How much beating of women is necessary in order to keep society functioning?

Women must be disciplined to stay in line. At the present they are not disciplined in any way or form and the West is descending into the abyss. How much violence will be needed on a regular basis to keep women in check and save society?

None, if you try you will have to deal with me nigger.

Probably not much to be honest. Women misbehave because they know men can't do anything because men with badges and guns will come save them if a fed up man ever tries to hold them accountable for their misdeeds. Take that security blanket away and they'll fall in line quickly.


Well for beta cucks like yourself its going to take a lot. Alphas don't have to beat a woman to keep her.

White Knights detected.

Incel detected

After getting married I know seriously understand why some men beat their wives.

What I do is somewhat playfully be really agressively with her when she's being a bitch and it's enough to make her change her tune. It's almost as if, she WANTS me to do it. She basically knows she's getting a really hard spanking if she acts up and it also turns her on

you dont even have to hit them. a good threat goes a long way

Knowing that a man can and will hit you when necessary is enough to keep most women in line. Sadly, most men these days are too spineless to even say 'No' to their women, and everyone knows that the moment a man touches a woman he's spending the night in jail.

>he needs to use violence to keep women in line
>he doesnt do it by sheer power of cock

I will report your ass to the cops if you lay a hand on me

Why do you marry a woman that doesnt respect you. Are you a retard? Just telling them youre getting angry/annoyed has sufficied for me. Fucking manlets dont know how to be dominant without violence

Honestly I'm entirely against child abuse. You can teach them.

Women have gone too far in their indoctrination to be reasoned with though. So yeah, if one of your female family members fucks a nigger (I've seen it happen) I think they should be beaten to whatever degree necessary to prevent them from doing so.

At least 16 violence will be needed, possibly 19 depending on the woman in question.

Maybe if you didn't beat women they would ride your two incher more often OP

You can effectively ostracize them. Shit feels like torture bruh.

This is child abuse.

Because women are genetically predisposed to shit-testing men they are with to see if they "still have it", and by that they mean the power to dominate them and put them in their place. They must do it to ensure that they will be protected and that the man performs in a society that otherwise doesn't demand aggressive displays of men on regular basis like in prehistory.

From what I know, a lot of women were egging their men on and they persist in relationships that get abusive because they want to be abused and put in their place. They know its their fault and they perpetuate that, even when the man ends up hating himself for it when he doesn't want to beat her.

If your woman is regularly fucking niggers you're doing something wrong.

As much as is needed to stop her from being defiant against her functioning society.

You should also rape the nigger in front of them
To show them which race is the dominant one

>can't keep a woman without hitting her.
Yea sorry to break it to you fagnon, but that makes you a beta manlet cuck.


Depends on the woman in question, duh.

You must be a dicklet. I bet youre a filthy mudslime.
Kys, nigger

In perfect society: None.
In current society: As much as possible.

This is a shill thread to make you faggots talk about beating women. It is their new kick for the day.
Sage It

I think it is about time to go muslim on these bitches faces.

Just making voting something you have to work for, 95% of women will stop voting if the task is deemed hard enough (military service)

The best tactics to use on women are the same tactics women use on men. This is because they believe men react to situations the same as they would.

Take the silent treatment. For men, it's simply a case of shrugging your shoulders and to go and focus on something else for a while. Now do it on women and they go batshit insane. Try it.

You're an actual fucking loser if you have to do this. Anything above a loose slap is shitskin-tier.

Being mr. perfect christcuck doesn't make you alpha, it's pure beta behavior. Bitches need stiches in this modern age.

Who are all these faggots hijacking the thread? I thougt faggots were banned at pol?

Beating women was frowned upon even back in ye olde golden traditional days. It's animal behavior and low class. The only people who need beatings are you edgelords.

>Take the silent treatment. For men, it's simply a case of shrugging your shoulders and to go and focus on something else for a while. Now do it on women and they go batshit insane. Try it.
Another faggot who has no life experience. You're 20yr old girlfriend goes insane. But when she's 30, you'll destroy all communication in the home and she'll be sucking my dick while you're at work.
Emulating cunty behavior sets a bad standard.

Bullshit roastie. This is what used to happen to women in the UK who mouthed off. Just for speaking when nobody wanted to hear her bullshit, she would be snatched out of her home by the strongest men in town, dragged to the river while being shamed by the whole town, and then dunked in the river. And this is in Britain where it's cold and rainy always. A miserable experience, and one these women never forgot. It learned them. It taught them how to behave in this society, because women are children and need this reminder perpetually. Getting smacked on the mouth is a fraction of what you will be facing once these numales that have been brainwashed by the second wave feminist "it's never okay to hit women" cuckboi tribe.

If my wife makes me angry, which doesn't happen much, I just leave for a while. Then she will go crazy cleaning the whole house or making me my favorite dinner. When I get back she will be very apologetic. Just don't play their games, don't let them make you that angry. The will eventually learn that you are a man and not susceptible to their childish shit, and will respect and not fear you.


Women beat men in clubs, white knights like the faggots in this thread jump in and "save" her to get laid.

Women need to be fucking beat unless they are super gentle and lady like. But those rarely exist now. Women in almost every work place need to be fucking stomped into the fucking ground.

