How do racists deal with the fact that they are going to hell?
How do racists deal with the fact that they are going to hell?
As long as you don't fear death and love Jesus you're always welcome in Heaven.
I dont see racism anywhere in Dante's depiction of hell you traitor.
Maybe because Dante’s inferno is a fictional book
>How do racists deal with the fact that they are going to hell?
They lie about what Christianity is on the internet to make it fit their racist worldview.
We all go to Hell in the End if you surf Sup Forums
just like the bible
Why would god make me a racist and then send me to hell for it? Is he retarded?
By understanding that being racist is not a sin and knowing I will be judged with the sqme measure I judge others.
>posting this kike on a pagan board
>form my ideology based upon science
>fear an imaginary place in a fiction book written by inbred sandniggers
Fuck, how will I recover?
by that logic nobody goes to Hell because everyone was created by God so everyone is innocent for their actions.
>he doesn't know jebus was a nordic white nationalist
uh read the bibble dude
Hell doesn't exist.
>in all fields
>form my ideology based upon science
>racism is based on facts
Get a load of this retard.
Exactly, it doesn't make any sense. If god is all powerful then he is the cause of everything good and bad alike and would know my future when creating me
People do not understand that everyone is racist. Its a natural thing.
Some people just hide it more than others. Time for you to suck dicks,OP
"Racism" is based on biological in group fucking pleb
God is a lie and 70% of non-white people should be gassed and genocided.