I mean, it's not like we didn't help liberate their asses during WW2.
Maybe it's simply jealousy?
I mean, it's not like we didn't help liberate their asses during WW2.
Maybe it's simply jealousy?
France was half commie, half National socialist. They Americans are fed an idiotic history where the French - who were bad assed in WW 1 and died like flies into German machine guns, are some how cheese eating surrender monkeys. No, a huge percentage of the population WELCOMED the German National Socialist because the wanted to get rid of their commies.
When we "liberated" them we gave the commies the government. Then we exterminated their German liberators right in their back yard for all them to see, so they knew to keep their mouths shut. They can't say that for obvious reasons, but it's clear why they don't like us.
Why americans have a persecutory delusion? We have no strong sentiments about you, the fact we didn't join your retarded war for Israël isn't an act of hate you retarded mongoloid.
>Maybe it's simply jealousy?
Every country is jelous of America.
That's why they love their little mutt meme so much - it's all they have.
It may be all we have, but it sure is awesome
Look Frenchie... if you don't hate America, you don't understand how America raped you.
The mutt meme just bothers the albino land whales here. The rest think it's funny.
We don't hate America. Our old president thought it was a very bad idea to invade Irak (spoiler alert : it was) and suddenly, we are the bad guys. Jesus!
I guess, at that time, american did not have a deep understanding of mudslims & arabs (meaning-> stay the fuck out these shitholes countries or get rekt).
We like america, we are just mad that you let in somalis and nigerians in your country rather than french poeple. Also you fought on the wrong side during ww2, that's why
Yes it is the commies.
The French don't hate America, to sum up why this is a widely common belief, think about the situation:
Right before WWII, France was 40% commie and one third of young men died fighting during WWI. They were never really replaced as the French demographics had been slowing for 100 years at this point.
So basically, it stood no chance in another war against Germany which had excellent demographics and the NSDP to contain their commies.
Everybody knew France was not able to drive an independent policy by itself any longer as a result of these facts. People had to side with a bigger power and at this point it was either Germany or the USSR as the USA still had a relatively isolationist policy.
There, a socialist government was elected in France because of the French commies and they basically cried to be liberated from capitalist oppression by the free glorious USSR.
Instead, Germany conquered France. At this point, they hoped the USSR would annex them and this was the main goal of the communist part of the resistance. But instead of getting annexed by the USSR, France was put in the USA sphere of influence, the USA being de facto the antithesis of glorious communist dictatorship the commies craved for.
As a result, the French commies hated the USA and to nowadays, if you see some irrational hatred from a Frenchman toward the USA, it means he is a leftist or an Ahmed.
>who were bad assed in WW 1 and died like flies into German machine guns
Do your "teachers" mention we WON that one ?
Show your flag britbong
>Germany which had excellent demographics
With Bongs, we pretty much had the equivalent number of soldiers, tanks, planes, etc...
We just wanted to lose.
Why the fuck do i have to wait 10 years to have a green card in order to live a comfy life in florida, maine or washington even tho i have rare useful skills and some money packed when paco can just show up and get citizenship+free gibs? Why ? Explain this, mutt
Right-wing burger politicians hate France because french people are mostly pro-palestinian (or at least tolerate them) which is a huge crime in burgerland, thou shall not disappoint the israeli masters.
We can debate a long time about this. What if the British didn't flew at Dunkirk, what if the Maginot line was over at time...
But basically, if France had to fight alone, with the incredible amount of traitors and the handicaps it had, it didn't stand a chance. The fact we need to say France AND United Kingdom just to fight Germany sums it up.
>We like america, we are just mad that you let in somalis and nigerians in your country rather than french poeple.
Oddly, I'm 100% French via Quebec. And I can't help but notice that France does the same thing. I can't move to France you'd rather have Moslems, You can't move here because we'd rather have Mexicans.
Perhaps (((someone))) is making these bad decisions for us.
> Also you fought on the wrong side during ww2, that's why
Exactly as I pointed out.
At Dunkirk, battle of France was already lost. We lost after Sedan.
Maginot line WAS finished, we just never had Belgium agreed to push the line to their side.
France was not really willing to fight because leftists in power were pacifists and nationalists were secretly hoping Hitler will get rid of the commies.
> Quebec
> 100% French
Grandpa mentioned France "won". He was there. Spoke French. Got ridiculed for his strange American/French accent.
