Every other kid i grew up knowing had a mother who was a trophy wife. Trophy wives are married for their looks, not their brains. So theres all these rich kids running around as if they could do what their daddies could do, even tho their daddies had an iq 30 points higher than them. Basically, the world is getting more and more used to the fact that your money-making-ability doesnt depend on how rich your parents were, or what college you went to. It depends on how smart your parents are. Simple as that. Liberals literally will kill ppl who are spouting the shit im spouting right now. Because it destroys their whole “muh discrmunashun” argument.
Is the age of “grooming your kids to be the next jet setters” over?
Other urls found in this thread:
Getting kids to being in contact with only two people...
Also it's unrelated. It depends on different factors, even being correlated to some of this, it is time to accept the fact, that you can meet different information than your parents, because we live in 21st century and there is widespread of internet acess.
>the fact that your money-making-ability doesnt depend on how rich your parents were,
>While a few high achievers scale the summits of wealth, the rest are finding it harder to move up from one economic class to another. One study by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston found that fewer families moved from one quintile, or fifth, of the income ladder to another during the 1980s than during the 1970s, and that still fewer moved in the '90s than in the '80s.
>In America, the problem is amplified by widening income inequalities. The rich are simply getting richer so much faster that social mobility can't keep up.
Back when the US was a land of opportunity, you had 90% marginal tax rates, industrial policy, strong militant unions and a full employment policy.
Now you inherit your class. The books are closed, elites are determined at birth.
What about no?
>Be middle class family
>Parents retire, remain frugal
>Basically live off the interest of their investments
>Die, distribute to three kids ~300k each
>Kids are all middle class, but can invest an extra 300k in their 40's
>Turns into pic related
>All of the sudden total net worth of all three children enters upper class as they retire with almost twice as much money
>Repeat for multiple generations
The only excuse for not advancing in class is that someone didn't know how to manage money and fucked it up.
I feel like the bimbo phase died out in 2010. in the early 2000's we had Britney spears, paris hilton, Lindsay lohan. Now Normies are starting to despise the Kardashian family
Assuming, your children can't enter upper class, being 20.
You are degenerate.
The Bell Curve LITERALLY explained all this damn near 25 years ago. Even predicted the rise of "social justice" fags. Read The Bell Curve, OP.
I'm going to guess you're not a native English speaker. Could you try and reword this? I'm curious as to what you mean
>Basically, the world is getting more and more used to the fact that your money-making-ability doesnt depend on how rich your parents were, or what college you went to. It depends on how smart your parents are. Simple as that.
High IQ individuals are less likely to fixate on acquiring wealth.
This is what a statist looks like. Read John Taylor Gatto and homeschool your children. Don't let the government feed them nothing but bluepills for 14 years.
Havent read it but i have read about that book alot. I agree with it completely. The idea that Iq matters more than how rich ur parents are i think i snagged from the bell curve.
Goddamn she’s hot. Looks like Victoria Justice
In order to prevent your kid from being infected, they have to take it in small dosages like a vaccine.
But the odds are that you're going to have at least one fuckup, maybe more, in a generation.
My father was intelligent and careful enough to manage his money to protect it from fuckup kids. My wife's family wasn't, and it's mostly gone. My wife's money *would* be gone if she managed it herself, because she doesn't know how to think about it.
If somebody got internet at 15 and is not strictly mental challanger, he is possible to enter class up by 20 if you give him a change.
I never saw parents telling children truth. Red pill makes you incapable to reproduce.
family has many members above 120 IQ, but plagued with mental illness.....stuck in the middle class
I teach college, and I can confirm OP's point. You would not believe how many reasonably bright men are running around with airhead wives. Somehow they never figured out that the mom's IQ would contribute to the kids' IQ too, so they end up with a group of idiot heirs who can barely make it through college and can't possibly continue the family business or whatever. Ultimately, the money all goes away, because nobody taught (or could teach) these cretins how to manage it.
People have no idea how easy it is to squander a multimillion-dollar inheritance.
Holy shit, you must be psychotic. Getting even a positive real return is unlikely for that time period, no matter what your 401k scam tells you.
I never saw teachers telling the kids truth.
More importantly, at least with parents the kids learn loyalty to family instead of whoever state or corporations assignes as their boss.
OP is one dumb motherfucker.
My average return for the last 5 years is 9.4% annualized just by putting it in the safest index funds available. If you aren't net positive after 20 years you might be clinically retarded
Read the actual book. It's written for laymen and you'll know what sources to cite in future arguments.
Baka trashcan slayer, did you forget you don't believe in truth anyway? Or have you decided to admit you think that Marx == Truth?
>If you aren't net positive after 20 years you might be clinically retarded
When you buy (price) is much much more important than WHAT you buy (for baskets of securities). Read The Intelligent Investor. Don't forget you're in a bull market rapidly approaching a bubble.
>Generation Z whiner - the post
>that moment when a boomer walks into the room
Do you like the america you created? Are you happy that you destroyed the nation of your forefathers, just so you could have a shitload of cheap niggers and spicks blow fucking leaves off your lawn?
tell you buddy,
No one are born to be kingPrince,general, Prime Minister
we need revolution
Well, not belonging in a group doesn't mean to belong to trahscan slayers.
Marx is not truth, even saying anything about anarchy.
On the other side, you don't really have any truth in red pills either way.
What's the point in marring someone who can't even give you a boner?
making money has nothing to do with "how smart you are"... the only thing that is relevant in this matter is control over resources, even the dumbest monkey will drain world dry if he has control over resources.
so even the dumb offsprings are sent to universities and colleges, not to get educated, but to get acquainted and brotherly with other rich kids of whatever intellectual capacity, obviously they have smart kids around too, but they are the staff... Bush was a president despite everything...
>On the other side, you don't really have any truth in red pills either way.
Red pills are by definition truths that the powers that be don't want you to know. If they are not true, they're not redpills. Name one "redpill" that you think isn't true.
And actually I'll leave you with this redpill on homeschooling as well. Pic related.
The problem with homeschooling is how socially disabled a lot of the kids end up being. At least where I'm from they were all the type to police everyone's language and be like the spergy theatre kids. They did do better in school than most though
That's a stereotype with little foundation in reality. Homeschooled children are BETTER socialized than public school children, and how could they not be? They're not forced into interacting with unruly niggers all day and are much less likely to have to deal with bullying.
Came here to say this. The late 90s to around 2010 was a ten year period where the (((media))) was all about making "celebutantes" famous and pushing them. The Paris Hiltons, Nicole Richies, Kardashians, etc. were all rich from their previous generations' money and not from their own abilities. (It's interesting that when they do make money on their own, it's on clothing lines, and then that is after they're famous.)
Stars like Brittney Spears and Lindsey Lohan were lumped into this group, not just because they partied with them, but also because they exhibited the same self-destructive behavior; but they were the ones actually earning money and not just using the wealth their family accrued. That's just one reason why Brittney straightened herself out; she realized that she was her own gravy train.
But now, the Bernie-bros and those created by the "Occupy Wall Street" movement (the millennials that expect something for nothing) aren't going to just blindly worship the hedonistic nature of those that act like they're better than everyone else because they have money.
Remember, the (((media))) portrays antifa as heroes for a reason.
I'm just going by my hometown. But I'm from a smaller town, we don't have black people or significant bullying issues. Also an unsightly population of mormons
Learn the facts man. Homeschooling is undeniably superior to public schooling.