Is there one (1) anime all of Sup Forums hates?
Is there one (1) anime all of Sup Forums hates?
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inb4 naruto
We all hate your favorite anime because you're a faggot with shit taste.
Probably some obscure bomb from 5 years ago that everyone dropped immediately. I'm trying to think of one.
I bet it was the anime that was made by studio Sup Forums.
It was some shit with penis scribbles.
Naruto, and I'm serious.
Most people in Naruto threads are crossboarders
Hinako note
Jojo. The only people that actually like Jojo here are Sup Forums crossboarders and other retarded people.
You're all just giving recommendations.
Just going to go throw this one out there despite it being fairly recent and all of three people watching it but, ClassicaLoids
Boku no Your Favorite Anime
t. KyoAni shitter
Never. It gave us the most insanely stupid predictions.
Elfen Lied
you're favorite anime
nah, everyone hates sao so much they wanna defend it again
i love elfen lied
I want to fug lion
Nah, that show is great
Berserk 2016 and 2017
Pupa. All the 3 people who saw it agree it's shit.
It's alright, I like it.
>being this new
At least don't pretend like you own the damn place and can speak for everybody.
You are speaking of the anime that m00t called his favourite, and a Manga with which many of the people on Sup Forums today started reading manga, back in 97' 20 years ago. Although likely more like 15 years ago, or so
Your favorite anime.
It's bretty gud.
Code Geass
Boku no pico for sure
Poopa and Glasslip
Liking Naruto used to be a bannable offense until the little shit niggers whined to the mods to babysit their shit threads.
Boku No Corey in the House: Ultimate Seinfeld Edition
Battle Harem of the season usually is low hanging fruit, Sup Forums and most of MAL would probably agree that they hate Battle Harem of the season.
Pupa might be garbage, but I can't really hate it. Just like I can't hate the Room. Some things are just too perfectly awful to hate.
way too many normalfags like this
this is only right answer
Aldnoah Zero S2
SnK. Everyone who likes it is either a crossboarder or from reddit.
>everyone who likes this show is normalfag or redditor
Devil Survivor the animation.
Even while it was airing, the threads were nothing but people complaining on how awful that week's episode was.
You're favorite one!
Why doesn't Demo make videos anymore?
He died.
No he didn't you nigger
Tsukihime and Darker Than Black 2.
I don't know anybody with a good word to say about Psycho Pass S2. Which is a real shame because the first season was fucking awesome.
It's almost cute how little you know and how much you pretend to know.
>ever taking the number 1 bant master at face value
Fuck off you newfag Narutard.
The archive exists. Anyone on Sup Forums can see how much tumblrshits infest your shitty Narutard threads.
You can't hate something that doesn't exists
I like glasslip
I am not even huge on Naruto, but pretending that Sup Forums is against Naruto because of some contrarians and fuckers that watch moe shit and think their taste superior is hardly what I would call better.
Also, throwing Newfag around and Samefagging is the epitoment of faggotery, only really new people would even use Newfag un-ironically.
Never mind the fact that back at 2007, when Sup Forums was still Anime and Manga, there were still plenty of Naruto Threads.
No, I don't mind your shit though, do go on with your faggotery.
Am I being rused or are you really stupid enough to take that seriously? I wouldn't believe you could possibly be that stupid if you weren't a Narutard.
how does that work?
a really old and obscure anime because most of Sup Forums will be too new to know anything about it to like it and those that do like it have already left the board
Pupa is so bad it's good
maybe this, re:zero / entry-level shonen at least have defenders here
Delete this
Big Order
Aku no hana anime adaptation
Moot specifically stated how liking a manga, any manga, was never a bannable offense and actually whining about other people's tastes is way worst, though I missing the image you can quote me on this I am not making this shit up. The message was pretty much; if you don't like a thread just don't go in there, which makes a lot of sense.