And France didn't win WW 1, the fucking Rothschilds and the other bloodlines did. The French and British were just the cannon fodder.
>live a comfy life in florida
Oh fuck! Now there's coffee all over my computer screen.
France got Alsace and Moselle back, which is a win for even the small french guy because since then those regions have been paying taxes for the rest of the coutnry.
> Implying frenchies are allowed to have their own opinion
> implying france is an sovereign country that is not controlled by germans...
Dude if Merkel ordered French people that from now on every french guy has to eat real poop once a week they would do it.
See? This is why Great Great Great Great Great Grandpa left France, cuz' assholes.
Enjoy your french speaking mudslimes. If you were going to kill yourself, you could have at LEAST given the French country back to your long lost cousins. WE could have made an ethnostate out of it, and would have LARPed into the French culture you're shitting on.
Well I mean if Merkel threatened to Invade France then probably.
We don't hate the USA tho
>We won because we got Workers were paying taxes to support socialism.
Oh. You're one of those.
Despite your picture, Macron is clearly on the rise (no pun intended) compare to Merkel who rules with a minority (no pun intended).
>Ywn see le Maréchal crush the left and restore France and the monarchy.
Feels bad man...
Yes. French.
Pétain was never a monarchist... wait, are you talking about Marion "Maréchal" ? Her name is LePen.
They’re salty they spent all those decades beating Occitan schoolchildren for speaking their ancestral language and trying to enforce their new Masonic Parisian meme culture just for Fr*nch to get eclipsed by English as the world language, largely because of US influence. It makes many centuries of harassing smaller neighbors and stealing their lands moot. Now the EU is all they got.
I agree but even if we had the best patriotic government in France at this time, how would have it won a war against a twice as big country quickly militarizing ? People elected a pacifist government because they thought there was no chance to win, true or not, but there were a lot of reasons to think it was true.
If u read thoroughly into American history, our deepest ties with any country are with France. Ignoring conspiracy theories, Frances defeat is a big reason for us joining the war. Most of our actions taken that led to pearl harbor we're after the German invasion of France. Trying to understand how a French person would say we fought on the wrong side when it was your side
Don't be stupid, we know the difference between your (((leaders))) and our fellow american brothers of european descent.
>At the Nuremberg Trials, German military commander Alfred Jodl said that "if we did not collapse already in the year 1939 that was due only to the fact that during the Polish campaign, the approximately 110 French and British divisions in the West were held completely inactive against the 23 German divisions."
>General Siegfried Westphal stated that if the French had attacked in force in September 1939 the German army "could only have held out for one or two weeks."
Frenchie is right, they basically wanted to lose.
Breton was even worse.
In 1939 and before, we had a better army by every possible critera. We should have invade the Ruhr the second Hitler invaded Poland (and even before, at the first breach of Versailles treaty) and the war was won.
France is our bestie. Helped us defeat the filthy redcoats.
Is that why you beat the Catholicism out of them and turned them into good little Socialists?
thats what worries me, just look at what macron was saying 1-2 years ago and what he is doing nowdays. He used to be actor as far as i know. Hes just acting and larping tricking French into beliving him.
one day he talks one thing, the very next day he does something exacly the opposite.
He keeps talking about how he will make France just as important as Germany/Merkel but the very next day he keeps kneeling in front of her and agreeing to everything what she says
Bretons are still very catholic. They have the highest number of catholic private schools in France.
>we gave the commies the government
This is bullshit. The US and UK tried to suppress Eurocommunist parties in France and Italy.
But are we sure the French government knew it was counscious of the danger before the war and had the opportunity to end quickly the war at its beginning?
He's an opportunist. All the sarkozian era politicians are.
Occitan at least wasn't decimated like Burgundian, Picard, and Orleanais were.
Of course they knew... because they actually DID it few years ago, they did invade the Ruhr and occupied it. The french army was ready for that kind of move.
>1 post by this ID
F*ck off I love America.
This country was 100% blessed by God until not so long ago
(((Republicans))) wanted to destroy the monarchist supports, thus they had to destroy the church
>Yes. French.
"French" as in Communist or French as in "Moslem"?
No, but Vichy completely tainted Action Française. Even if he wasn't personally monarchist he still cared about Le pays reel.
Influx of muslims and blacks from former colonies. Not to mention that France has been a cesspool of leftist anti-colonial sentiment for ages.
>americans calling other countries 3rd world
America is a shit_hole.
