The chad black nationalist vs the virgin nigger commie
The chad black nationalist vs the virgin nigger commie
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Poor guy, he got only daughters
it’s a shame there are majority of blacks that are exactly like mlk (welfare commies, degenerates that cheat on black women and fuck white women instead, total uncle toms that would rather be the white mans little pet)
But not many blacks that are actual black nationalists who realize that nobody will respect blacks if they keep leeching off of whites
what are some good documentaries or books for me to learn about Malcolm X
good post
what's the story of this pic?
The first “no lacking challenge” ever photographed
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Malcolm X: By Any Means Necessary
Malcolm X: Black Power, The Nation, (((FBI))) & the (((CIA)))
This picture first appeared in Ebony in September 1964. This photo was in response to death threats that Malcolm X received after leaving the Nation of Islam. Just a few months later, in February of 1965, Malcolm X was assassinated - shot point blank with a double-barreled sawed-off shotgun - by Talmadge Hayer, a member of the Nation of Islam.
Malcom X. Killed by muzzies.
Why does no one ever mention Garvey?
Never heard of him
“But let’s not forget the Jew. Anybody that gives even a just criticism of the Jew is instantly labeled anti-Semite. The Jew cries louder than anybody else if anybody criticizes him. You can tell the truth about any minority in America, but make a true observation about the Jew, and if it doesn’t 't pat him on the back, then he uses his grip on the news media to label you anti-Semite.” - Malcolm X
He created the UNIA-ACL which was more or less a Fascistic black movement, focussing on building up the Individual Black Man and thus empowering the Black Community.
This is the blacks problem. They need to know when to use peace and weapons thankfully once the Chink RICES Africa they'll create a post-native population to further succeed.
>the monkey nigger vs the monkey nigger
dis post be woke af
Study up on Marcus Garvey, W.E.B. Dubois, and Dr. Cornel West.
Marcus Garvey was a black nationalist who believed blacks needed to abandon the western world and retake Africa for their own. He also had no problem noting most blacks are absolute garbage and even bragged about being a bigger fascist than Mussolini. Garvey is definitely the best out of black leaders and it's unfortunate none have been on his level since.
Lmao those niggers dont realise they are involved in sexual perversion.
Revelation 1:14-16
14His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;
15And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.
16And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.
Why am i not even surprised anymore
Niggers in 2018
If there were more blacks like this I wouldn't hate niggers
>literally 4 seconds in
>das rite
Malcolm X Speaks is a great book, just a bunch of his speeches.
It's very interresting to see him evolve from a NOI megaphone into his own person.
Best post
This my nigga right here. In every argument ive ever had thats dealt with x race vs y race i always bring up markus garvey and the person usually never knows who tf im talking about which at that point i just keep repeating the words "dude stfu i know more about black people then black people aint no body got time fo dat"
tayfags are kidding themselves
Revelation 13:10
10He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
The problem is (((they))) want blacks to forget about Garvey and fawn over MLK. So what happen is other than hardcore black nationalists the only other blacks who study him is the Rastafari but they think he was a John the Baptist figure announcing the coming of Hallie Selassie. Problem with that is Garvey hated Selassie for being a failure.
Finally people get to see some real heros.
Garvey should definitely be pushed by Sup Forums more. It's mutually beneficial to blacks and whites.
Song of Solomon 1:5-6
5I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon.
6Look not upon me, because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me: my mother's children were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept.
Job 30:30
30My skin is black upon me, and my bones are burned with heat.
it's literally in my namesake yet no one knows what the black star liner even was.
Isaiah 51:20
20Thy sons have fainted, they lie at the head of all the streets, as a wild bull in a net: they are full of the fury of the LORD, the rebuke of thy God.
Hopefully more black anons get woke.
>Mfw when larping opens your eyes.
I mean, he makes a point of talking about how if they (blacks) can't do things other races have done then they will die as a race, and if they depend on another race they are enslaved. I would agree with him on this, however I would disagree with African's and African American's having the ability to do things other nations have done.
Africa quite literally cannot be saved without White governance, and there are no black leaders in the US to lift blacks out of niggerdom . This also assumes they deserve help and should be liberated, which they don't and should not be.
People who refuse to see certain types of people as lesser humans can't be saved, your wishful thinking is a fairy tale and nothing more. Equality is a false God.
Genesis 15:13
13And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years;
14And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance.
Ultimately it doesn't bother me whether they succeed or fail. I do however fully believe Garvey's beliefs should be promoted and blacks begin an exodus to Africa to try anyway. Really what's the worst thing that would happen to our own race if even a fraction of American blacks gave up their US citizenship to move to Africa? For blacks at worst at least then if blacks failed they could at least die knowing they tried with their own hand.
And all becuase (((they))) tainted their water, neighborhoods, and lives :with crime, drugs, and braincell killers.
That goes for every poor area.
>I wonder why they tried to control
I suppose, whatever gets them out of this country. Also if they left and failed I'm pretty sure they'd still blame Whitey. There are niggers out there that believe Africa would look like the black civilization in the new "Black Panther" movie if Whitey didn't come along. Just like when that retarded WWII black fighter pilot movie came out, "Red Wings" I think, and there were blacks tearing up in the theaters because they actually believed blacks did those things and actually had a part in WWII, and actually were good fighter pilots who defeated the ebil Nazi's. It's comical.
Those are zombies there's alot of black and white zombies. Doesn't mean all of them are.
