I hate this poo, but these stupid women are going too far. We need to have a hashtag of our own, to defend all of the men being shamed and ruined without any fucking evidence at all. #HimToo
Its time for a #HimToo movement!
This street shitter is anti white. He deserves nothing less than death.
Yes, but he could be useful
This. Let the fucker burn
sorry i hate poos in the loo more than women.
a shitskin is not a man, a shitskin does not have a name nor does he have a nationality or ethnicity, go to back plebbit have never come back here again
liberal single whorish women attack liberal anti white men
metoo is fucking fantastic
>#HimToo movement!
all you have to do is #RapeSmart
Useful to what possible end? He's doing his job just fine by getting tarred and feathered.
>Alinsky's Rule #4
This thread has no strategic purpose for us. Feminists picking apart the grand multicult coalition is only good for us.
>liberal single whorish
triple redundancy you have there
I hate the fucker too. But he's one man, and the bitch crying rape movement is huge.You can play both sides here. He deserves what he gets, but we should call these sluts out for their witch hunt.
He is definitely anti-white.
Let this lib drown in his own shit.
On "Master of None" he actually made a story arc of an Italian American food TV show producer getting in trouble for sexual misconduct.
The irony is pretty sweet.
>wanting to stop this
Only lefties and pussies that are easily pushed around have been affected by this, anyone that doesn't adhere to the entertainment leftist groupthink is shunned so they are completely unaffected. These people have made their beds, they have created this environment and now they are reaping what they have sown.
No you faggots, if you're going to do a movement, use #ignoreroasties not some bullshit victimizing coddle "metoo" shit
>defend all of the men
Hahaha no
These men aren't our allies and their only use is to be flayed alive by their own side as a warning to the others
>This thread has no strategic purpose for us. Feminists picking apart the grand multicult coalition is only good for us.
That is small, naive thinking. The left wants to use this movement to usher in a new era of sex contracts, and "yes means yes" bullshit , and ultra cucked men, who are going to be too afraid to even look at a women, let alone have sex with her. The writing is on the wall here. The movement needs to be attacked and labeled the witch hunt that it is.
We continue to let the left eat itself
We support every accusation against a leftist media fuck
We let them burn in the very fire they built
Indian here, he's a fucking kebab , destroy this faggot.
We're all men. Laugh at him today, get fired from your job tomorrow because a female coworker thinks you looked at her wrong. This affects us all.
All of these "Feminist allies" richly deserve to burn. A social media campaign won't help us, as it is the tool of women. What needs to happen is for a man who isn't a little bitch to just dismiss/ignore the allegations against him as women being silly. Remember how Trump did exactly this multiple times? Notice how well that worked.
Its smarter to co-opt their movement and spin it. We know what a roastie is, but normies "out there" don't, and thats where the fight takes place.
Small minded. You need to get out more. ITS NOT JUST HOLLYWOOD LIBS GETTING HURT. They make the news because theyre famous, but everyday real men, in the real world are being hurt by hysterical sluts who are taking cues from the media. My friends dad is a dentist. His assistant had her headphones on and he touched her shoulder to get her attention. Now he's facing losing his license because these bitches are so hysterical. This movement is going to hurt all men. Thats why the media is ok with hurting some of their own. Stop being so fucking myopic.
This is what worries me. They are laying the ground work for some 1984/brave new world love child that we won't ever escape from.
You know these false rape accusations have plagued your average goy for literally decades. All I'm interested in is why it's suddenly such an issue now that (((them))) and their useful idiots are on the receiving end? I'm not saying you, or the other 9001 posters who make these threads, are shills, but it's highly coincidental. Imagine for a second that Sup Forums didn't really care about immigration and it was never discussed. Right up until Israel was forced to take immigrants and then suddenly the board was full of threads asking how we stop this immigration because it's going too far. Would you say it was pure coincidence?
Either way fuck him, I honestly couldn't care less. It's poetic justice based on what he preaches. If you are a shill, and it really is just pure coincidence, then fuck you too and I hope you get your comeuppance.
Also this stuff. Though it will be funny to watch companies stop hiring women all together
Unedited version plox?
Let him fry. Bitched about how scared he was because of Trump. Get's booty blasted by the Left. He was warned. You only had to listen!
This nigger knows the score. Never bend and never apologize. You only make the chimps more chimpier.
The worst thing you can do to them is ignore them. See Eminem.
He's got lines ready
The MeToo movement depends on the most patriarchal ideals - women as fragile little creatures, and men as the strong powerful ones preying on them. Just extend their logic and give them what they want.
Some bullshit like that. Form fake organizations like the Proud Boys that swear an oath to defend the weaker sex from sexual predators.
I'm half poo in loo and I hate this faggot. Fuck him he wanted to play their games well now let's see if he likes it when they now turned on him. Stupid cunt.
>companies stop hiring women all together
brick and mortar boomer companies with diversity quotas are going to go the way that retail did, at an even faster rate of disruption
male only, propertyless, decentralised online companies will fill every market, need, and function outside of inefficient government subsidised trash.
Every guy that has been metoo'd so far is a idiot anyway, why should we care?
The most useful thing we could do is have him charged for looking at a white woman
>I really enjoyed watching white men get strung up on spurious allegations of sexual misconduct, but now that it's affecting liberals and minorities I want it to stop
Nope. They created this monster, let it eat them alive.
You're too dumb to live, seriously, There's a reason why the left is pushing this movement, and even sacrificing their own. THINK ABOUT IT.
>"oye vey all of our liberal democrats are having thier careers ruined because of #metoo we have to shut it down"
fuck off niggerkike
good one, for those who heard her stupid version.
This. Also because he's a hypocritical and predatory male feminist, just like Harvey Weinstein.
is this the roastie? fucking thicc need 8x6 cock to satisfy
Why not #WomenAreAdults ?
Seriously, the suffragettes fought to be treated as adults, not children, and yet they're now saying that they're too vulnerable to be able to speak up and say "no" when a guy makes a move. Well which is it? Are they adults who can speak for themselves? Or are they helpless children who don't know what they're doing and who need men to say "no" for them?
If women are to be treated as adults, then #metoo should stop sympathizing with women who claim to be victims but who never said "no" to the men.
#WomenAreAdults, people. High time they acted like it.
The majority of celebs are liberals. Celebs make news when theyre in trouble. Uncle Steve doesn't. Liberals arent the only ones being hurt. You just can't see it from your tv or computer.
What about all the men who have been sexually violated?
Personally as a guy I have been taken advantage of at parties when I'm too drunk to say or do otherwise, and have been groped at concerts.
When will we acknowledge that women are downright predatory?
Gestalt? I havent followed this shit
Would you take the chance hiring a woman now?
They're going to get btfo hard because poo in loo muslims are more important than white women in the SJW world
Why would you even care or get involved? Why would you create a thread about this and not the Twitter scandal?
> that disgusting shit skinned Indian is anti-American and anti Trump.
> why would you get involved if the enemy is destroying itself?
I swear this place only has newfags, retards, and shills now
People like that shit skin are part of the problem and need to burn.
When the enemy is tearing itself apart why would you get involved? This piece of shit used to have some moral Authority in the media and he used it to tear down America and white people. Now he is getting what is coming to him
How retarded can you people be? Let the enemy tear itself apart. Stay out of it unless you want to add on to his distress. But don't come running like a queer white night. He has accused countless people of being racist for no reason, time he gets a little lesson about making accusations that can ruin people's lives.
This. Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.