Burgerland is the legacy child of European dominance over the world. We passed the torch. Now the torch is stuck deep into their asses.
Every regional languages are decimated
americans are women, they're obsessed with how they're perceived. pussies.
>1 post by this id
And I bet that's a fucking leaf.
>Using alternate flag to hide actual country
Are there still langue d'oïl dialects left? Just curious because my family still sort of speaks "French", but it's definitely not standard French.
They mostly have shitty accent.
I think the loss of Breton was more tragic. It was a full pledged celtic language, completly foreign to the french. Now bretons are speaking without an accent because they original tongue had nothing to do with French and they had to learn from the start.
Then I have nothing to add. You are probably right.
the average normie likes the US
I teach History (in a middleschool...) so ask questions if you have any.
This. Not only is the (((elite))) fundamentally anti-France, but also wants to make sure the white-flag le poussy meme is widespread amongst the burger populace.
And it works because the vast majority of burgers are in one fine hell of an ego powertrip.
How much time do you spend on France vs other countries?
Americans betrayed everyone.
honestly we don't really care about the US but I guess you're seeking attention
In History ? We speak almost exclusively of France (except in Antic times obviously).
We talk about other countries in Geography (except in 3eme)
Was this defeat the result of a litteral will to lose or the refuse to fight and handling things seriously (so not in a leftist way)?
Your jews were the ones that started WW2, our jews just funded it
It was a combination of old militaries without any will to fight or do the crucial reforms AND the leftist power would couldn't communicate with the military they hated.
I'm not a fucking limey you wap...
Who gives a fuck? It's frogland. Would never go back to visit that shithole.
French people are just miserable cunts. They don't realise they are just another part of europe
German had better strategy and better communication
Excuse me "wop." I work too much with wireless access points that are so shitty, sometimes I think that they were manufactured by Italians.
Now imagine "French" but also "Canadian"
This. As an America who lived in France for 4 years, I can attest that the French don't give a shit.
The only trick is to stay away from the 15-20 SJWs that live in Paris, and you'll be cool.
at least france isn't as bad as the inbred hipster-france tumor leeching off of us
We hate you? Since when?
How many non-whites are there, on average, per-class? Do you frogs want some of El Salvadors best?
French Canadians are fucking retarded. They think that French should be the official language of Canada. If you want to go to a place where everyone speaks French, then GO TO FRANCE fuck stick...
Do be more accurate:
First year (6eme): Mesopotamy, Egypt, Greece, Rome, birth of Judaism and Christianism
Second year (5eme): Birth of Islam/Orthodoxy/Charlemagne (same chapter) Medieval times in France, Great discoveries, Renaissance, Louis XIV
Third Year (4eme): Old regime system (we talk about slavery at that point) Revolution, Empire, industrial revolution, 19th century political and societal progress, third republic
Fourth year (3eme): WW1, rise of nationalism, WW2, France rebuilding, Cold War, conflicts since the Cold War
Yeah l agree, but the government now has firm control of Brittany now. Hopefully they can revive it over time.
Do any of you guys know/have any opinions on GRECE and La Nouvelle Droite?
Are all brits total bitches of Lord Rothschild?
I work in a migrant nest so my numbers wouldn't be fair the rest of France
because on the streets of france the people look just like at home
so you are a leaf ?
no wonder you hide your flag
around 10 millions i'd say
I tolerate limeys better than frogs.
Even if I had to go on business to Canada, I would hide my flag.
Le thread, c'est bait.
Nice cop-out. France is for niggers.
This has been taken over by the Jews doing their LARPing of goys and spreading division.
Every. Fucking. Thread.
They show up and they or the useful idiot they've conned jump in with their hate posts.
The only problem when criticising the French for being too snooty or whatever, you can't get away from the fact that French culture on the whole, is probably the best.
Third world= poor shit hole
Poor shit hole= commie nest
It's simple
No, just the elderly can speak a little some dialects sometimes. The only things remaining are accents and expressions
It wasn't more tragic than any other languages lost, it's not because it was a celtic language that the other ones weren't as good
Do they revisit l'Ancien Régime or Medieval France in lycée?
Niggers, sand niggers and frogs... Can it get any worse?
Very quickly in first year... Lycée programs are a mess and depends a lot of what you choosed.
>this pic
Why you want the true goyim? Go home and watch our good (((((shows)))))) in your ((((((netflix)))))))) server.
t. white globalist