I'm willing to tell you Sup Forums anything you want about prison that I can legally share. I've worked as a guard in one for awhile so I should be able to elucidate some things.
How many of the staff are
1. trafficking drugs and other contraband into the prison
2. how many of the staff have engaged in illicit sexual acts with members of the prison population
As a CO whats your opinion of prison snitches?
Why do the people on the outside speak of the greatness of the niggers inside if they can't even adapt to living in a building 24/7? I've watched beyond scared straight faithfully, and every nigger in there either has learned from there mistakes (very small minority) and wants to do better, or just act like absolute fucking apes in a cage.
Which gang rules your yard
Post the most disturbing shit you saw in there.
How dangerous is it if you are or aren’t affiliated with a gang?
Pic unrelated
Is the soap joke actually a thing ?
How come there's not as many cameras as there are in casinos? It's literally a joke that people get away with murder, take, assault, etc in a guarded prison. There's no excuse for there not to be 24/7 surveillance. They can track me in my house with a smartphone but they won't track prisoner movements in the prison.
Do you ever call the niggers "Toby " "boy" or "nigger"?
What are the main gangs that rule prison?
How common is for new inmates to get assraped during shower?
Does people really stick things up their asses for contraband?
How are drugs common?
How things like contraband and drugs get in here? I mean, there must be a guard or some staff that let them in
How common is trying to escape? Would people prefer to spend 5years more or try to break free?
What happens if a cop get jailed, will he get a isolated room from other inmates for protection?
How corrupted are guards?
what state you worked in op?
I worked in a private prison. It is full of wicked people that will never be rehabilitated. The best society can hope for is keeping them away from non-violent normal people. My time as a CO cured me of liberal delusion for sure.
>inb4 op never shows up
1 post by this ID
About 2%. Why anyone would fuck those smelly bastards is beyond me.
Mostly funny. My sergeant gets snitch notes and shares the funniest ones with us. Most of them are people who owe money or are trying too remove someone from the cell block.
90% of them are little bitches who'll say " suh has suh"
The gorilla stones are the biggest.
I saw a guy slit his own chest open and hulk hogan`d himself
It really depends on how much of a cut you are
No. Don't drop it
Which ethnicity were the most educated, did you get any good /lit/ discussions on the prisoners?
do guards ever do anything about shower assrapes?
Not OP but:
>What are the main gangs that rule prison?
The prison I worked in was ruled by latin kings.
>How common is for new inmates to get assraped during shower?
Depends on what state the imates were from. Oklahoma inmates were all about ass rape, but Wisconsin inmates were not.
>Does people really stick things up their asses for contraband?
Yes, they do.
>How are drugs common?
I never found any, maybe because I wasn't very good at my job.
>How things like contraband and drugs get in here? I mean, there must be a guard or some staff that let them in
Yes, guards make money that way.
>How common is trying to escape? Would people prefer to spend 5years more or try to break free?
Maybe every 3 or 4 months, sometimes it's just a suicide by guard attempt.
>What happens if a cop get jailed, will he get a isolated room from other inmates for protection?
Nope. I'd guess he is in real trouble.
>How corrupted are guards?
Maybe only 5 or 10 % would consider joining the convict.
Did you hate your job? Did it have a profoundly negative effect on you psychologically? How much did you make? Would you recommend it to a NEET in his late twenties?
Because it interfere with our job so we pressure our union to stop that shit. We're obligated to wear bodycameras and the inmates don't give a shit. It ties our hands.
Not around a camera
>What are the main gangs that rule prison
The gorilla stones and the trinidatos
>How common is for new inmates to get assraped during shower?
Really depends on how feminine they look
>Does people really stick things up their asses for contraband?
I've seen guys with 12"condoms filled with contraband shoved up there.
>How are drugs common?
About 60% of the inmates are carrying
>How things like contraband and drugs get in here? I mean, there must be a guard or some staff that let them in
They get packages and visitors. That's how virtually all the drugs get in. Fucking liberals cry when we propose stopping it, so nothing happens
>How common is trying to escape?
All the time but nothing ever really comes of it.
>What happens if a cop get jailed, will he get a isolated room from other inmates for protection?
They get protective custody most of the time.
>How corrupted are guards?
Not very, mostly just apathetic.
How many first timers attempt suicide when they arrive?
>Did you hate your job?
I didn't hate it, but I wouldn't make a career out of it. Any work day could be your last.
>Did it have a profoundly negative effect on you psychologically?
Not really. I think I grew up a lot.
>How much did you make?
Peanuts. It was maybe 3 or 4 $$ above minimum wage.
>Would you recommend it to a NEET in his late twenties?
Only if you need to grow up and learn natural law, in the Roman sense of natural law.
New York. The state actively tries to prevent us from doing our job.
It made me wish ny still had the death penalty
I don't make friends with murderers and rapists
If we catch it we stop it.
