Not even pretending to be ancap anymore.
Completely abandoned his ideology in favor of more youtube views.
Not even pretending to be ancap anymore
Other urls found in this thread:
>philosophy podcast
No true libertarian is libertarian when it comes to the encroaching global tech monopoly being perpetrated by Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter etc. They must be stopped for the sake of true liberty.
He has finally accepted the impracticality of libertarian ideals in the short term. To have any chance of a libertarian future, we need to control immigration today. Only then might we have the hope of securing a free society sometime in the future. Importing masses of third world leftists with low IQs will not bring us any closer to a libertarian utopia, and neither will allowing the US to collapse and letting China and/or Russia take over the world.
Libertarians are almost exclusively white males with above average IQs. The more of those people in your population, the better chances you have of creating a libertarian society. You are only as free as the people around you allow you to be. You don't have libertarianism without property rights, and you don't have have property rights unless they're respected, which means if you live in a society made up of IQ 80 dindus, you have no property rights.
You can't have open borders ever, though. Subhumans will always crawl away from their shitnest towards the golden city. Welfare state or not, give subhumans voting rights and they will always vote for gibs.
If you had an ideal libertarian society, then it would be successful until the borders were opened and the hordes started voting for politicians and laws and bills that gave them free shit.
>dat debate with Kokesh
Stefan was right though. How can you practice NAP with neighbors like, let say, muslims?
Like that Myanmar Buddhist said "You can be full of kindness and love, but you cannot sleep next to a mad dog."
He grew his base with AnCap stuff. There are no ''fascist shekels'' to be gained. Molyneux is simply human and holding beliefs that you know to be false is hard as hell if you're a normal human being. That's why he couldn't contain his AnCap act.
We can see time and time again which ideas win in the marketplace of ideas.
>in favor of more logic, truth, and reason
Kokesh has the same bullshit idea that conservatives have. Let all the subhumans come into the country and they'll magically become libertarians/conservative voters after some time.
I've lived around Mexicans here in the states my entire life, so I understand the way low-iq people work. Ben Shapiro or Kokesh need to be forced to live around subhumans before they can spout their idealistic nonsense again.
So you're advocating for more government regulations on businesses?
>If you had an ideal libertarian society, then it would be successful until the borders were opened and the hordes started voting for politicians and laws and bills that gave them free shit.
In an ideal libertarian society, all land and property is private, meaning that everything is bordered. The only immigrants that would be allowed would need to be invited by a property owner, and they would need to reach that property without trespassing on anyone else's property. The logical conclusion of libertarian ideals is a form of feudalism.
It's difficult to be ancap when everything the free market provides can be brought down by state capitalism. It's also difficult to remain idealistic when your opponents don't play fair and lie. Libertarians have no option but to agree with democrats that Twitter is a private company, but the left isn't consistent and honest.
Realistically what can we do to fight off against r-selected individuals and the erasing of our property rights and free speech? My guess is essentially you're going to have angry whites who want change and if Donald Trump fails, we're going to vote a democrat. So then we need a conservative running a democrat ticket and do what Macron did. It seems like a losing battle and ultimately the most pragmatic choice is improving your life and making as much money as possible.
>Completely abandoned his ideology in favor of a more rational and logical approach tot he realities on the ground
Wow. I don't even watch him, but rejecting ancap is part of becoming fully human.
Ancap was an cap literally.
>It's not even meme-tiered.
Libertarianism is the most important bridge to get leftists and righties into the mode of skepticism. Learning that mainstream media and education is complete political theater. The next bridge is pragmatism. That comes with age or exposure to evidence. Everyone who's concerned with liberty must be forced to pay attention to threats of communism. Consequently, voting blocs and demographics matters.
economics is boring, and that's that ancaps focus on. so much is subjective conjecture too and trying to one up on irrelevant models.
Just think for one minute about the AnCap belief system: capitalism aka survival of the fittest product (i.e. most cost effective, most aesthetic, etc...) You will note that the best products are produced by the people most fit to produce these products.
And it turns out that this very statement, that for any competition, you have winners and losers, implies by definition that there are superiors and inferiors in every measurable field. This essentially means that equality is simply a false doctrine. If we were all equal, there would be no point to a running race because we would all reach the finish line at the same time.
In his example of the squirrels, it turns out that one squirrel has evolved a larger size and more strength, giving it a fighting advantage over the other squirrels, while another evolved longer feet, allowing it to outrun predators and other squirrels. The last squirrel evolved a better memory, allowing it to yes, get bullied out of some of the acorns that it planted by the bigger squirrel, and yes, see another portion of its supply stolen by the faster running squirrel, but not all of the acorns will be gone. That race of squirrels will remember where the other acorns are, meaning that it has a larger capacity for intelligent design.