Next, maybe when m00t, or whoever pulled that one out, made that (and In case what you were wondering if it happen, it did) he was just fucking around with the autistic crew that screams bloody hell on all threads. Emphasis on making fun of these people. Not to mention all the threads with people enjoying the joke, aside from the butthurt, that showcase Sup Forums as a whole doesn't hate Naruto, which of course is the fucking point of the conversation which is trying to be deviated.
Now, I could go on a tangent and point out a lot more of stuff, but there is no discussion here. Just some fucker thinking that he can clean his slate by samefagging. (It is easy enough to check if a new IP joins a conversation and there are 50 IP for 70 post, 3 post of mine not whistanging).
To end this post, I am out. Feel free to sperg on Naruto, that would show you are a real Oldfag, with you whole almost year of sometimes lurking.
With love; Some user.
filthy crossboarding traitor thank god he's gone
I don't care, I am like a beat up wife and still love him. Japanese moot can't fill his dress and cat ears.
You're favorite anime
Is that a copy pasta or are you really that retarded? Serious question.
It actually is Elfen Lied.
I remember this thread. It was spammed by like 4 different people.
I unironically still like the Tsukihime anime
he did an hero, he is gone user.
Fuck off narutard
Nigger, you're so new it hurts. Sup Forums has NEVER been a place to be nice to retards about their shit taste. Ever. Naruto was always shat on. Narutards got their occasional thread late at night, but during the day they'd be spammed out because no one wanted those normalfaggot cunts from Gaia/MAL/Plebbit shitting up the place.
Not the guy you're replying to but
>Sup Forums has NEVER been a place to be nice to retards about their shit taste
You'd be lying to yourself if you think that's true, hell even now there's a rezero thread up and they have their occasional threads, not to mention generals.
>Sup Forums thinks it still has a right to reject any anime based on quality when they embraced Reddit:Zero with open arms
Generals should be banned. Re:zero would be spammed to oblivion if this was old Sup Forums.
I miss muh elitism ;_;
The mood is right and the ost is great, but everything else fails terribly.
Sacchin not dying hurts her as a character.
Maybe season 2 of Minami-ke?
Both clueless.
>2007, when Sup Forums was still Anime and Manga
Trolling, bad memory, or just imaging things?
Sit down kids, it's time for school:
1. Sup Forums started existing in 2004.
2. This was because Sup Forums was like 75% turkeyhandle and bosnian wapanese and there was enough clamor for an anime-only board.
3. Naruto and Bleach were very popular on Sup Forums - Anime until around early 2005, the gaiafag menace became overwhelming at this point and Sup Forums's elitism development as an immune system. It continues to this day. The first thing the immune system rejected was shounen anime and emoticons.
4. Manga was a bannable offense on Sup Forums from the moment it was made until almost 2006ish.
Here's a universally-loathed anime, pic related.
Sup Forums hated it.
Futaba hated it.
2ch hated it.
It killed the series permanently.
Re:Zero. The only people that actually like Re:Zero here are Sup Forums crossboarders and other retarded people.
Can you give me a name user? Image search returns nothing at all.
Also, wasnt considered pic related the absolute pinacle of mediocrity, with no redeeming qualities?
Berserk 2016
Big Order
Re Zero
Guilty Crown
Galaxy Angel Rune, responsible for the death of the series about 11 years ago.
>You are speaking of the anime that m00t called his favourite
Jesus Christ look at this fucking newfag
I can't hate these because of the fun I had in the airing threads.
I only made it about 2 and a half episodes in
that shit was torture
I can't hate big order
>You'd be lying to yourself if you think that's true
People would always derail shitty normalfag threads with dubs, thread killer jpgs, etc. until mods cucked out and started to ban people for trying to keep Sup Forums clean from faggots like you
>even now there's a rezero thread up
And it should be banned along with all the other generals. Fuck the faggot mods banned me for reporting the kemono friends general, they fucking want this board to become shit so they can get more redditors and tumblrcucks on Sup Forums to normalize it like they did to Sup Forums.
This is not your fucking board, fuck off narutard MALfaggot