I hate the job but love the money. I was a need before I took it and it's turned me into a gigantic racist. If you want money, take it.
Not to many unless they're a pedo. You get a couple every month though, Christmas is the busiest time.
>Peanuts. It was maybe 3 or 4 $$ above minimum wage.
I made close to 100k last year, you probably worked county right?
>How many first timers attempt suicide when they arrive?
I only saw one. He made a dam out of towels and blankets on the edge of his bed, so that his blood would pool up around him, instead of dripping on his cell mate below, after he slit his wrists. The only way he survived is he crossed his arms across his chest, which stemmed the blood flow just enough.
Whats the most common way to smuggle drugs in?
>you probably worked county right?
CCA in rural town
Do they store contraband in the foreskin as well? Do they have to retract it?
>New York State
My ex's sort of brother-in-law is a prison officer over that way. If you know Anne say hi!
Smuggled in through packages or through contact in the visiting room. Last week an inmate got send a loaf of bread hollowed out and filled with k2
imma just leave this here
Wow it's almost like some people have other shit to do other than post here.
The union in ny has done mostly alright by us.
Whats a cut?
>Prison guard
Enjoy your hepatitis.
How many Crumb-cakes is it gonna cost me to get my salad tossed?
Cunt. Most people in prison just want to serve their time and leave, they get used to the routine and get pisssed off when it's dissrupted.
You know how I know you're lying? Because they don't use actual bars of soap in prison anymore faggot. They use liquid soap dispensers. They did this because it saves a ton of money and because people wouldn't shut the fuck up about the "drop the soap" jokes. There's a very tiny minority of prisons/jails that still use bar soap, but the odds that you're one of them is highly unlikely.
Go larp somewhere else.
Do you/guards/staff actively identify sociopaths and people who are going to outright murder others, or is it kind of a "Wait until they murder someone then react"?
I'm always shocked so many people just get put in iron cubes and act like its fuckin' okay for 10 years. Shocked there aren't more rampages, brutal murders, horrifying escape attempts, dead guards etc.
Conjugal visits?
Apparently it doesn't hit you for a few years that you're there for a very long time
Kek always figured this. Thnx for clearing that up
They got a pill for that, fuck you up hardcore though.
Ask the porter I don't do that gay shit.
> know how I know you're lying? Because they don't use actual bars of soap in prison anymore faggit
Yeah they do you mongoloid, I fucking pass that out to them. Ny has a literal soap factory run by inmates to make their shitty little bars of soap.
>Federal correctional lieutenant
>No more than 75k.
You said you are/were a guard. But even a lieutenant doesn't make as much. Eat shit liar.
Oh shit conflicting soap stories now.
Anyone been to ameriburger prison can chime in and clear this up?
They get identified by psych but sometimes they slip through. And they're outside of their cells most of the time, even in made. They still need to eat, go to the yard, go to programs, even in SHU they can still talk to the guys next to them.
>Do you/guards/staff actively identify sociopaths and people who are going to outright murder others, or is it kind of a "Wait until they murder someone then react"?
>I'm always shocked so many people just get put in iron cubes and act like its fuckin' okay for 10 years. Shocked there aren't more rampages, brutal murders, horrifying escape attempts, dead guards etc.
Convicts usually make themselves known in county before arriving in the pen. We had a dedicated pod for the worst behaved inmates. The worst behavior was stepped on before they got to us.
It's called overtime, which you can easily sign up for.
Some places have them, the inmates who earn that privilege are normally the best behaved.
Why are jail guards so much different from prison guards? The guys at the jail are some of douchiest and petty people in the world. I saw a guy get tased once because he didn't wake up fast enough in the middle of the night for the guard to check the TB shot on his arm.
Probably a different work culture. I don't deal with drunk drivers, but murderers. If you try to pull some stupid shit in here someone will try to kill you eventually.
>I saw a guy get tased once because he didn't wake up fast enough
They taught that faggot a lesson.
Ohio also had the inmates making (and using) bars of soap. But that was 15 years ago. I don’t know what they’re doing now.
t. made sure Jerome didn’t put razor blades or rat poison in prison chow.
It was a shocking wakeup call
how many male inmates are having sex with other male inmates?
is it something they just can't avoid?
>how many male inmates are having sex with other male inmates?
Hard to say. Convicts lie about everything.
>The gorilla stones and the trinidatos
it's trinitarios DPL 1844
In my prison? Not a lot, since they're always supervised when out of there cells, but it does occassionally happen.
I don't work with CIU, so give me a break
since prison are highly self segregated what is your experience with the races, what have you noticed?
thanks for your answers, also
how common is for inmates to get a day of permit for going outside like to parents funeral?
What are the % of whites, blacks and latinos?
How many guards risk their lives?
What is the most common way inmates kill each other?
Will people convicted for murder/rape get rehabilitated once out or will just murder/rape again?
Are you more agreeable towards white inmates?
Why do you suck dicks?