And from this simple example, you get the differences in intelligence in difference races of the same animal, whether that animal be a squirrel, a cat, a dog (i.e. German Sheppard vs. Pitbull) or any other creature alive.
What makes you think humans are any different?
>blacks are more conservative than spics
holy shit.
Every one comes around to race realism eventually.
Why? Because of life experience.
That's because intelligent people realize that Anarchism, socialism, communism, capitalism, libertarian, liberalism, organised religion, atheism and democracy etc and so on.
Are cancerous in nature, and that being smart is mutually exclusive.
why cant you imagine him abandoning his ideology because he changed his mind?
but closing the borders is compatible with liberalis, while your post implies that it does not.
courting leftists was the biggest mistake the libertarian movement has ever made. Now it's full of degenerate scum and people who are essentially a cunthair away from being commies, like Coke-kesh and Jeffrey Cucker.
California is on an accelerated path to communism and anti-Constitutional laws partly because of it.
Circle jerking people is big business.
His cowardice on the JQ, his refusal to address the Dailystormer shutdown, and his retarded support of the revolution in Iran destroyed my last shreds of respect I had for him.
No retard, a violent culling of the reptilian scum
Totally disagree. A large part of Sup Forums (perhaps the majority) started from the degenerate-loving leftist side because of rage against the Bush era (((neocons))). Liberty appeals to leftists just as much. Different reasons leading to the same conclusions.
*the world's BIGGEST philosophy podcast
He's not abandoning anarcho-capitalism, he's just calling for transparency, explaining that Twitter and other companies need to tell us exactly what they stand for and what their real guidelines are. If they're discriminating against white right-wingers, they better tell us, or else they're being unethically dishonest. It's akin to owning a plot of land and being told that there are a certain number of rules to abide by, and building a large home, accruing value for the land (making it more or less yours because ownership of land or a domain implies the addition of value). Then, the landlord destroys your house because you have right wing views while a man living next to you who is a socialist is unaffected.
By maintaining a twitter account, you are causing it to accrue value, making it yours. Twitter is just the land, your account is the house. If Twitter deletes your account based on hidden guidelines, that is unethical because
a) it was technically your private property
b) Twitter was lying to you when it conveyed the illusion that it was a safe area to build your account, when it ultimately deleted it or shadowbanned it
The NAP has been raped so badly for so long now with complete malice of forethought on the part of the rapists that any serious libertarian or ancap should advocate for complete genocide of politicians, academics, journalists, all foreign parasites etc. to even return to any semblance of justice and fairness in society.
>he isn't abandoning ancap
>he is just asking for the state to regulate a business because
>Not even pretending to be ancap anymore
he asked for your money nicely as a true uncap
but you faggot misers didn't give him any money
so he thought.. the world is too dumb for ancap
and he decided to offer his services for what pays
now you run to Sup Forums complaining
and who speaks?? fucking bulgaria
who can't fucking do anything but get butt-fucked and make porno movies
These kinds of posters always make me cringe because they presume non whites are capable of empathy, when in reality they see those bloody faces and go "das rite". The only way to deal with non whites is with extreme prejudice.
>Liberty appeals to leftists just as much
Scientific suggests that there is a biological basis for political leanings. There is a reason why libertarians are almost exclusively white males with above average IQ. It's not like has a filter that blocks everyone except for white males from accessing their site. Nothing is stopping a black or mexican person from picking up and reading a copy of For a New Liberty. Non-whites have no excuse to not be libertarian, and yet they are almost exclusively leftist.
Besides, even if it were true that a significant portion of leftists can be converted to libertarianism, my point still stands. The libertarian movement has been hijacked by leftist degenerate scum. Leftists have converted the movement, not the other way around. If you don't see that, then you haven't been a part of the movement for very long. Read some of the late Rothbard writings. He eventually acknowledged this mistake and became far more rightwing himself.
Libertarianism/minarchism/ancap is not a political ideal which has ever gained traction outside a 100% white thinly populated nation. White ethnonationalism is the only rational way to behave if you desire less government.
If you are truly an ancap and you don't support white nationalism, then you're simply an insane divide and conquer shill for the jews.
It's not his fault Twitter and Facebook have essentially merged with the government to monopolize the industry.