FEMINISM = not hitting evil cunts

BLM and ghetto crime= not hanging evil niggers

Federal Reserve = not burning evil Jews

Globalism = not killing evil politicians.

>As much as I support the idea that men should be able to beat their women when they misbehave, it will only result in legal trouble.
Then the laws will have to change. Armed revolutions across the White World will see to that.

I don't know, how much jail time will it take to discipline you into not beating women?

Well said.

Why not just avoid this entirely and build better women who will always be loyal


>If my wife makes me angry, which doesn't happen much, I just leave for a while. Then she will go crazy cleaning the whole house or making me my favorite dinner. When I get back she will be very apologetic. Just don't play their games
You wont be married much longer. You have no communication and no control. She's not "making your favorite dinner" while she's building resentment and will act out later with her whet pussy.
She's apologizing now but that shit gets REAL old, for everyone.

You're a classic avoidance behavior modern beta male.

Oh, and where am I gonna get those 20 years to build better women?


Heard my neighbours had their girl-talk on the balcony.

Man let me tell you, thats some WIERD-ASS SHIT girls are into and like.

They play games, are childish and psychotic in their behavior, and they know they are and they admit it amongst eachother.
Women by default have a detrimental behavior.

When a Women sees another Women got what she dont, a good man, a good house, a good fit body, then her way of moving forward is to betray her friend or destroy for her colleague.
Like trying to cheat with her man, trying to put sugar in her coffee so she gets extra fat. Women are backstabbers.

When a man sees another successful man or a man with a feminine women, he thinks that he will develop and self-improve to become like him and get a girl like that.

Girls want to test a man if he is dominant or not.
Heard my neighbour explain how she put on a very short sexy dress and told his boyfriend she was going out to party on a friday night even though they made plans to have dinner together.

She did this not because that she wanted to go out and party, but in order for her man to control her and stop her from going out and show that he is in control and she is not

And he let her go out.
Then she said to her friends "why didnt he just stop me and said that we alreaedy had made dinner plans and told me to shut up?"

"Didnt he understand that I just wanted him to stop me by force".

Be careful, women are psychotic childish backstabbers.

None you fucking soyboy cuck

>soyboy cuck
>putting a woman in line


Well its been 18 years now, so... I think I'm doing something right. When I leave she thinks about what just happened and calms the fuck down. Then when I get back we can talk.

Maybe I'm just and old fag and women have changed. I met my wife when she was a 16 year old virgin and I was 18 been together ever since. Had 4 blue eyed sons, one died, and we are still together. I honestly have no idea what roasties are like.
But, hitting one doesn't seem like a good idea for many reasons.

Weak men create hysterical women. Feminism was one big shittest and men of that generation collectively lost.

Say 'Hi' to your wife's kids for me.

You don't need beatings imo. You just need a culture that isn't completely shameless. A woman will take a beating and still keep being a thot, but if she thinks that her peers all despise her, she will change her behavior.

Whatever dumb ass you fucks are cringy as fuck. You're such a bunch of weak useless fucks that you can't even imagine how anyone else could have a nice stable life and a good wife

Fucking sad.

you dont have to beat her physically. plebs

OP, this guy has it right.

You don't need to "beat" most women as in actually physically punch them in the face, the worst you'll ever have to do is shake them around a bit and give them a spanking. Women actually want you to be rough and spank them and such, which is why they act out in the first place.


Says the man raising another's children.

>my wife apologizes and makes me my favorite foods when we fight and all I have to do is walk out of the room.
>I met my wife when she was a 16 year old virgin and I was 18 been together ever since
You're full of fucking shit you larping faggot. Show me your tits.

Honestly if that's true then what you have is some kind of weird 1800s relationship in some Mormon town. She's only 34yrs old and you're bonded by children. Just wait until she's 40 are her sex drive increases. Unless you have her brainwashed in some rabbi Jesus cult.

>implying there's a need to find a minimum level
Your question should be
"How much beating can women take before they stop functioning?"

Whatever makes you feel better about being a fucking no wife or life having loser. Go ahead and get you a roastie and beat her. A good traditional women will not take that shit, and you will end up in jail getting fucked by Tyrone.

Sad sad fucks all of you.

How much beating of OP is necessary in order to keep Sup Forums functioning?

OP must be disciplined to stay in line. At the present he is not disciplined in any way or form and Sup Forums is descending into the abyss. How much sageing will be needed on a regular basis to keep OP in check and save Sup Forums?

When a cunt misbehaves it needs to be spanked.

Im seriously consdering a christian women, are they any better?


Depends on the woman

>the West is descending into the abyss.
Kremlin threads attack western degeneracy as part of far-right propaganda campaign. The Russian social media trolls try to make "the West" seem like it's degenerate to trigger the far right fascists. Works like a charm on Sup Forums.

That explains the thousands of "degenerate" and other threads that play into Putin propaganda campaigns on Sup Forums everyday:
-->All the Capitalism, communism, Marxism threads
-->All the Syria General, Trump General threads
-->All the former Soviet SSR threads (Ukraine, Poland, Serbia, etc.)
-->All the cultural marxism, SJW and West is degenerate threads
-->All the Russia good, America bad threads
-->All the minority hate threads


>Im seriously consdering a christian women, are they any better?
They can forgive themselves of anything and are sexually repressed.. until they're not.