Not really. The (((CIA))) may have flooded black streets with cocaine, but the 80's were the 80's for everyone. And you can argue that maybe (((they))) created gangster rap, but it's realistically a black creation that was then exemplified to blacks, once it was created (((they))) may have pushed it with their labels but again that's irrelevant. White's were doing just as much coke, and we as a race didn't succumb to "gangster" culture. White "gangster" culture was the mafia, but we've never devolved ourselves into complete petty thugs who can't speak English, this coupled with the fact being a White gangster made you conservative while being a modern black gangster is being very liberal.
They segregated places and stuffed them into this environment. You also leave out the brain tissue decayers and braincell killers. The biggest factors in this all. Not to mention how whitey is owned by the jews and muslims. You really think they'll let you live?
>Same thing is gonna happen what happend to the blacks to you. It already is. Just a bunch of slaves.
If by a lot you mean 90% of blacks, which is a strong majority then sure. I've less than a handful of respectable blacks in my life. One I went to high school with some 10+ years ago, 2 others I just met at the gun range last weekend and one other I met a year or two ago when I got lunch at a bar in town.
I live in a town that's 55%+ jewish, the only blacks here are those who are extremely successful, educated and proper.
(((They))) didn't segregate them, it was (((them))) who desegregated blacks and White's and have championed every form of social justice imaginable. If blacks and White's had stayed segregated this country would be in better shape.
>You also leave out the brain tissue decayers and braincell killers.
I don't know what this is supposed to be about, blacks have already been proven to have inferior IQ to White's. Is this supposed to be something similar to flouride contamination? I would ask for source and proof, as I find it pretty hard stretched you can make that claim yet believe White's haven't be affected by it, as it seems you're saying this was only pushed on blacks.
>Same thing is gonna happen what happend to the blacks to you. It already is. Just a bunch of slaves.
I mean White's have yet to completely devolve like most blacks have, but you're not wrong that after decades of kike subversion White's are facing an existential crisis to save ourselves and our country.
(((They)))did segregate them then they did it to you. That was part of the plan. Now you have proper segregated areas. The only thing is that the cities are sanctions for diversity.
>Proff who are those poor rednecks then? Who are those hood black then?
>Ill give you one and ill let you search for the others.Hint they're set on multiple categories not just water.
For that last post. Kek
Nope, Cucknecticut, with our wonderful governor (((Malloy))) flooding it with migrants. White's have been fleeing this state for years now because of this kikes policies that destroy small business, give more of my tax dollars to the gibmedat programs while they strip more rights away.
When the SHTF my town is going to get ransacked by the roving niggers gangs coming up from Norwalk and Bridgeport, unfortunately for them they will not be getting anywhere near me.
No one will respect niggers ever, but one question for any nigs lurking here on the right end of the bell curve: why should that matter to you? I mean, if there were no niggers in my country, I can't imagine a situation wherein I would ever care that niggers hate da white man, it's only an issue because their niggershines are an imminent threat. Stop worrying about wypipo bein raycis and shieet and start worrying about looking after yourselves and not being dysfunctional retards.
do niggers still care about Malcolm X? I feel like we underutilizing his redpill potential, both regarding the JQ and white liberals.
Cornel West is a commie
>Not posting the current KING
I like Malcolm x more than that womanizer.
malcolm x was kind of an anti-white retard who just parroted whatever elijah muhammad told him to(even if it was nonsense).
"muslims in saudi arabia are more racially tolerant than white folks in america"
malcolm x preached this retarded shit after coming back from his haj
martin luther king on the other hand loved western civilization and was not anti-western civilization. he quotes and references white authors, mozart, and shit in his speeches.
As if she wasn't already putting out nigger tier music for years
martin luther king's love for western civilization is why a lot of pro-blacks called him a coon when he was alive.
I don't blame niggers for wanting to date white wamen, have you seen how those apes act? Nigresses are worse than niggers.
niggers are niggers are niggers
Define that you fucker, the absolute state of Sup Forums
All I see is two negroid monkeys in an anglo-saxon man's suit with a croatian tie.
>loved western civilization
i think it was the nation of islam who started the we wuz kangz shit. malcolm x popularized it
"we lost knowledge of self, stripped of our knowledge of self by the white man"
this shit happens every time a people conquers another people. black people act like this was a rare thing with regard to them.
I wouldn't even say they were robbed of it. it just happened being among whites. they had no choice but to adopt white american culture. blacks act like this was done intentionally
I agree that Martin Luther king Jr was a communist nwo shill but evolution does not cause your hatred. There is no such thing as race
bordering on action or appearance closer to subhominids ie apes or orangetangs (pic real hated)
u sure have strong opinions on niggers for not being around them, Lee
>looks equal race
Lol might as well show me skulls you faggot. Im done here goodbye
They call him "uncle Tom" and wasn't for love western civilization but for act like "white".
i never found taylor swift to be a attractive. i don't really give a shit if she is fucking some nigger
On my first date with my wife we watched Spike Lee's "Malcolm X".
So easy to spot.
Glows so much
black gun-toting nationalist errytime
had to post on /gif/ for the audio, which is what makes the scene:
I heard malcolms children are absolute scum of the earth
"I regard the Klan, the Anglo-Saxon clubs and White American societies, as far as the Negro is concerned, as better friends of the race than all other groups of hypocritical whites put together."
-Marcus Garvey
Because Jamaica is a shithole and the women like to fist fight
Malcolm X was based. I believe we would be able to come to some form of detente between the races. That is why (((they))) had to have him and Commander Rockwell removed.
"The Virgin King vs. The Chadcolm X" get on it