No, posters of truth are an appeal to whites and non-whites who have empathy. They're effective. Your "extreme prejudice" in contrast is usually a (((failed attempt))) to poison the well.
Is this standard libertarian or a certain variety? What/where can I read to learn more about this ideal? Ayn Rand?
>There is a reason why libertarians are almost exclusively white males with above average IQ.
Correct. Leftist-anarcho groups are also mostly white. Hence many of them come around to libertarianism once they realize they've been misdirecting their rage. Then many of them become more conservative after enough evidence. Brainwashing doesn't wear off over night.
There is so overlap between Objectivism and libertarianism, but Rand hated libertarians.
> standard libertarian or a certain variety?
Often referred to as "anarcho-capitalism" in order to differentiate from softer or more "leftist" forms of lbiertarianism.
My gateway drug was For a New Liberty by Rothbard. He discusses how an ancap society could function without the state. Stefan has ripped some of Rothbards ideas and repackaged them as his own--like his "dispute resolution organizations."
FaNL is an easy read and makes for a great introduction, so I'd recommend starting there and then jumping into Hoppe's Democracy: The God That Failed when you're ready to get redpilled af.
Molyneux is despicable
Never trust a bald man
You're not going to appeal non whites to betray their self interest. No matter how empathetic you think they are, when they have to choose between the white privilege narrative and reality, they are going to choose narrative every time since that's where the gibs are. Bloody faces only makes you look weak. There's a reason why history is littered with hanged corpses, and not sad face posters.
t. Shill
They didn't even invent peanut butter.
>inventing electricity
Nice argument, brainlet.
How come California has so low black population compared to the rest of the country?
>in favor of more youtube views
This is the problem with people making shekels from YouTube.
"Equality," historically, meant equality before the law. A wealthy murderer and a poor murderer are both murderers, and should be judged as such.
In never referred to 'identicality' until relatively recently.
He doesn't have youtube ads enabled as far as I've seen.
Libertarianism, at least in America, started off with anarchist-socialists like Benjamin Tucker.
It started much earlier, with people like Thomas Paine.
Well, here's something to consider. Ryan Faulk used to be involved with the An Cap community quite a bit back in the day and was banned from Molymeme's "forum"? iirc, for talking about racial differences in iq, impracticality of having colors in ancapistan, etc. Recently, he made what appears to be a shout out to him, and you damn well know he exists because he's obsessed with how niggers are retarded. Eventually libertarians come to understand it's not really the idea of paying taxes that they hate, it's paying taxes to feed shaniqua and fight kike wars.
That's what he's always done. :/
I was never a huge fan but when he did his, "The Truth about Make-up," I tuned out.
Pandering Pandering pandering
>still being ancap
Because it's full of Mexicans who, unlike whites, feel no need to pretend they don't hate darkies.
>not realizing that Jewgle and Kikebook are CIA front operations
Are many male jews degenerates because their women are hideous?
These tech conglomerates are just functioning in a real free market capacity. They have a deep connection with the government that allows them to be as powerful as they are. Without the extreme concessions the government gives them they would not be even close to as influential as they are. Our agencies need to bust the monopolies and then go totally hands out.
Fuck Google, Facebook, Microsoft, etc.
*not functioning
Despite how good those quotes sound, Paine was at heart what we would consider a socialist or democratic socialist; he simply wanted to destroy TRADITIONAL society and replace it with a more "democratic" one including progressive taxation and guaranteed basic income He also consulted with Napoleon on plans to invade England, and opposed private/individual land ownership.
He has the guys to admit he's wrong and ancap is just a fucking joke.
This. "All men were created equal" was an enlightenment idea about the relation of man to the state (really, other men) and that no man should have power over another man. Not this multi-culti that it has been turned into today, which is just subversive Commie horse shit.
Yep, he's gone white nationalist and it's wonderful. He's 100% correct too! You agree because clearly you don't point anything wrong out.
Well Kokesh is a Jew so you shouldn't assume he's even operating in good faith. Libertarianism might be more jewish than Marxism.
>philosophy show
>no actual philosophy, just links to
You should start a real philosophy podcast. You can steal all his listeners when they see the genuine article and leave this con man behind.
Hahahaha please, hahahaha he is only drawing logical conclusions and following them, that's why you can't even mention ONE THING where he's wrong and resort to cheap jewish smear tactics.
I bet you're a gay poopy head and that's why you have these womanly opinions!
>I bet you're a gay poopy head and that's why you have these womanly opinions!
Kokesh is a JEW, he's only libertarian so he can push ideas that result in the death of whites from the other side.
