ancestors morons for not thinking to use the battery in their everyday life despite being aware of its existence? Or were they just people taking things at their own pace and enjoying their established culture for what it was?


it's all so tiresome

Different strokes for different folks. Europeans had access to batteries for ages and didn't use or maintain the technology until recently.

>So they had access to the technology, but dont use it, and fail to maintain it? How strange.

Story of black Africa 2bh. Just look at how they destroyed the technologies left by colonial powers like railways and how they broke Rhodesia's irrigation systems instead of using them to farm

a wheel in the jungle isnt as useful as one might think.

Because he has the advantage of knowing about all this stuff through the use of books and the internet, retard. Not that I like niggers but this is a stupid comparison