Violence against weaker beings is needless and vile.

>You don't need beatings imo. You just need a culture that isn't completely shameless. A woman will take a beating and still keep being a thot, but if she thinks that her peers all despise her, she will change her behavior.


If you want to make a woman think something it unattractive, make it socially unacceptable among her peers.

A women with no social support will fall apart.

Of course not. Christianity teachds them they can do whatever they want and it doesnt matter.

Grew up in small southern town, most of the girls in my highschool and a lot of the guys were virgins when they graduated. It was the 90s but the whole town still had values. If a girl was a whore she was shunned for it and god forbid if she had a mixed child the whole town would ostracize her.
Honesty IMO once a woman jumps on the cock carousel she is no longer any good.

Ok what scenario is best. Chose only 1 (one).

A, Girl who lost her virginity at 14 years old and have had more cocks than would cover the equator of the Earth, and who have ridden the Cock-Carusel very very heavily multiple times a week for a decade.
B, A christian church-going girl.

>Kremlin threads attack western degeneracy as part of far-right propaganda campaign
You are correct accept for one major point. The Duginists are actually Spencer and Bannon (((Alt-Right))) shills and they make a lot of the anti-Fascist anti-white threads too. Dugin wants white genocide and so do the e-celebs, even Alex Jones.

Duginism = new NeoCons.

>Christianity teaches them they can do whatever they want.

But thats just bullshit.

The World and satanic society teaches them they can do whatever they want though.
Are you for real haha?

>Ok what scenario is best. Chose only 1 (one).
>A, Girl who lost her virginity at 14 years old and have had more cocks than would cover the equator of the Earth, and who have ridden the Cock-Carusel very very heavily multiple times a week for a decade.
>B, A christian church-going girl.
I'm telling you that Christian girls are horney as fuck. I know this from experience. They fuck and then ask for forgivness. It's part of their entire out-look on life. And it's made way more tastey because it's a sin. They're cheating not just on their boyfriend but on their entire church and family. And they love to cry and beg for Jesus to forgive them. They get off on it. Like they get off on watching soap opera dramas.

Christians are liars.

Control the mind, and you control the body.


All women are liars and backstabbers, whatever form the come in.
Shaming christian girls just make you look stupid.
Cock-Carusel girls are not any better.

So you're calling beta basically all of mankind before the last ~50 years?

never use a closed fist on a woman first of all...
just buy a paddle and beat her naked ass whenever she spazzes out or disrespects you increasing the number depending on the severity of her misconduct
unless of course she just ends up liking it then you could get a flog and use that on her back
a quick slap to the face is best for all minor misteps though

although I'm sure some of you will say women will like all of those punishments and get turned on that isn't actually true it depends on the context and her mood
if she realizes she did something wrong and you're angry she most likely won't enjoy the physical abuse as she would if you're in the bedroom with her and she's anticipating sex
though I'm sure there are some women who would enjoy being dominated like that in all contexts I believe those are the minority

you're that one faggot that likes going to all threads about corporal punishment and saying how "true men never need to hit anyone"
if your dog bites you you better not kick it
never use a switch on your children either
though I'm pretty sure you're just a larping faggot who's never even had a gf

anyone who does not spank their wife is a failure of a man

>Shaming christian girls just make you look stupid.
Christians are the power source of the Jew. They're the greatest evil on earth. Without them there would be no basis for Islam, Satanism, Judiasm, and egalitarian Communist slave morality.

Western Civilization will die from worshiping a fucking rabbi as the creator of existence. And they've only really been fully Christianized since 1250AD.

all you dumb perma virgins who actually think this clearly have never been in a serious relationship with a woman before
there is no woman on this planet that would not benefit from a slap to the face every now and then

>there is no woman on this planet that would not benefit from a slap to the face every now and then
Hey I never said don't hit em

lol beating women. Its more pathetic then beating animals. How about you retards do something more productive with your lives like manual labor.

seemed to be what you were implying considering that's exactly what the person you were responding to said

women will learn to submit to The Claw

so if your dog bites you what do you do?
similar response is a required for a woman that talks back to you

Very obvious bot

Non you faggot beating your wifen is for brain dead slavs and arabs a wifes job is to make her man work and to keep him working. She should only please with the end of keeping you calm and motivated theu are not there for your entertainment

You can definitely spank a woman hard enough that she'll learn a lesson even if she gets sexually aroused by being spanked.

im not a skinny fat little chimp like most muslim men so I wouldn't take offense to my lack of masculinity.

She gets her beating anyway cause she only accepts A REAL MAN
>hey baby I wants me a rrreeeeellls mans baby, look at chu you ain't shit
I just laugh at these abused women.

Same as children.
Just treat women legally like we do with children and every problem will go away.

They want a real man to take her under his wing and protect her from the big scary world. She would rather take gis beatings thenlive her own life. Women are weak its to be expected

Childish games like this is why I can't take women seriously.