>Not even pretending to be ancap anymore.
>Completely abandoned his ideology in favor of more youtube views.
What do you base this claim on?
I'm not a libertarian myself because libertarians endorse and condone the same degeneracy used by socialists to destroy society.
Socialism and Sex
>The Sexual Revolution and Children: How the Left Took Things Too Far
>'Look, My Vagina' - SPIEGEL ONLINE
>'That Hurts' - SPIEGEL ONLINE
This is Aldous Huxley's explanation for the sexualization of the general population.
>Simulated sex helps to dehumanize the whole act. The aim is to eliminate all emotion from the act so that, as Mustapha will later explain, loyalty to the state is never in competition with loyalty to an individual. The more that sex pervades every aspect of culture, the less important it becomes, and the less emotion attached to it.
Please stop conflating Minarchists and Anarchists.
Or dreadlocks. I think it was the spartans who wove their hair in thick strands to protect their necks from swordblows?
You just reminded me of a nother thing I don't like about libertarians. The open border ideology. It's totally insane in the short term or the long term.
>all ancaps are degenerate anti-white merchant pawns
No, sorry.
Watch his debate against Adam Cuckesh.
He's still being a "true" Libertarian.
What these companies are doing constitute a breach of contract. It's essentially a scam.
You can't just hide under the label of "private company" and expect Libertarians/AnCaps to mindlessly defend everything you do.
>Stefan was right though. How can you practice NAP with neighbors like, let say, muslims?
Civilization requires civilized people.
Why? What reason do people have to come to a nation when there's no government to give them shit? In terms of a large scale invasion, how did that work out for the English? If there's no power structure to capture, waging war becomes a drudge. Look at the US vs afghanistan. The US spent TRILLIONS trying to kill 50 guys.
Gee, I wonder what entity it was that hindered the technology industry through various direct and indirect regulations that made it hard for competitors to rise and come to fruition and these few entities to turn the technology sector into an oligopoly in the first place?
Just can't think of it.
Islam is an ideology that is predicated on the principle of conquest through force, which is an act of aggression and therefore it's self-defense to keep these people away.
>doesn't know what capitalism is
I don't know about your dictionary, but in our dictionary capitalism simply means "respect for private property"
It just happens that white Europeans are the ones with the best track record of respecting private property.
AnCap presents a set of ethics, not an economic theory.
Don't confuse it with the Austrian School of Economics, which would be the only school of economics compatible with an AnCap society.
You do know that AnCaps generally agree that in order to maintain an AnCap society, people should be free to discriminate and exclude other people, right? The right of free association implies the right of free dissociation.
All that crap only exists because the government can benefit their cronies and make businesses harder for competitors.
Christianity is by far the largest religion in the West. How come all Christian TV shows suck? Are Christians incapable of being entertaining? I personally find this hard to believe.
And don't get me started on education. Common Core was a direct attempt to dumb-fy your children by force. Homeschooling would be the proper AnCap choice.
he finally realized communists aren't human, there is no nap for subhuman filth
I bet that story about the squirrels is designed to cause arguments between people who hold conflicting political opinions. I see the beauty of competition in it's moral, in that, natural selection and evolution is a prime example of competition weeding out inferior designs, but at the same time not catering to one specific school of thought and how nature's basic principles are reflected in free market capitalism.
I bet a communist would use it to argue that even under a system that relied on competitiveness, there are enough acorns to go around anyway, so why don't we all save time and energy on the fighting and pool resources for a better life for everyone. About how conflict could be avoided and we could negate the need for a centralized government if not only wealth but the instruments of industry that create value were evenly distributed and jointly worked.
I dont know what a socialist would argue, he probably wouldn't argue at all, just regurgitate government propaganda.
LOL, he's been getting saner lately if anything.
> What reason do people have to come to a nation when there's no government to give them shit?
to live in a nice and wealthy area. That's what attracted so many people to the US originally. There was no welfare state, only opportunity. This created a system where only the best from all over the world would take the risk to come here. It worked out until the Jews made their way in and subverted the immigration system.
If all land is own privately, immigration isn't an issue. But, if there is "public" land, then that implies a state, and a state answers to people one way or another. Even in an absolute monarchy, the king needs to appease the people enough to not trigger an uprising. Politics is downstream from culture, and the people form the culture.
Examine what happened in the US. The US was the closest we had ever come to a libertarian utopia and it was easily subverted by Jews in the span of several decades.
Are socialists capable of coherent speech?
Is math related to science?